《Paint with Me Among the Shadows (Book One, the Salvation MC Series)》8. I Have an Idea!


The sound of rage fills the air from the engines as the race everyone's been waiting for is about to begin. A whole new energy electrifies the crowd now that Adonis is racing. Apparently he hasn't raced since he'd been shot in the face and before that he was the king of the track. No one has beaten his record either.

The black night is thick with fumes and the smell of burning rubber. Exhaust smoke billows all around the track and appears like mist hovering over the earth as the lights above give it an iridescent glow. Tension coils around me and I'm like a rubber band about to snap as the guys do what I learn is a burnout, which helps improve their traction.

I'm fuming.

Haha get it.

But seriously I'm livid.

I don't need macho men racing for me. It's like I'm some prize to be won, when in reality neither of these men would want to win this prize. Not when they learn how deeply psychotic I am, which kind of makes it humorous.

The engines roar as the cars move from being pre-staged to staged and everyone waits impatiently on the edge of their seats. I suck in a quick breath and the lights drop. Cheers roar as the tires burn the asphalt causing more smoke to erupt in the air. There's no way I can tell who's in lead as all the guys yell around me while the girls screech. My ears feel like they're going to be clogged with blood if these girls don't shut up.

It's so quick and the race ends in the snap of a finger with Adonis as the victor claiming not only the race but also the quickest speed of the night. When Adonis gets out he doesn't shake Dallas's hand. Only glares at him with so much hatred I can feel it from where I'm lying on the grass.

He does nothing to showcase his joy in his victory. No fist pump or crazy dancing like Ducky did. His brooding is probably the sexiest thing I've ever seen.

Nope never mind. It is.

I'm angry with him but at this point I can't deny my attraction to him. Great. Getting up, I dust myself off as people continue to cheer while some start packing up to leave. Ducky comes over to me and drapes his arm around my shoulder.

"I should be mad he beat my time, but it was good to see him race again. You know some pros tried to sign him? The moron turned it down."

"Why?" I ask.

"He didn't think it would be safe without half his vision," Ducky states somberly.

I nod in understanding.

"We're grateful he didn't though. He's the glue that holds the Salvation together." Ducky starts as he guides me to some unknown destination.

"I'm sorry isn't Archie?" I question as I crinkle my brow.

Ducky snorts. "Archie is the brains, Adonis is the heart. He finds the new recruits, he manages this and the mechanic shop, and he helps us guys when we're struggling. He's the most reliable guy here. Yeah, he's a loose cannon at times and can be reckless, but overall, he's got himself together more than most. At least that's what he shows us. Sometimes we wonder if he's taking care of himself because he's constantly staying busy and helping our brothers out. The guy's my best friend but even I don't know everything about him. A lot of his past is a mystery."

"Maybe serving affected him, maybe he couldn't save someone so he puts all his energy into you guys and this club?" I hypothesize.


Ducky glances down at me with a small smirk. "Oh, my little love muffin, I may not know him well but I do know that serving was the best thing that happened to him. Whatever cross he's hauling around has nothing to do with being in the military."

His sister.

Before I can ask him more Ducky slides his arm off me and stomps toward Adonis like a bear about to maul its prey. A loud slam gains my attention and I see Dallas booking it for Adonis. Coming like a slingshot behind me are Nova and Nails and they whip by until they're next to Adonis.

Dallas gets right up in Adonis's face shouting, "You cheated you went before the light! You fixed it!"

Adonis remains cool. How is this guy a loose cannon? I've only ever seen him calm. A girl walking by looks at me strangely. "You okay?"

I smile sheepishly. "Yeah, sorry, just talking out loud. Don't mind me."

She gives me that look I've received many times back in Rhode Island. That you're insane look. Ignoring her, I jog over to the commotion, slipping past people.

"You run this place so it's obvious. I mean come on you're still the king after how many years of not racing because of your garbage eye." My fists clench at that as Ducky, Nails and Nova follow Adonis's lead in remaining calm.

"Your filth just like that sister of yours who got what was coming!" Dallas screams in his face.

It all happens so fast.

I snap.


Not Adonis or anyone else.


My nail scratching slap doesn't echo or anything dramatic like that but I know I left burning trails of deep abrasions on Dallas's face. His head reels back at me and he grabs me with such force he could easily snap my wrist. He gropes me hard and it hurts like a mother.

A fist collides with Dallas's face so hard he looks like a scarecrow about to lose the pumpkin sitting on its head. I can hear the cracks from his nose breaking and shudder. His meaty violating hand leaves my body as Adonis pounces on him like a sleek panther. I watch in shock as if this is a choreographed fight that's been a long time coming.

Dallas, with blood gushing from his nose, struggles as he tries to take a swing at Adonis, who easily ducks with his fist coming into contact with Dallas's face once again. This hit is so hard Dallas falls flat on the ground as Adonis starts a rampage of fury.

