《Undeniable Attraction ✓》•Chapter 23•
Dedicated to for being the first voter
On Sunday I woke up exhausted, I had stayed late with the girls. Evie filled me in on what she did with Kel. She seemed excited as she talked. I stroked her hair as she slept, I wonder what I'd without her. Everyone had one person that supports and motivate them. Evie was that for me and I am so lucky to have her.
Good morning mommy." she greeted smiling widely.
"Morning sweetie, how was your night?" I asked smiling as she did.
"It was great. Can we go bath now I want to meet Kel."
"Kel? What business do you have with him?" it came out harsher than I intended.
"It's a secret." she replied running to the bathroom.
Secret? She tells me everything and now she's keeping a secret from because of Kel. How nice.
We got dressed for the day I just wore a big white shirt and a jean mini short and did the same for Evie. We came out of the room and when we passed by Kel's Evie thought it was a good idea to wake him.
"That's not a good idea Evie." I warned. I've never been to his room, it was off limit.
"But he's your husband, why do you even sleep separately?" she asked and I just stared at her unable to come up with an excuse.
"You can wake him then." I said thinking the door was locked but it wasn't.
She opened the door and ran in, I didn't want to enter the room at first but I did not wanting him to shout at Evie who was already jumping on the bed.
"Wakey wakey kel." she screamed turning the bed to a trampoline
"Evie get down from there now." I said sternly
"No. Wakey wakey kel." she continued and he opened his eyes causing me to gasp.
"Who the hell is it by this time? Today's Sunday for God's sake." he angrily said and he looked up to see Evie grinning.
"I'm sorry, she barged in here to wake you up. It won't happen again." I apologized picking her up.
He looked from me to Evie then sighed frustrated ruffling his hair and it was sexy. I motioned for her to apologize, I was expecting him to do something bad instead he took Evie from me and started tickling her and since she was really ticklish she was laughing in seconds.
"Stop." she screamed in between laughs.
Kel was laughing with her still tickling her and the view melted my heart. It felt nice to see them both this way. Who would have thought Kel would be friendly to a child.
"Why did you even wake me up?" he asked, more like whined.
"You were sleeping too much. It's ten already." she stated and he gave her a look that suggested and so?
I felt awkward just standing not being part of the conversation, I wanted to join in but what was I even supposed to say?
"Why don't you people stay together, other married people do."
"Evie." I warned and Kel looked up at me. Great. Maybe he's thinking I told her to ask him.
"You don't like her do you?" she asked.
"That's enough now. Let's go make breakfast. Aren't you hungry?" I asked scooping her up and she nodded.
She looked from me to Kel and frowned, when she smiled I knew she had come up with something. "Let's all make breakfast."
Kel looked at me with a raised brow, maybe asking if I was okay with it or if it was my plan.
"I'd go get ready. You can go wait for me downstairs." Kel replied.
When we left his room I decided to warn Evie about the questions again. "Evie you shouldn't ask questions like that okay."
"No questions on our marriage, you'd do that right?" I asked and she reluctantly nodded.
Kel came downstairs later and we started making preparations for the food.
"So what will you like to eat princess?" he asked and an over excited Evie mentioned all the foods she could think of.
" I have a cartoon to watch, I'd come back later for breakfast." she ran upstairs before I could tell her not to.
I turned to Kel, it seems like it was just us both. Did she leave us together on purpose?
"She's a smart one." he stated breaking the eggs.
"Yeah and she left a lot of orders." I said and he chuckled saying. " She's the princess after all. "
After that nothing was said till breakfast was made.
"Were you the one who told her to wake me?" he questioned
"No. I had nothing to do with that. She asked why we weren't sleeping together and decided to wake you."
The next morning I couldn't get out of bed. I was on my period and I had the worst cramps ever. Any moment from now Kel would barge in or just leave for work without me. Evie wasn't around either, she had gone on a three days trip with her nanny who was taking her kids out and her nanny had asked if Evie could go with them. I couldn't say no to Evie who was over excited about it and besides she would mingle with kids not adults who probably bore her out since she was the only kid here.
"West, why the hell aren't you ready?" Kel asked barging into the room. He must have been waiting for me downstairs.
He looked at me and walked towards me. "Is everything alright with you?" he asked calmly.
"I'm fine, it's just my... " I stopped because I was embarrassed to start talking about my period with him.
He seemed to have gotten the hint, "Your period?" he asked just to be sure and I nodded a little.
"Is there anything you need?" he surprised me by asking, I was thinking he'd have left for work already.
"No, no. I'm okay thanks for asking." I said trying to sit upright but the way my back and stomach hurt made me lay down back and he seemed to have seen that.
"You're on your period, I know you're not fine so don't pretend to be." he said leaving.
I sighed when he left. Now I just have to find a way to get out of bed, make breakfast, take medicines, have my bath and sleep. I couldn't go to work today, I obviously couldn't get anything done.
I wrapped my hand around my stomach as a sharp pain hit me and I felt a tear slip. It was during this period I wished I was a boy, it was so unfair that we had to deal with this. I managed to get out of bed but could only reach my door. I just squat putting my hands around my stomach, this was just too bad.
