《Fighting for Rose》15❦
"Thank you." I smile gratefully to the man who just handed me a wad of cash.
I've had a tough few weeks trying to track down jobs. The noises Jack is making just seem to be getting worse and I can't figure out what's wrong.
On top of that someone broke into him last week and stole pretty much everything I own, my clothes, money, food and they broke a window to do get inside.
I was able to make enough to get the window repaired yesterday and I just made another hundred from doing some repairs on a rental property.
Now I'll be able to get some gas, and a few essential items like toiletries and more water. I was lucky enough to get another bag of expired food from Jean at the gas station a day after the break in, so at least I haven't been going hungry.
I stuff the money in my backpack that was with me at the time of the break in, and swing it over my shoulder.
I'm the most bummed that they stole the nice clothes Olivia gave me, now I'm left with just my overalls, a black t-shirt, one set of underclothes, a pair of socks and one set of rundown shoes that I can stick my big toe through a hole that has been worn through the bottom of.
As soon as I figure out what's wrong with Jack and buy the parts to fix him up, the first thing I'm going to do is go thrifting for at least one more set of clothes.
After buying some toiletries from the dollar store with the money I just got, I drive over to Jean's station to get gas.
"Hi Jean." I'm excited to see her again, she always brightens my day. I slide a twenty over to her.
"Hey sweetie, no food?" She asks the same way she always does.
"No, I still have some." I smile at her. "I do need some water though, do you sell gallons of water?" I ask hopefully.
I really need to take a shower and I forgot to see if the last store I was at had any.
"We don't. Only regular sized bottles of water." She regretfully states.
"You could always use our bathroom though if you need to." She suggests.
I almost except the offer, but it's not easy to wash your hair in a sink that you have to keep one hand pushing down on the lever for the water to stay on. But then I come up with an idea that sounds much nicer.
"Thank you, I'll skip today though." I politely refuse her offer.
"Ok, anytime you need it it's there though, ok?" She smiles sweetly.
"Thank you, Jean. I want all twenty on pump three please." That should give me almost a full tank of gas. She rings me up and hands me the receipt. We say our goodbyes then I head out to Jack to fill his tank up.
I whip out my phone and send a text.
To: My Best Friend
Hey, would it be ok if I go to the waterfall today?
Do you know how nice of a shower that waterfall would be? Probably the best one I've ever had. The pump clicks off and I screw the cap back on getting back in my car as my phone dings.
From: My Best Friend
Yeah... just don't climb the dang cliff. How long are you going to be out there?
I would stay out there forever if I could, that place is beyond beautiful.
To: My Best Friend
Probably until sundown.
I'll pack some food and make an evening out of it.
From: My Best Friend
Sick. The boys and I are training for the next hour but we could meet you out there after? Haven't seen you in forever, Cupcake.
I do really miss them. And if I take off now I could get showered and everything before they show up.
To: My Best Friend
Sounds like a plan:)
From: Blake
Are you sure you're ok with it? I know Isaiah can be pushy. We all would like to go if you're ok with it though.
I read the text a few times before my brain processes it. This is the first time Blake has texted me and I can't keep a smile from spreading across my face.
To: Blake
Of course! :)
Instantly I receive a reply.
From: Blake
Ok, good. Can't wait to see you later.
My heart flutters in my chest as I read the text. He can't wait to see me?
I haven't been able to figure out if I've been a burden to him, or he actually likes hanging around me. Seems like most times it ends up with me causing some sort of trouble for him, I even kicked him out of his own bedroom one night. But if he can't wait to see me then that means he must like me at least a little bit. Right?
I close the door to my car and take off on the fifteen minute drive to the falls.
I timed it perfectly, snapping the last button on my overalls closed as I hear footsteps approaching.
"Cupcake!" Isaiah yells out. "You better not be doing anything dangerous!" He adds sternly.
I let out a laugh as I stuff all my toiletries back into my backpack.
"I'm not!" I yell back as the three men round the tree that was blocking them from my view.
"Oh thank God, she's alive." Isaiah says dramatically.
