《To New York》Chapter 3 : "You Must Be Kidding Me?!"


Today was my first day at work and I'm dreading it mainly because I've been in a salty mood ever since that argument at the café. Who the hell was he? and what gave him the idea that it would be fine for him to walk all over me?! White boy got me fucked up for real. I already showered and did my hair and makeup, I just had to choose an outfit. I was dressing to impress today, like I usually do! The weather outside wasn't cold but it definitely wasn't warm either so I decided to wear my orange coat-dress and paired it with my stilettos and black purse.

I twirled around while looking at myself in the mirror, a B looked classy. I checked the time and I had 35 minutes to get to work, I gathered all my stuff and walked out of my apartment locking the door. I jogged to the elevator and waited for one

"Amanda?" I heard a familiar voice behind me so I turned around locking eyes with De'arra

"De'arra! It's so good seeing you" I said hugging her, it was good seeing a familiar face. She pulled back with a smile on her face

"It's good seeing you again,I didn't know you lived here ! Where you heading looking all cute ?" she asked while smirking at me

I chuckled at her, "it's my first day at work today, so I'm dressing to impress" I said while shrugging my shoulders

"That's definitely the right outfit then, let me not waste any of your time then but give me your number so we can keep in contact" she said while passing me her phone, I punched in my number and gave her phone back to her

"Uhmm... we'll catch up some other time, I really have to get to work" I said while tightening my grip on my purse


"Oh yea! See you later babe, enjoy your first day" she said waving while walking backwards

"Bye !" I waved at her and walked away


It's been 7 hours since I arrived at work and I have been busy ever since, weren't first days suppose to be free days? I didn't even get a tour or introductions, I was instantly given tons of work, files to sort out, Names of employees to varify and data to punch into the computer! I had my own office since I was the supervisor in the Human Resources department, the office was styled to my liking so I didn't really have to make any changes. After what felt like hours, I was done sorting all the files and the rest of the work and it was nearly 5 PM, I was exhausted and starving.

I grabbed the stack of files on my desk and walked out of my office, heading to the office of the head department, Mrs Brown. I knocked on her door and heard a faint 'come in'

"You're done?" her eyes widen when she sees me enter her office with the stack of files in my arms

"Yes, I skipped my lunch break" I said chuckling at her shock while putting the files down on her desk

"Impressive! Amanda can you please deliver these to Mr Reigns for me, i would take them myself but I still have a lot to do. Pleaseeee" she said while giving me the puppy eyes, I chuckled at her before nodding . She's genuinely such a nice person.

"Oh thank you! You're a life saver, his office is just above us, his door has his name written on it" she said while handing me multiple files, "I owe you one!" she shouted as I left out her office, I offered her a smile and waved her off .


I took the elevator to the floor above us, once I reached the floor, I got out the elevator and went in search of Mr Reigns office.

"Bingo!" I said as I finally found the door written Mr Reigns, which also had CEO written on it. I should have figured that out since his office is located on the last floor. I knocked and heard a 'come in', I pushed the door open and was met with who I'm assuming is Mr Reigns. His back was facing me as he looked at the ridiculously big flat screen behind his desk which displayed some sort of data

I cleared my throat trying to gain his attention but he still ignored me so I called his name

"Mr Reigns?" he instantly turned around and locked eyes with me as a small groan left my lips, you have to be kidding me?!


Short chapter but there is still more to come !

What do you think of Amanda's character ?

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