《ʟᴏꜱᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ》6.



"Please be safe and don't misbehave, okay?" I bent down to lecture him. He nodded and I gave him one last hug.

"I got it, mama."

"Okay, I love you." My voice was shakey.

It's always been just Rylan and I, even when I moved out of Zion's. Us against the world.

Now I was letting him go.

I swear to god, if your cry. I scolded myself.

"I love you more, bye mama!" He yelled as I watched his big backpack bounce on his back, his small body disappearing within the kids.

I sighed and got back into the car. Opening my phone I noticed my Lock Screen. It was a picture of Rylan and I, he clung to my side while we laid in bed. I smiled and finally clicked the button off before pulling out of the lot.


First day jitters, that's all it was. Jitters.

Just work, no biggie.

Work with your sons father.

I took a deep inhale and walked through the revolving doors. There Kameron sat on the reception desk while chatting with the young woman. She giggled and he flashed her a charming smile.

"Ah, Ariya!" He welcomed me and I chuckled.

"Good morning." I replied while walking up to the desk.

"I'll talk to you later Vera." He tapped the desk before his eyes met mine.

"Mr. Johnson tasked me with touring the building for you." He held his elbow out making me grab it as we walked into the elevator.

"Why thank you." I said.

We went through all of the floors, sales, service all that. And my heart was pounding when we reached the top.

"And this is where you will be working alongside yours truly." He bowed. I stared at the two large metal doors as his eyeline followed mine.

"Scared of the big guy?" He sighed. I shook my head and snapped out of it.

"You'll be fine, come on let me show you your office." The limited offices on this floor were clear glass, meaning you could see into each and every one of them.

Great, and mine was right in view of Mr. Johnson, just great.

"Nice view? Right?" Kameron said, I nodded with a small smile.

He dug through a filing cabinet before handing me a file.

"Here's a file of all the vacant properties in New York City, Mr. Johnson wants you to skim through them. My office is right there if you need anything, good luck." He said before leaving.


"Thanks." I smiled.

I watched him leave and settled in. I sat in the swivel chair and switched on the desktop. I dragged on a long sigh before spinning around in my chair.

I smiled to myself before the two metal doors opened and Khyson Johnson strutted out of his office. He stared straight at me before I hid my face behind the screen.

Ugh, kill me now.


My phone began to ring and I furrowed my brows before picking it up.

"Ariya?" It was Kameron.

"Kameron?" I asked.

"Mr. Johnson wants to see you, now."

My heart dropped and a lining of sweat coated my forehead. I shivered before nodding at him through the glass and standing up. Smoothing my skirt down and opening the big metal doors.

"Ms. Kingston? We knock first." He demanded.

"Im so sorry." I turned around to walk out before he stopped me.

"Stay, I'll cut you some slack since it's your first day."

"Sit." He demanded.

I stumbled into the leather chair and stared back at him, he placed his finger on a file and slid it down the desk.

I furrowed my brows and picked it up.

"Out of the forty buildings I gave you, you think that one has the most potential. The broken down movie theatre on 32st?" He leaned back.

"Well-the structure is amazing. With the fitting of the shape on the first floor. It just needs some renovating."

"That very building has been abandoned for thirty years."

"I'm aware, I just, the first floor is immaculate, if the floors were remodelled I think it would be great as a condo lease, even if the rectangular build of the lower half was molded with glass in-"

His stare burned into me.

"Or not." I stuttered.

"That's phenomenal."

A small smile was etched onto my face, we talked a bit more until he dismissed me.


"Any plans for tonight?" I asked Kameron as we stepped off the elevator.

"Plans with my girl." I smiled, I didn't know he had a girlfriend.

"That's nice, well have a nice night." He mumbled a quick "you too" before getting into his car.

I slipped inside my car glanced at the clock.


I cursed will turning my key. I was twenty minutes late. Twenty! Oh gosh, I'm a terrible mom.

