《ɪɴsᴛᴀ ʟᴏᴠᴇ;ᴊ.ᴊᴋ》XV



*a week later*


someone please tell to pick me up, Jimin is being a buttface😤


Jimin was supposed to be with me todayyyy😣💔

he is a buttface tho🤡


that reminded me of kookie😖💗

seems like you're having fun without me tho? So why am I needed...

oh no


here it comes


just go keep having fun, clearly I'm just a bother!


WHEN YOU AND JIMIN WERE CLEARLY HAVING THE TIME OF YOUR FUCKING LIVES! Especially with Jimin! So go ahead stay with him...

wow...that's exactly why all I've been doing with him was asking him for help on what to get you for our 9 month anniversary...and how your birthday was close...since he's your bestie I thought I'd ask him for help...this whole "HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE" thing was for you....it was just all for you...

wait (y/n) I'm sorry I didn't know

yeah? Well now you do, thanks a lot

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I pressed my head on the window and felt my eyesight get blurry

"Ha great tears...love that" I wiped them off but they still continued to fall down

"I'm sorry (y/n)..." you heard Jimin speak out softly

"You shouldn't be sorry, he shouldn't have taken it wrong...you're my close friend he should know that" I couldn't help but stumble on my words at the end since my tears just kept on going

"I shouldn't have flirted with you in the first place! I shouldn't have caught feelings for you either..." he mumbled the last part but I heard it loud and clear


"You like me..." I was shocked but if he said yes I couldn't be able to return the feelings...I still love the jealous man I'm with ha

"When I saw you through the first FaceTime call I couldn't help it okay! Then I met you and your personality is so beautiful and you're so fun to be around it hurts when I see you and kook together but I got use to it! I shouldn't even be saying this right now but (y/n) I love you, and I know you can't return the feeling back but at least let me be your friend I don't want to stop being what we are right now...even if I am in love with you...I'll move on, for you...you being happy and just smiling with Jungkook is all I need. I never want to ruin you and his relationship (y/n) I care about both of you to much to even think about doing that...I just wish I would have stopped myself from getting to close to you..."

He stopped the car and looked at you

You hugged him tightly

"Thank you for being there for me, you don't have to be sorry...I love being there for you and all the fun times we share, you'll find the girl that truly deserves you trust me...date my sister" you and Jimin bursted put in laughter

"If she's related to you I'm guessing she's gorgeous?"

"Very look"

I scrolled through my camera roll looking for a picture to show him

"Ah found one look" you pointed to the girl on the right

"She's- hot" he took your phone to exam the photo

"Well I'll give you her number from there...you do your thing got it?"

He smiled and nodded


After all that Jimin then dropped you off at your house

"Bye mochi" you hugged Jimin goodbye

"Bye cutie" he laughs

He got back in his car and started driving away

I was all alone now

I couldn't help it...I just broke down

"Is he mad at me still?" I tried to wipe as many tears as I can just to see where my Keys are

"Maybe Kai will help me"

"Fuck my makeup! I look like I just got into a breakup..."

Guess who started crying again? Yes (y/n) started crying again

"I'm not losing him (y/n) stop crying" I chuckled a bit through my tears

I unlocked the door and went inside

"Everything's dark...I hope Kai's okay"

I went to the light switch


My eyes widened as the lights turned on by themselves...well I thought it was by themselves

I turned around

There he was with our baby Kai

He places Kai down

"Did I mention I could be a jealous little bitch sometimes, and how i could be a dumbass to the point where it could drive you away from me one day. I'm an idiot I know that...I should have never thought that you and Jimin would do something like that to me it's just...I know he likes you and I can't..."

He stopped and breathed in then let it out...his breathing seemed shaky

He lifted his head up and you saw it

You saw the red puffy eyed man trying to compose himself but couldn't

"I can't lose you"

He cracks at the end


"No, I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...I don't know why I became jealous, he even told me he was in love with you and said he'd never try anything but...I just- I can't help but feel as though you deserve better..."

"Shut up"

He looked up at you still crying

"Stop, shush, no! This is normal! You and me having a problem that's normal...you getting jealous is normal...Trust me my ass will get jealous of other women around you! I just wished you would have asked what's going on first...but it's okay! I don't like Jimin like that he confessed to me today and i told him to date my fucking sister...she'll thank me later"

He laughed a bit and smiled while wiping his tears away

"I wouldn't do that to you, please trust me with that"

He nods and lets out sad sigh


Why does he have to literally kiss me when I'm trying to fricken talk!

I couldn't help but melt into the kiss, just him putting so much love and passion into it made me feel so wanted

He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine

"I love you...I really fucking do"

He pulls you closer to him tightly as you wrapped you arms around his neck

"I'm sorry" you both said at the same time but just laughed it off



Did y'all make out yet?!

Me and Jungkook read the text and started dying



I couldn't stop laughing at how idiotic he is sometimes


Oh Jin, yes we made up


That's good, daughter :)


Stop texting I'm trying to make out with your daughter-JK



I started dying again at Jungkook's message

"You're cute if you think I'm kidding"

"Guess I'm cute then..." you started getting all embarrassed

"You really are, come here"

Let's just say...maybe jin was right about the devil child part ;)

Wow I didn't update for 2 days, guess I just needed an idea to spark. THANK YOU FOR READING MY BOOKKK if you are :)💞

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