It's one thing to see and hear it on tv it's another to witness it in person. There's only one thing that's only ever sounded worse that this and it's when I have my brain fractures. The sound of flesh beating flesh, of bones breaking, of a guy coughing and choking on blood. All of it is unsettling.

My stomach turns as Adonis lifts Dallas's upper torso a little off the ground, who's arms and legs have lost all tension in them. Dallas's face is unrecognizable and horribly deformed now with puffed eyes closed shut and blood covering his face. Adonis doesn't stop though. He keeps lifting Dallas and letting him just barely hover above the ground and lands another stomach churning punch.

He's not slowing down either. He's not tired at all.

Ducky, Nova and Nails grab hold of him, pulling him off Dallas, who is clearly lost in a black void and at this point I'm wondering if he'll be in a coma for the rest of his life. Blood splatter is all over Adonis's shirt and cut with some sprinkles of it on his jeans.


"You're going to kill him man. Do you want to end up in jail?" Nova huffs out as all three guys try wrestling with Adonis. Even Ducky is having a hard time and he's the size of a bear. It's like watching three clowns trying to wring in the bull.

My head whips up from Dallas's unmoving body to see The Silencers gunning it for us.

"Adonis, stop fighting us." Ducky says through clenched teeth.

"I have an idea!" I shout and quickly jump right into the fray.

"Tater Tot, what are you doing? You're going to get hurt." Nails grunts out.

With no explanation I clamp my hands on Adonis's face and lean in kissing his lips. His beard tickles my mouth in the most delightful way, which causes the sensation in my lips to heighten. His mouth is perfection against mine and molded effortlessly to fit my lips. All the struggling stops. Slowly, and very painstakingly, I pull away and immediately miss the connection, but I push away the giddiness and stare straight into Adonis's multicolored eyes.

"Are you back among the sane?" I joke as he stares at me with an intensity no man ever has before. Ignoring the budding tension building between us, I break the eye contact. "See, boys, always remember to use the element of surprise."

Adonis straightens as the guys let him go. Ducky is staring at me wide eyed. "Are your kisses magic? Because if so, I'll take one of those. You know what? Never mind. It's my turn."

He pretends to make a dash for me, making me laugh a little, but Adonis shoves his face before Ducky can even get close. The friction comes back immediately as The Silencers reach us. Adonis is quick to start the negotiations.

"He touched one of ours and started it. You know the rules."

One of the guys who's mostly bald with a black mohawk and piercings all over, steps up. "You better watch your backs. War is coming and soon we'll own all of this. Your little wannabe Salvation club is coming to an end."

The other guys grab Dallas and take him away as the bald one stares Adonis down. He spits on Adonis's scuffed up boots and murmurs something to him that none of us can hear then leaves.

The tension evaporates with each step they take and soon Ducky is in front of Adonis throwing punches in the air between them. "Rocky in for the win baby."

As all the guys start talking my eyes don't falter from The Silencers. I watch as they load Dallas into his car and they chat for a couple of seconds as the mohawk one points to a bike. As I count I realize one is going to have to be left behind.

The sensation of someone staring at me makes my head turn away and I see Dana staring at me. She saunters over flipping her keys around her bright red nails. "Need a ride?"

"You aren't taking her anywhere." Dana cocks her perfectly plucked brow at Adonis.

"Why, it's the least I can do?"

His calm is back and he walks over to her with his hands stuffed in his pockets. "After everything I did for you when you came to the club house all battered and bruised from Dallas. How we protected you, put you under our charge. You go and let your jealousy about something that was barely a thing get us into a potential war."

She snarls. "Barely a thing?"

He ignores that. "Your slip up may have brought on a war. You're a hangaround, no one's old lady, or a family member and because of that.." He steps closer to her. "Don't come around the club anymore."

She clenches her fist."I thought I was yours."

Adonis stares at her with a disconnected expression. "No."

She smacks him and he takes it then watches her walk away without any remorse.

"That was a little harsh don't you think?" I'm quick on his heels as he marches to his car. "It was an accident. It's mostly my fault anyways."

Ducky calls after us, "We'll stay behind to make sure nothing happens and help the prospects clean up."

Adonis lifts his beaten bloody hand up in reply.


"Potential club members," he answers like everything is normal.

"You'll answer that?"

He doesn't give me any more replies. Heck, he won't even look at me. He reaches his car with me hot on his trails. Opening his door, he yanks something out then pulls his cut off. Without warning, Adonis rips off his shirt and I stifle a gasp. On his right side, there's the scripture verse Isaiah 40:31. The calligraphy is elegant and slender, curving over his skin almost seductively. He has scars riddled on his back all of them a pale white no longer holding any sign of rawness, showing they're fully healed.

I'm probably drooling.

I'm most likely drooling.

I touch my mouth to make sure I'm not.

Nope, it's dry.

He throws his other shirt on and I suck in a deep breath as I watch how his muscles tense and pull as he does so. I tear my eyes away from him so I won't get caught gawking as he turns around.