Rolling my eyes at his antics I zip my bag closed. Isaiah runs up to give me a hug but before his arms reach my body he's tugged back by Blake.
"Hi Rose." He smiles at me and my stomach flips. What the heck?
"Hi Blake. How are you?" My eyes scan over his body. He's wearing red swimming shorts and a black t-shirt that stretches across his muscles. Wow, he has a lot of muscles doesn't he?
"I'm good. How has your week been?" His words make me snap my eyes off his muscles and back to his eyes as he looks at me waiting for an answer.
Ace stands slightly behind him and to his left, one of his eyebrows is raised slightly as he looks at me knowingly.
Dang it, how embarrassing.
"Uh, it was good." I respond stupidly as my cheeks heat up slightly.
"Ok, swimming time!" Isaiah saves me from more embarrassment.
"You coming, Cupcake?"
I shake my head no. "I already went, I'm just going to sit here and eat a snack." I say as I pull a bag of trail mix out of the side pocket of my bag.
"Awe, you went swimming without us!" Isaiah pouts.
I point to my wet hair with a smile nodding my head.
"Leave her alone so she can eat in peace." Ace mumbles.
He grips Isaiah by the back of the neck and pushes him closer to the water. "Feel free to come join us whenever." Blake adds before he follows after them.
Once they make it to the edge of the water they all start taking their shirts off, my mouth goes dry as I gape at a shirtless Blake.
Bad Rose. Stop it. What the heck is wrong with me? I shake my head to rid myself of the site, but images of a shirtless Blake are already burned into my eyelids.
I groan and let my head fall back against the tree. Stupid brain thinking stupid thoughts, I've never once ogled at a guy like that before.
And Ace saw it too! I sat drowning in shame for several minutes, then something happened that I'm sure I'll remember for the rest of my life.
First I feel something soft brush my hand that lays limply beside me.
I look down and the site I see is astonishing, it takes my breath away and time seems to slow around me.
A little bunny, about the same size as my hand is nibbling on some clover next to my pinky finger.
"Hi little guy." I whisper out. It's ears perk up, brown eyes look up at me and its nose twitches.
Awww I want to do a Cole happy dance, but I'm sure that would scare the bunny away, so I refrain myself from doing so.
It hops closer to me, sniffing the ground around me, I almost pass out from a cuteness overload when it hops up onto my lap.
I slowly bring my hand towards it and when my finger brushes the softest fur I've ever felt I'm almost brought to tears.
I pick a clover from the ground and offer it to the little guy who immediately eats it from my hand. Oh my gosh, I could die right now and be a happy woman.
After feeding it more clover it cuddles up to my stomach, I take the opportunity to scoop it up in my arms and hold it close. The bunny snuggles into my arms and closes its eyes.
I have to show the guys! Getting up slowly to not disturb the bunnies' sleep I tiptoe over to where the guys are swimming.
"Guys, look!" I whisper shout. My face feels like it's going to split in two from how big I'm smiling.
"What's that?" Isaiah asks. He was the closest to me, but all of them are in the middle of the pool, and the bunny is so tiny I bet they can't even see.
"It's a bunny." I say giddily. It's little nose twitches against my arm as it sleeps. It's so adorable and I want to stay here with it forever. I'll be it's mom and we can hop around all day looking for bunny food.
The boys swim over and get out of the water right in front of me.
"What the heck, how did you catch it?" Isaiah asks, baffled.
"I didn't! It jumped onto my lap!" I feel like I'm gonna pass out. "I need to sit down." I state.
Ace snorts at me, but Blake steps in and guides me to the spot I was sitting in before.
"Did you just almost faint because of how adorable the bunny is?" Isaiah laughs out. Everything around me seems kinda fuzzy but in a good way, like I'm floating with happiness.
"My heart is beating so fast." I rasp out. "It's so cute, I can't handle it." I admit.
I love this bunny so much. The guys sit down around me so we are in a circle, Blake to my left, Isaiah to the right and Ace in front of me.
"I can take him from you if you want." Ace jokes, but I send him the meanest glare that I can manage.