Surprisingly the door opened but what surprised me most was that it was Kel and he was with a tray of food. I've never been happy to see Kel until now. He didn't leave, he was making breakfast for me.
"Gosh West, what are you doing on the floor?" he asked keeping the tray on the table and carrying me up. He placed me on the bed then brought the tray to me.
"You should eat, you can take the medicine after." he spoke softly staring at me and I just nodded.
"Thank you." I said managing a small smile.
There was sandwich on the tray and apple juice there was even a tablet. I just stared at him dumbfounded. Why would he do this?
"You're not eating? Do you want to wash up first?" he asked gently and I nodded.
He went to the bathroom and came out a few minutes later carrying me to the bathroom picking me up gently and holding me as if I was fragile. He dropped me on my feet and left. I quickly brushed my teeth, stripped off and got into the water. He had already prepared a bath for me so I just got into the tub, the warm water calming me down and soon enough I slept.
The continuous knock on the door was what stirred me up. "Are you still there West?" he asked when he didn't get a response and just walked in.
"Why didn't you answer me? I thought something happened to you." he said looking at me with worry
Kel was worried about me?
"Don't tell me you fell asleep." he said chuckling
"What if I was just ignoring you?" I asked and he raised his brows.
"Falling asleep in the bath, it sure suits you."
"What do you even want here?" I asked getting annoyed
"Do you need anything?" he asked and I shook my head.
Instead of him to leave he walked closer to me, I was in the bath tub for crying for loud and I was naked except from the lather that was covering me.
"What... What do you want?" I nervously asked
"I'm just going to wash you up since you've been sleeping." he said with a smirk.
"I'm on my period not paralyzed idiot, my hands are working perfectly I don't need your help." I angrily said.
So he was just looking for an avenue to touch me, perverted bastard. Instead of him to touch me where I thought he wanted to he just grabbed a shampoo and started washing my hair.
"You have a dirty mind West." he said smirking. "But if you're thinking of me touching you so much I just might grant you that."
"You wish, you're not going to be touching me at all Adrios. Let that sink into your head." I angrily said.
"No, it should sink into yours that I get what I want." he whispered seductively in my ear and that stupid spark ran through my body. The tingles continued as he massaged any scalp, it was soothing.
He wants me? If he thinks he can get me then he's crazy. Nothing is ever going to happen between us.
After washing my hair he left and I washed up. I wore a big blue tee shirt and black balengcias track before going to the room. Kel was still there typing something on his phone, he looked up when I got in and motioned for me to eat. I ate and took the medicine.
I was surprised Kel hadn't left for work. His schedule was full today and he had a lot to do yet he stayed a bit to take care of me.
"I'd be leaving now, you should rest." he said standing up
"I could come with you, I'm feeling better now." I said, I was going to stay here alone, bored as hell.
"Just rest well West. Trust me you're going to need it. You'd work a lot tomorrow." with that said he left and I slept.
I let out a startled scream when I woke. In the room was a young girl I didn't even know.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I asked
"I'm sorry to startle you Mrs Adrios. I'm Linda Mr Adrios sent me here to watch you till he gets back. He said you weren't feeling too well."
"He asked you to watch me?" I asked just to be sure and she nodded. Why would he do that?
"Can I ask you a question?" before I could reply she asked anyway. "Is it morning sickness, are you pregnant?"
I laughed hearing her questions, so she thought I was pregnant with Kel's child, that's not even possible. "No I'm not, it's just cramps." I explained
"Oh. " she sounded disappointed. "So it's just cramps and he was so worried, I thought you were pregnant. He told me to make sure you take your medicine, sleep and eat. I shouldn't disturb you and make sure you don't do anything. He sounded so worried and it was just because of cramps. Gosh someone has to love me like this someday."
If only she knew what we had was far from love. She sure did talk a lot, she looked to be eighteen or twenty and I had no idea why she would be working as a help. "So are you a help?"
"No my mom is. I'm just filling in for her because she's sick. You have no idea how excited I am about meeting you. My classmates are going to be so envious. Could we maybe take pictures later? "
I nodded and she left to do some things. I requested for ice cream and cookies and just watched Riverdale and slept after that. It was evening by the time I woke up and decide to make dinner. I went to the kitchen to see Linda cleaning.
"Is there anything you want ma'am?" she asked as I walked in
"No, nothing. Please don't call me ma'am, I'm too young for that Shayan is okay with me." I said and she smiled.
"Do you want dinner or something?" she asked.
"Yeah. Let's make dinner or something. Kel would soon be back."
She went grocery shopping for some things and when she came back we started preparing dinner. By the time we were done it was eight.
"Thank you so much for helping out." I said hugging her
"You're welcome." she said smiling. I gave her some food and some money. She was reluctant to accept but later did.
I decided to check my phone since I hadn't through out the day. I went upstairs and saw my phone. There was a missed call from my mom and dad. A video call from Evie and a text from Kel .