"Get in." Is all he says to me without even looking.

Before I can object Nova comes running up with my backpack in hand. "Almost forgot this."

I glare at Adonis as I take my backpack from Nova. Turning to him with a beaming smile, I stretch till I'm on my toes and give Nova a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks. Hey, why don't you take me home?"

Nova smirks. "Because I live on the other side of town. Adonis only lives a couple houses down from you."


"Get in, Georgie," Adonis states as he climbs in his car and I do so while huffing and puffing.

The ride is quiet until ten minutes in. "Do you own a motorcycle?"

"I usually ride my bike except on the occasions I need the car."

It goes back to being quiet. We reach my house in record time. I see dad's still out and without even looking or saying anything, I open the door only to find Adonis right in front of me as soon as I stand up.

"How the heck?!"

A calloused hand skims over my neck as he digs his fingers into my curls, pulling my body out of the car and right into his. His lips brush right over mine as his beard tickles my skin, making my blood hum and lips prickle with need and he hasn't even kissed me yet.

If he does there's no way I'll survive it.

I'll combust.




Have a heart attack and go straight to heaven.

It's like I have the flu because every inch of me is hot and then cold and my skin aches wherever his fingers touch, but this ache is more like it feels too good that it's painful.

"You just don't listen do you?" His chest rumbles, vibrating against my fingertips.

His lips take mine so fiercely I'm caught off guard. He's slow and deliberate, breathing every piece of me in each time he starts a new one. It's not fast or rough but purposeful and filled with a primal need that's steeped in pent up frustration, as if this hurts him. His other hand slides up from my hip along the curve of my waist until it reaches my neck that he stretches out so he can deepen the kiss.

My reaction is slow and my mind can't keep up as he pins me between him and the car. I've never kissed anyone before, but the minute I drop my defenses and wrap my arms around his neck all insecurities fly away. My response earns a soft growl of tension that rumbles as my fingers slide up his strong neck. He picks me up and sits me on his car, not stopping our kiss for a second. A very pleasing knot forms in my stomach and shoots through my whole body.

All the times I stared at his lips, not once did I think how soft, yet firm they'd be against mine. Nor did I think his beard would be so complimentary as it tickles and scratches my face so sweet and unforgivingly.

It's like he's taking my soul from me each passing moment and my heart is burning with the desire to feel my chest against his. I want to feel how his heart beats along with mine. I'm addicted to his taste but have to pull away for a brief moment to catch my breath.

"No," he objects, bringing me right back in.

I have no idea how long we entangle ourselves in this tension. How long we drown in it, but the world falls away as we both give in. Breathing the other in and taking part of the other person with each passing moment. I had no idea a kiss could explode and consume you so wholly.

He pulls away abruptly and places his forehead against mine as our chests rise and fall in uneven breaths together. "Never do that again."

His warmth leaves me and I drop down, pushing his chest away from me once all my other senses kick back in. "Let's forget this ever happened."

His eyes burn with intense fire as he pushes his thick hair back in frustration, chuckling darkly. "Tater Tot, there's no way I'll ever forget that. I'll be tossing and turning tonight wishing you were mine.

Every inch of my body lights on fire and my skin is the color of scarlet. As he smirks in satisfaction. "But it can't happen again."

I take a big swallow, nodding. "Agreed. I'll never fall in love."

He chuckles. "This isn't love."

Looking up at him, I give a sweet smile despite how his words hurt. Now I get why Dana is so wrapped up in him. "Whatever it is, we ignore it and it should go away, right?!"

He doesn't answer and I shrug my backpack on then walk past him. "Sorry about all that. I warned you though, I bring destruction wherever I go."

"It wasn't your fault." I can tell he means it.

I turn around smiling softly at him. "Sorry, but you're wrong."


I'm on a mission. Dad's fast asleep after our conversation about what had happened at the track... it didn't go well. That's all I'm going to say. My insomnia has kicked in full gear because my medication is doing squat. The only sound filling the night is the sound of cicadas and maybe some crickets. I'm dressed in all black and have my gold curls somewhat maintained in one of dad's black beanies.

Thank God Amber loves black.

My bag is chuck full of goodies and it's getting heavier with each step, but I'm almost there. It's been a long but much needed walk, especially since I keep needing to get out of our house. I swear it's haunted.

I had another episode right before I left. This time I had painted blood, everywhere. I don't know why. Maybe it was from watching Adonis pummel Dallas but this whole portrait was just blood, nothing else but a few slivers of white in the corner. They looked almost like strings. I ponder what it could mean, like my episodes are starting to control me like I'm some puppet on strings.

Shaking it off, I make it to my destination and smile. It's still here. The bike shines against the moonlight and I smile slyly. I drop my bag and crack my knuckles. I wave my fingers at it like a mad scientist.

Time to make a motorcycle into a lovely Easter Egg.

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