No way is he taking this bunny away from me. He raises his hands in surrender so I focused back on looking at the little creature sleeping in my arms.
"Can I pet it?" Blake asks, his question takes me by surprise, but another wave of happiness hits me at the thought of him liking the bunny too.
I give a quick nod and scoot closer to him. Blake's large hand reaches out and pets the bunny. The corner of his lips twitch up into a breathtaking smile, I can't help but wonder if I'm dreaming.
No one pinch me if I am, I could stay like this forever.
His hand returns to his side and Isaiah leans in to try to pet the bunny, but before he can even get one pet in, Blake slaps his hand away.
"I just wanna pet the bunny!" He yells causing the bunny to wake up.
Blake doesn't speak a word, but Ace mumbles out, "Jealous much."
I Ignore whatever is going on between them as the bunny jumps out of my arms and onto my lap again.
It sniffs and looks around a little before it jumps beside me to eat on the clover again.
"Can I pet it now?" Isaiah asks Blake snarkily.
"If Rose says it's ok." He shrugs.
I'm in too much of a daze of happiness to comprehend that the conversation going on around me is odd, I'm the one who the bunny chose as a friend, not Blake.
Isaiah turns his attention to me, I giggle and nod my head. He reaches his hand out to pet the bunny but it jumps back into my lap before he can and snuggles against my belly.
I almost collapsed with happiness one again, he loves me.
"She looks like she's going to faint again." Ace whispers to Blake.
I force my eyes off of the fir ball in in my lap and look up at the guys. Ace's eyes shift from me to Blake in bewilderment, Blake just looks genuinely amused and Isaiah has the biggest pout I've ever seen.
Everyone sits in silence for the next hour, Isaiah eventually won over the bunny when he offered it a carrot he conveniently packed as a snack.
My heart jumped in my chest when the bunny hopped back over to me after he finished the carrot though, I think he loves me most and I didn't even bring him any food.
"The sun is setting, we should probably get going." Ace stands, brushing dirt off of his swimming shorts. "We have a fight tonight, I need to grab some stuff from home." He adds.
The other guys stand doing the same, they all head over and grab their shirts to throw back on. I was so dazed by happiness this whole time I didn't even realize they were still all shirtless?
Ok, good, normal Rose is back.
When the first foot hits the trail heading back to the parking lot they realize I'm not following them, instead I'm still planted in the same spot with no intention of moving until the bunny has enough of me.
"You coming, Rose?" Blake calls out.
"No, I'm going to stay here." I smile over my shoulder, the three guys don't share my look though, they have disapproving looks directed at me so I turn away.
"It's getting dark, you can't stay out here." Blake's voice is surprisingly gentle as they walk back over to me.
"But, it likes me." I'm not trying to, but I'm sure that a sad pout is on my face, I don't want to leave the bunny out here all alone.
I could just have a surprise camping trip and sleep under the stars with it tonight, then maybe by tomorrow morning it will decide to leave me on its own.
"Rose-" Blake started off harshly, but as my eyes met his he stopped and took in a sharp breath. "-oh fuck." Blake turns around and groans. "You tell her, Ace." His voice comes out in a rough grumble, his back turned to me.
"You can't-" Ace starts, I direct my attention to him and when our eyes meet he abruptly stops as well, snapping his eyes away to look at a tree instead of me. What's wrong with them?
"It's dangerous, you shouldn't.." His eyes flick back to mine for a second as I feel my lower lip start to tremble a little at the thought of leaving the bunny.
"Shit, I can't do it." He turns around, facing the same way that Blake is. I bite my lower lip to stop it from overreacting to the situation, the bunny will be fine, this is its home after all. I just didn't prepare myself to leave it yet, so it's breaking my heart just a little.
"Isaiah." The two boys with their backs to me plead.
He takes one look at me and joins them. "Fuck no." He grunts.
"I'll just stay out here a little longer, then I'll leave." I whisper. Blake turns to face me again, I can't see much of his face though, his eyes are closed and he's pinching the bridge of his nose.
"It'll be dark soon." He points out.
