《ʟᴏꜱᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ》10.



"Arms." I said as he pushed his two arms through the winter jacket. I zipped up the front and let him spin around.

"Do you feel warm?" I asked.

"Yeah, but we're inside."

Who would've knew how expensive good winter coats are, I've been using the same one since I was eighteen.

The one that Rylan was trying on had a zipper and buttons, with fur on the hood. It draped right above his knees and he looked pretty warm.

I smiled.

"I like it." I nodded. He shrugged it off before we walked to the cash.

I got my first pay check last week and it's been amazing. I took Rylan on the subway for the first time and he loved it.

"Look we're heading for the bridge, look out the window." Rylan climbed on my lap and stared out the window of the train.

"Look at the buildings! They just woosh by so fast! We're so high! It's like flying! It's so cool!"

He loved it so much and it just warmed my heart seeing him so gracefully happy and content with himself.

When we arrived back at the apartment Rylan ran off into his room as I unpacked the groceries I had brought.

There was a knock and I rose a brow while unlocking the bolts.


"Aren't you supposed to be with Kameron or something?" I asked while walking back into the kitchen to place the cereal in the cabinet.

"He's with Khyson, some thing about a guys night."

My body shivered at his name, I quickly shook it off and nodded.

"They're friends?" I asked.

"Idiots, they're idiots. They're best friends but when they're together they cause mad chaos, their only chill moods are in the office.. he never told you?" She asked. I shook my head and she laughed.


"Well yeah, Khyson was going through a rough patch when Kameron helped him, it really brought them together."


Rough patch? Hm, interesting.

"How's Rylan?" She adverted her words at my undeniably uncomfortable-ness. I smiled and turned on my heels.

"He's.. thriving, I bought him a winter jacket today, it's getting real cold."

She nodded and I leaned my arms forward to stare back at her.

"How are you?"

"I'm good."

"How are you really?" She asked. I stood up and began to turn the stove on.

"I'm... good." I nodded.

"Ariya, if you ever need me to watch Rylan I'll do it, you deserve some me time." She stressed, pursing her lip together.

"Thanks.. but I'm okay." I smiled. She rounded the corner, right as I turned around we were face to face.

"I'm not gonna get anything out of you, aren't I?" She cupped my cheeks aggressively while smooshing my face together.

"No." My word were mumbled due to her hands.

"Figures." She sighed. She pecked my forehead and waltzed away.

Maybe I could get used to having a friend again, a best friend maybe.

"How about we have a girls night, plus Rylan. Tonight?" She proposed. I cracked a smile

"And what would this girls night include?" I pondered while walking over to the couch to pick up some of Rylans toys.

"I'll cook, we'll watch a movie, do face masks, whatever you want." She was like a begging child. I placed the stray toys in his box and stared back at her with a hand on my hip.

It might be nice to get my mind off some things.

"Okay, sure."

"Yay! You go relax and when I'm done cooking I'll call you." She jumped. I sighed and walked into Rylan's room to check on him.


"He's out." I stared down at Rylan on my lap and saw him asleep with my hand clutched in his. I smiled and stroked his head with my other hand.


"Let me take him to his bed." I sighed. I carefully lifted him up over my shoulder as his chin rested on my shoulder.

I walked down the hall and peeled the covers over before placing him upon the blue sheets, then pulled the covers over him.

I sat on the edge and stared down at him.

Rylan Johnson, why do you have to look so much like him?

I gave him Khyson's last name so he wouldn't completely be stripped of his father. But it was also a little bit for me, for me to have something left..

I kissed his forehead before whispering a quick love you and walked out.

I saw a note on the couch.

Kameron came back here drunk, had to go. Goodnight <3

- Amara

I sighed and walked over to the kitchen to clean up her mess. Until realizing I had given her my phone.

"Dammit." I mumbled.

I shrugged a sweater over my tank and walked next door. I knocked twice and heard some shuffling before the lock unlocked.

I glanced down at my appearance, a tight tank and short Cotten shorts. Eh, like Amara cares.

The door opened and I glanced up.


"Khyson." I word slipped my mouth, it all happened to fast. How would he react? He's mad.

His son is next door sleeping.

"Mr. Johnson, what are you doing here?" I quickly corrected myself. He leaned himself against the wall to reveal Amara helping a drunk Kameron to the couch.

But I couldn't keep my eyes off him. He was dressed in jeans and a blue tee. The fabric way too tight.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with an amused smirk.

"I live next door." I shivered.

"I see."

I stared into his eyes, waiting for him to look away. For him to speak, but it seemed like none of those things seemed to come. His eyes felt the same, warm and comforting.

"Ariya?" Amara's voice snapped us away from eachother before my vision unfocused him and focused on Amara.

"I came for my phone, I think you might've took it by accident?" I asked with my hands pressed together.

"How about we all pitch in to carry Kameron to my room then I give you your phone?" She smiled.

I glanced at Mr. Johnson and we both walked over.

"Let me." He said. I watched as he grabbed Kameron's body and slung him over his shoulder.

"Hey! I'm-hey Ariya! Put me down!"

They both disappeared behind Amara's bedroom door and I chuckled.

"He's a handful, here, sorry." She apologized and handed me my cell phone. I sighed.

I watched as he walked out and cracked his neck, running a stressed hand over his face.

"Your driver outside?" Amara teased him.

"I took the subway."

"Wow, I would've never thought." I gaped, he chuckled jokingly and I smiled.

"Is it that surprising that I don't have my driver following me around at all times?" He asked. I glanced at Amara while giving her a knowingly look.



We both answered.

"Okay well, you two have a good night, I'll see you on Monday, Ariya." He said as the shrugged his jacket and shoes on before walking out.

"He doesn't drive?"

"He does, he claims to like people driving him around better."

He didn't drive.

I know when we were younger he didn't drive because of what happened but I thought he'd grown out of it, move on. Maybe not.

"Rich people." She sighed. I laughed.

"Okay, well goodnight." She patted my shoulder and let me go.

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