When I finally arrived at the school Rylan and his teacher stood outside as he sat on the concrete with a frown. I rushed out and Rylan jerked his head up.


"I'm so sorry I'm late, I-"

"Could I speak with you?" She waited for my name.

"Ariya.. Kingston."

"Ms. Kingston." I furrowed my brows.

"Okay, let me just get him in the car." I smiled. I walked Rylan to the car and gave him my phone to entertain himself before walking back.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

"Did Rylan attended any preschools in the past?"

"No." I shook my head in disagreement.

"That's very surprising, he's incredibly smart. We asked everyone to say their name and their favourite colour. He then proceeded to explain that it was brown because it was so widely used, and how beautiful the shade is."

I knew Rylan was a smart kid but was he above learning level?

"He even said pardon to a student, I widely encourage you to allow him to get tested.. I assume he's gifted."

I shook my head and looked down, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"I taught him a lot that's all, he's not gifted." I smiled.

"Oh, okay." She nodded a bit.

"Is that all?" I asked.

"Yes, it was nice meeting you." I nodded and ran into my car. After shutting the door I began to start the car and drove off.

"What did Miss vee want?" He asked innocently. I looked at him through the rear view mirror and smiled sympathetically.

I never wanted Rylan to live un-normally, without knowing his dad, even if he was smarter. I knew he was just curious, not gifted. It's just what I've taught him, if I had never took that extra time he wouldn't be so advanced. All I wanted for him was to be a happy four year old with no worries.

"Nothing important, how was your day?" I asked.

"It was amazing! I made two friends, mama! Two! Their names are Julie and Anthony, Julie said she wants to have a play date with me!" He smiled.

I chuckled and felt my heart warm at my happiness.

"That's great." I laughed.


"Arms up, head." He pulled his arms through his red pyjama shirt and gave me a toothy grin.

"All set." I patted his head and watched him jump into my bed.

"I'm gonna go get some water, stay here." I told him before walking out.

I made my way into the kitchen before hearing some banging outside the door.

Was Amara moving another couch?

I sighed and walked out into the hallway, I saw Amara pressed against the wall as a guys broad back faced me.

"Ariya!" She shot her head to the side with an embarrassed blush. Resting her chin on the guy's shoulder.

"Did you just say, Ariya?" The man asked.

"Mhm, my neighbour." She nodded.

The man turned his head and I was face with Kameron.

Great, now he knows I live in this shitty apartment. And I'm also in cotton shorts and a tank with no bra, great, just great.

"Kameron?" My eyes wide as saucers.

"So Ariya Kingston's your neighbour? Small world."

"And Amara is your girl?" I grinned.

"Wait, how do you two know eachother?" Amara asked with two furrowed brows while looking between us.

"She just got a job for Mr. Johnson, who's she undeniably afraid of." He chuckled.

"I am most certainly not." I gritted and they both laughed.

"That's crazy." I sighed.

"I'm tired as fuck, come in when you're done." She sighed and flashed me a small smile before ducking through him into her apartment.

"So this is where you live?" He leaned back on the wall.

"Surprised I don't live in some big condo, we're not all rich." I crossed my arms with a smirk.

"No, I just didn't think you'd be living next door to my girlfriend. Good luck, these walls are thin." He smirked.

"You two must go at it like dogs? Huh?" I joked.

"I guess you'll find out, you must have a boyfriend?" He asked.

"I do actually." I nodded.

"Okay, I'll believe it when I see it." He laughed, I frowned and watched him wink at me.

"You're bolder outside of work, anyone tell you that?"

"Yes actually."

"Mama!" We both Heard Rylan call. I bit my lip.

He couldn't know, Amara was bound to tell him. I'll call her, maybe? Just him knowing, was too much right now.

"I have to go." I said quickly before shutting the door closed.


Could you maybe not tell Kameron ab Rylan? If it's not a problem?

If you don't mind me asking why?

Just work :)

Alright, Goodnight <3




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