"I know." The sun is already setting, the sky turning into a pink color.
"Do you have a flashlight?" He asks.
"A jacket?"
"It's supposed to rain tonight."
"Oh." I mumble out defeated.
Blake lets out a long sigh. "What if we stay for five more minutes, would you be able to say goodbye then?" He's being so sweet to me and it melts my already goopy heart.
I nod my head before I realize that that does no good, his eyes are still shut refusing to look at me. "Yeah, I can do that." Blake's eyes snap open at my words, his tense shoulders drop as a look of relief pours over him.
"Oh thank God." Isaiah panted sounding like he's been holding his breath for an extended amount of time.
"You can't do that to us." He exclaims, his eyes slightly widened.
"Do what?" I ask confused, I was just sitting here. Am I not allowed to sit here? Oh no, is this a no sitting zone, why didn't he tell me earlier?
"You can't use that pouty face on us like that! It's not fair." He pleaded. Pouty face?
"I wasn't trying to." I mumble apologetically. I didn't mean to manipulate anyone with my face, I was just a little sad, that's all.
"Blake! Shit, did you hear that?" He turns to Blake with a panicked look on his face. "If that was her not trying... what the fuck do we do when she actually tries?" He's waving his hands around.
Blake's eyes are focused off into the distance. "I hope I never find out." He mummers lowly, then shakes his head to rid the vision playing in his brain.
I give the bunny one last pet then set it on the clover and stand up. It takes off right away deeper into the forest, probably heading home.
"Ok, I'm ready." I tell the guys as I swing my backpack over my shoulder.
"So," Isaiah starts as he swings an arm over my shoulder just to take it off when Blake shoots him a glare.
"You coming to the fight with us?" He continues, unfazed by the glare Blake just gave him.
"Blake can get you into VIP, and I won't get dragged off this time if Ace puts me on as his VIP guest." He finishes.
This could be my chance, my chance to show them I can handle stuff. That I'm not scared of everything all the time.
"Isaiah." Blake growls. "Don't force her to go back there." I quickly jump in before this becomes a thing.
"No, it's ok. I want to." I say confident.
"But last time." Blake hints not wanting to bring up exactly what happened. I'm grateful to him for that, I would like to just forget about that night if that was possible.
"I know. I was fine until I couldn't see anyone I knew though. So I'll be fine, and I'm prepared this time, so even if we do get separated I can handle it." I try to convince him that it won't happen again. I have to prove I'm stronger than I've shown so far.
"Fuck... ok. Isaiah when I'm not with her you don't let her out of your sight." He says in a warning tone, his blue eyes darkening a shade as he delivers a silent threat.
"I won't." He promises.
"I'll make sure you guys are on the list." Blake continues. "But if for some reason they don't let you in, for fucks sake, don't take her into general admission." He reminds me of a mom about to leave their kid with a new babysitter.
"Trust me, that's not something I'm ever going to do again." Isaiah sounds defeated as he thinks back on that night. I hate that I cause these guys so much trouble.
"I don't have to go if it's a problem." The last thing I want is for me to ruin a fight for them.
"It's not a problem, as long as you're careful and someone is with you at all times."
We are almost back to the car now, but the sun is fully set so Ace takes out a flashlight to illuminate the path.
"Isaiah, when you get there you take her to my locker room first." He demands and Isaiah gives a quick nod. "If you are separated from us at any time you go straight to that locker room and wait for one of us. It's only for Ace and I so it'll be safe there, I'll tell the guy running security that you and Isaiah are allowed in too. You'll be safe there, ok?" He sounds like he's trying to convince himself that I'll be ok.
"I have a phone and your guy's numbers now too so if anything happens I can call one of you." I offer. Blake lets out a sigh of relief.
"Yeah, Isaiah first because my phone can't be with me when I'm warming up or fighting." He explains. I nod my head in understanding.
"Alright, enough of this worried talk. Should we get glow sticks, Cupcake? Wave them around like crazy when these two goons win their fight?" Isaiah suggests with a grin.
I only giggle in response as Blake and Ace shake their heads in disapprovement.
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