《ɪɴsᴛᴀ ʟᴏᴠᴇ;ᴊ.ᴊᴋ》XXX



*its been two years since you and Jungkook met, this marks the first time he has ever laid eyes on you. Falling hopelessly in love with you by only knowing you with such sort amount of time. Crazy, but definitely not impossible*

(Y/n) P.O.V.

"What?" I looked at Kook in a worried manner since he's been gazing in my direction for a good minute now.

"You're the reason I'm always smiling" he says softly still lost in my eyes

"Letting you go doesn't cross my mind once" he kept on rambling, I was so confused

"Jungkook is there something wrong?"

"(Y/n) I wanted to know if you-"



Oh my

"HYUNG WE NEVER DID ANYTHING...well on this couch at least" Jungkook grins at Jin

I smacked his arm feeling a bit embarrassed!

"I'm not gonna lie to them now am I?" He smirks at me while kissing my forehead

"Did you just admit to committing sins?!" Jin looks unamused

"You're lucky they weren't on this couch"

"JUNGKOOK!" I shrieked


Oh shocker....that came from Jimin, what a diva....damn

"THEY'RE BEING NAUGHTY!" Jin yelled back

Jimin popped his head out from the door and so did Tae

"Can we watch" they said in unison

"NOT LIKE THAT YOU PERVS!" Jin quickly exclaimed

"Well as much as I enjoyed this little parent game, me and (Y/n) have plans today" Jungkook gets up putting a coat on

"We do?" I was completely lost at this point

"Yes we do, let's go" he grabbed my hand as I waved to the others goodbye

"What are we doing today??" He looked so focus as if he planned everything out already


"We've been together for two years and you thought I wasn't gonna go all out today?" He gave me a side smile while turning on the car

"Well I didn't think you'd actually want to celebrate it-"

"Love, I literally celebrated our first day of being together don't even" he pecked my lips softly then went back to concentrating on the road

*time skip*

Jungkook's P.O.V.

"Where are we goingggg?" My beautiful girlfriend kept whining

"We're here!" I quickly parked getting out of the car rushing to her side to open the the door for her

"Kook you didn't have to do that you know?" She laughs, I love her laugh

"I'd do anything for you" i smile widely being so happy at the fact that I made her laugh

"Stoppp" she hugs me tightly, i can't stop smiling. Her embrace feels so loving, so much love in such little action

"Come, I hope you know where we are" I took her hand and led her inside

"No way" her eyes sparkled just by looking at the place again

"The puppy cafe? This was where we first met in person..." she smiles as if it was just yesterday when that happened

"This is the place I finally met the love of my life" I'm starting to get nervous

"Jungkook" she softly whispered

Today's the day

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"What do you want to eat, Princess?"

He leads me to a table

"You don't have to spoil me you know? I feel like a bother when you do" I spoke softly

"You better start getting use to it, I don't plan on stopping" he grabs the menu pointing at foods till i choose one

"But Jungk-"

"You know what let's just get one of everything, and get some good cuisines" he went off the order


What a loser

I shake my head not being able to contain the smile he always manages to make me show.

"A very cute loser" I sigh

Do I even deserve this?

I feel as though he could have something better...I don't know but he's too goo to be true.

Yet it is true

I never felt love, but he makes it seem so easy to feel that. The thought of him gone...

"Baby what's wrong? Look at me" Kook wiped something of my cheek then start placing kisses on my face

I giggled since it started tickling

"What do you mean? I'm fine" I looked at him, the thoughts coming back

"You're crying, I don't like that"

I rub my eyes

Oh shit, I was crying

"I'm sorry, I'm just thinking about something..."

"Tell me! I'll cry with you, I don't care" he sits on his knees laying his head on my lap

"What if you leave me?"

"Leave you?"

"I don't want to loose you, I'm even lucky to have you by my side for 2 years...what if that stops-" my eyes started loosing it

"Look at me" he tilts my head to face him. I couldn't

"(Y/n) look at me" his grip loosens he starts to move away

I noticed he wasn't close anymore then looked at him

Oh my god

On one bended knee, with a small black box opened to reveal one of the most expensive looking things in my whole life

"(Y/n) (l/n) I know that the way we met was something so unreal and unexpected. The moment I saw you, was the moment I knew I had to make you mine. Wheather it took days, months, years, all I wanted was to be with you. I knew from the start I had to tell you who I truly was, I trusted you right off the bat. I was told I'm a whole dumbass for doing so, but I knew I couldn't have been wrong. Every time I'm with you...I feel complete, like nothings missing...just you and me"

He started tearing up

"I may not have been your first boyfriend, or your first love...but (Y/n) please....please let me be your last...(Y/n) will you marry me?"

I covered my mouth while letting out tears of pure joy.


I locked my lips on to his putting as much love and passion into the kiss as I could.

He pulls away, looking into my eyes with all the adoration he has for me.

Jungkook grabs my left hand, and slowly placed the engagement ring on my finger

"I will always be in love with you (y/n)"

I smile widely letting a tear roll down

"I love you" he whispers into my ear softly

"I love you too Jungkook" I peck his lips gently

I didn't think I can love a man this much...Jungkook, you really are something.

I just wanted to say thank you for all the love and support on this story, I wanted to continue it with a part 2 book but I ended up posting a Jimin ff LAMOA- thank you so so much, you are all wonderful and I loved reading all the comments. I will be writing more here and there, if you'd like to stick around I'd love that so much. Thank you, loves!!!

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      To Be Continued...
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