《What The Heart Craves》Chapter 8 - Part 2


I lived in my bubble of denial for another couple of days until I experienced the same symptom again.

My vision blurred. I was at home alone, so there was no one to notice. But it was enough to scare me into action. It had happened to as I had descended the stairs. I hated to think what would have happened if I'd missed a step and fallen the rest of the way down.

I wanted to go see the doctor, but I didn't want anyone to know. I didn't want them worrying until I knew there was something to worry about.

The person I would have gone to get help from would have been Reece, but I didn't want her to worry either. I bit my nail as I racked my brains trying to come up a way to go see the doctor with no one knowing. Without a car, it was going to be difficult.

At that moment, like a sign, my phone rang. I got it out of my pocket and looked down at the screen to see a picture of Aiden on my screen.


"Hey," I answered as I planned that included Aiden helping me.

"What are you doing?" he asked, conversationally. He usually called me twice of week and we'd talk. We got on so well I could talk to him for hours.

"Nothing interesting." I took a deep breath and released it.

"You sound like you have something on your mind?" he asked and waited for an answer.

"Would you do me a favor?" I held on to my phone tighter. He would ask questions I didn't want to answer.

"Sure," he said. "What do you need?"

"I need to go for a checkup, but my doctor is away. Would you be able to get me the details of your doctor?"


I waited for him to answer. To me it sounded like a reasonable request, nothing that would flag I was trying to hide something.

"Yeah, sure," he replied. "I'd have to get his details from my mom."


"Do you need me to take you to the appointment?" he asked, unexpectedly. He knew I didn't have a car.

"Yes, that would be great if you could," I replied, feeling relieved that my plan was coming together. I had come up with a way to get checked out without worrying about my friends and family.

"Let me call my mom and I'll get the number," he said.

"Sure. Thanks."

"I'll call you back in ten minutes," he said before ending the call.

I stood holding my phone for a minute after wondering if I was doing the right thing.

"Everything okay?" I turned to see Adonis standing in the kitchen's doorway watching me.

"Yes." I shoved my phone into my pocket. I felt like he'd caught me doing something wrong. Had he heard my conversation with Aiden?

"How are you feeling?" He walked into the kitchen.

It was the same question every time he saw me, and it was becoming annoying. It was also his way of reminding me about my migraines and the possibility that it was something worse.

"I'm fine." I walked over to the fridge to get a soda. "Where's Alex?"

"We're supposed to meet up here before we go out." He shrugged.

The previous easygoing atmosphere between us gone, and in its place was a tension that me uncomfortable.

On one hand, keeping my family from worrying was the important, but it was scary going through it alone. I opened the soda and took a sip.


"Have you changed your mind about going to the doctor?" he asked, taking a step closer to me.

"Don't." I shook my head. He didn't have a right to meddle in my life.

"Harp," he whispered.

I hated the way my name on his lips made my stomach flip and tugged at my heartstrings. Why couldn't there be a switch that we could flip to not feel anything when we didn't want to?

"Enough Gray. I've heard everything you had to say the last time we had this conversation." I set the soda down on the kitchen counter.

"I'm hoping you will see reason and change your mind." He reached for my hand.

It would have been so easy to give into him, to let him hold my hand in his and to reveal that I was planning to go the doctor. But easy would allow him to pull me closer and push me away like he had been, and I couldn't deal with it.

"Well, I won't." I pulled my hand away from his just before his fingers touched my hand.

My phone rang, and I answered it.

"I got the number you needed," he told me.

"That's great," I said.

"I'll message it to you," he said while Adonis studied me. Maybe he was trying to figure out who I was talking to.

"Thank you." I leaned against the counter. Adonis shoved his hand into the front pocket of his jeans.

"I'll chat to you later," Aiden said, and I said goodbye.

"Who was that?" Adonis asked when I ended the call and put the phone back into the back pocket of my jeans.

"Aiden," I said.

"You guys seem very close."

It wasn't like I thought Adonis had genuine feelings for me. He only wanted what he couldn't have. When he could have had me he'd pulled away from me, but since Aiden had become a bigger part of my life Adonis had been acting strange.

"Yes, we are." He could think what he liked.

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