I waited for a reply but I didn't get any. I decided to just freshen up. I wore a big black shirt with a mini short under and packed my hair in a messy bun. I waited for Kel to come home, I was hungry but I had to be a dutiful wife and wait for him. I called back everyone that called me. It was so good to see my parents were having a good time and Evie was so excited to show me all the fun things she did. I couldn't wait for her to be back. I logged into my Instagram checking my notifications. I had lots of dms and followers notification. I went through some of them, there were some from some celebs congratulating me on my the wedding. I had even gotten a dm from an outstanding clothing line that wanted me to model their new collection. I even had offers from hair stylist, make up artists, designers name it. I felt honoured, for them to want me to work with them. I wasn't really okay with my body type, I had a lot of insecurities but for them to have taken interest in me was nice, it was a wonderful offer I'd Love to accept.
Few minutes later the door opened and it was Kel. I stood up to greet him. He looked tense and angry so I just decided against it. I had waited an hour for him and I wasn't expecting him to be in a sour mood. He walked past me as if he didn't notice me.
"Wait up Adrios." I said going after him.
"What do you want West? I don't have time to talk to you." he angrily said
"I made dinner for you, would you like to eat? " I asked and he stared at me angrily
"I don't have time for that. Get away West." he angrily said
"What the hell is your problem? I'm the one on my period yet you're the one acting like you are." I angrily said, he looked at me for a while and just went up the stairs.
He just walked away, he ruined my mood already and I had to know what got him angry so I followed him.
"For God's sake what's your deal with me West?" he angrily asked
I wanted to reply angrily but decided against it. "Dinner I made dinner for you, for us. I've been waiting for you so we could eat, I made your favorite food too. You can freshen up and come back for dinner because my food and time isn't going to waste." I said the last sentence a bit harsh.
He said nothing and went upstairs, surprisingly he came down few minutes later. I had already set the table so everything was set and he just sat down.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked filling his plate
"Mind your business West." he angrily said hitting the fork on the table.
"Fine, fine." I said raising my hands up in the air.
I took my plates to the kitchen to eat there, why did I even care if he was angry. What got me angry was that I had made dinner for him, waited for him to come home, it was crazy already but I guess I just wanted to repay him for this morning. I was eating my food in peace when he sat beside me. I ignored him eating quietly. None of us said anything, when I was done he pulled me back as I stood up and I just glared at him
"Thanks for dinner." he said calmly and I nodded pulling my hand away from him.
"How do you feel now?" he asked and I just answered saying good drily.
After washing the plates I went to bed. As I settled in bed I heard a knock on the door. What does he want now?
"Come in. " I said and he opened the door "What do you want now? "
"I just wanted to make sure you're okay." he calmly answered. He was so confusing.
"I'm fine Adrios."
"Okay goodnight." he said then left.
Why do I feel like he wanted to say more than that?
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Su Xue, a woman in her mid 20s, is struggling both in paying rent and finding her path in life. Her latest stint has her trying to become a popular League of Legends streamer, though to poor results. One day, she is interrupted in the middle of a livestream by a surprise visit from her landlady. She is informed that she will be having a new roommate. The landlady’s nephew, Lin Feng, a 18 year old boy who has just transferred over to Shanghai for his last year of high school.Though initially opposed to it, Su Xue reluctantly agrees to the arrangement. She learns that the two share a common interest—League of Legends—and that he’s really amazing at the game. Lin Feng also reveals to her he wishes to become the best professional League of Legends player in the world.The next day. Lin Feng attends his first day of school as a transfer student at High School 13. He meets Ouyang and Yang Fan, and the trio find a common passion in League of Legends. Lin Feng is then introduced to Ren Rou, the president of the esports club with a fiery personality, and Tang Bingyao, a quiet bookworm with a love for money and a surprising talent for the game.A little about Lin Feng’s past is revealed. He was a once pro player, the youngest in history and a contender for the best player in the world. Until the finals of the Season 1 World Championship. There, he lost to his arch-rival, an equally brilliant Korean youth. That was the peak of his career, and also the turning point in his life. He stepped down from his team and disappeared from competitive play altogether. Now, after a four year long hiatus, he aims to make a comebackOver the next couple of weeks, Lin Feng learns about the upcoming Shanghai 16 School Tournament, and that his school’s esports club had performed especially poorly the previous year. He agrees to coach the club’s team and help them win the first place trophy this year. And so, he starts the members of the club out on an intense training bootcamp.Meanwhile, the Season 5 League of Legends World Championship is taking place at around the same time. Tian Tian, one of Lin Feng’s former teammates and best friend, is on one of the Chinese teams playing at Worlds. After a poor showing, he is on the verge of a mental breakdown. Lin Feng witnesses everything in a viewing party with the esports club members and becomes worried.On the day of the Shanghai 16 School tournament, Lin Feng reunites with Tian Tian on the phone. He tells Tian Tian he’s going to return to the professional scene, that he’s making a new team and plans to invite him. But Tian Tian has to vow not to give up at Worlds and keep winning. Tian Tian agrees, and Lin Feng promises he’ll fight alongside him. Lin Feng then heads into his match with renewed resolve, to climb from the bottom all the way back to the top, and overcome the rival that defeated him so many years ago.
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