《Fighting for Rose》6❦
After I got my butt off the roof like the big angry man told me to, I was handed a large glass of ice water from Mrs Brown.
Confusion surrounding me and only getting thicker the more I try to make sense of it. "You look startled, honey." Olivia speaks, softly placing a hand on my shoulder.
Yeah I am startled, those guys came out of nowhere. I didn't even get to put on my 'I'm a big tough girl don't mess with me' attitude. I'm anything but a big tough girl and I know it, but strangers don't need to know that.
And those guys caught me so off guard, I'm pretty sure they saw me as the frightened girl I really am.
"It's ok, I just wasn't expecting anyone to go up there." I send her a shy smile.
Why do I feel so vulnerable right now? First they see me panicking last night, then those guys take me by surprise and now Mrs Brown is trying to comfort me. It's so weird.
I've somehow managed to drop my tough girl act, and I can't manage to pick it back up.
But I'm almost done here, then I can leave and I'll be back to my old self, never seeing any of them again.
"Sorry, dear. I should have told you I called them to help. The smaller one is my son, and the one who seems to be having a problem with his attitude right now, is his friend Blake." Blake, why does that name seem familiar?
"I don't mean to sound rude, but why did you call them? I was almost done." So close to being done in fact that the guys are now starting to bring everything down off the roof.
"I'll let them tell you that." She sighs.
The guys put the hose and ladder away and are now heading my way, rather slowly.
"Oh, I have to go get Ace. I'll be right back, make them work for it, honey." She hinted with a wink.
Work for it? Work for what? What the heck is going on? Mrs Brown scurried off into the house as the two guys stopped a few feet in front of me.
"Sorry." The big angry guy who I believe is Blake said, now not looking so angry and more nervous.
I was so startled on the roof that I just now am taking in his appearance. He's much taller than me with big muscles only making him seem larger, his chestnut brown hair sits messily on top of his head, and his steely blue eyes that are staring at me seem to be holding me captive.
"Why? I should be the one saying sorry to you. You guys got called to finish my job after all." I'm able to tear my gaze away from his serene eyes to look at the guy beside him.
I think he's the one who helped with the ladder last night, but last night was kinda blurry so I couldn't say for sure. His blond hair and blue eyes are the same I saw in the picture yesterday in the hall. He elbows Blake in the side gently.
"I don't think she knows what we did." He attempted to whisper, but I heard every word.
Then it all clicks in my head.
Isaiah is the name of the guy the man yesterday was trying to get back at, and also who Mrs Brown asked to get the ladder for me, and Blake is the name that was mentioned when she asked if Isaiah knew who did it, that's why when Mrs Brown said the name just minutes ago it sounded familiar.
These are the two responsible for me almost being late.
"Shoot, ah. I made a mistake last night, and I took the ladder thinking it was Isaiah up there. I really didn't know you were up there, but I should have checked and I'm sorry you got roped into our petty fight." Blake says, scratching the back of his neck nervously.
Although I want to be mad at him, I can't. Everything ended up working out in the end anyway so no harm no foul.
"It's ok, you couldn't have known I was up there anyway. I froze when I heard the ladder move instead of yelling out, so it's kinda my fault too." I offer a bright smile.
Somehow they actually seem sorry for what happened, and even came back to help, I haven't been around many guys who would help me like that. And these guys don't even know me, so that alone makes me wonder if they are, indeed, actually decent people.
"No, Cupcake. Not your fault at all. You shouldn't even have had to clean them, I was supposed to, but I kept putting it off. So if it's anyone's fault it's mine. And I apologize for that." Isaiah's words are full of sincerity.
It doesn't feel right, I'm the one who always needs to apologize, I'm the one who's always at fault. So why are they trying to convince me otherwise?
I'm snapped out of my thoughts as one of them takes a step towards me.
I take a step back out of instinct, because when a man gets a hold of me with bad intentions it's over for me, as soon as their hands are on my body it's almost like game over, my strength is never a match for the predator.
It's almost involuntary at this point, someone bigger than me gets within arms reach and I take a step back, that way if they try to grab me, maybe, just maybe I'll be able to turn and outrun them.
So that's what I do when Isaiah steps out with a bag in his hand. I take a step back, but my foot isn't met with grass. No, my foot is met with ice cold water. My eyes go wide as I realize I'm about to go for a swim.
"Shit!" Blake yells as he lunges forward to grab me like he did on the roof. But it's too late, I'm already submerged in the cold water.
My overalls quickly soak up the liquid making it hard for me to move my legs.
Could this day get any more embarrassing? These guys are going to think I'm incapable of doing anything for myself.
Suddenly a large strong hand grips my arm and I'm hoisted out of the water and onto dry land in one swift movement.
How the heck did he do that?
His hand leaves my arm, only for both his hands to grab my shoulders. "Are you ok? Did you inhale any water or hit your head?" Blake asks rather panicked.
"No, I'm fine. Needed a shower anyway." I try to joke, but it's followed by a cough from the little amount of water that I did swallow. And neither of them laugh.
"Did you guys push her in the pool!?" A new deep voice yells as the owner of the voice jogs over to us.
Holy cow he's huge, like probably could lift a car with his pinky finger huge.
"No! She fell in, we never would do that!" Isaiah declared, like the idea of them pushing me in the pool was unimaginable. I don't understand why though, it's not like I haven't been pushed into a body of water before.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Blake asks again, his eyes never left mine. After I nod my head, he lets his hands slide off my body.
I shiver at the newfound coldness that sweeps over me.
"Here you go, dear." Mrs Brown wraps me in a big fluffy towel and leads me to a chair to sit down. "I swear I taught these boys to behave better than this." She mumbles.
"Mom!" Isaiah wines. "We didn't, she just, it was-" He trips over his words as he tries to come up with some way to explain what happened.
"It was my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going." I finish for him.
"This day just keeps fucking getting worse." Blake growls out.
"Dude, watch your tone." The largest man says in warning but his voice is surprisingly gentle.
"What? She almost died two fucking times today!" He argued.
Whoa, Ok, that's a little dramatic.
"Sorry." I whisper out, teeth chattering as I do so. It may be summer, but the temperature has dropped as the storm that's do any day now gets closer.
"Fuck, no. You don't have anything to be sorry for. That's not what- I'm not mad... at you." Blake's gruff voice speaks.
The largest man's eyes widen slightly as he looks between Blake and I, then his lips twitch into a small smile that I would have missed if I wasn't paying attention at that second.
"Come on, sweety. You're freezing, how about you take a shower to warm up, and I'll dig out some dry clothes for you to change into so you don't catch a cold." Mrs Brown chimes in.
The thought of a warm shower does sound like heaven right now, and I would rather not get in Jack when I'm soaked like this. The seats soak up water like no one's business, so it's damp and it smells weird in there for days after.
"Are you sure? I could just head home. It's not a big deal." I say. After all, my home is just across the street, not that I'm going to tell them I'm sleeping in my car.
"Nonsense." She waves her hands in the air then leans in close. "If you end up getting sick, I don't think the boys will be able to deal with their guilty conscience." She whispers so only I can hear.
Looking up at the three boys, I notice how uncomfortable and nervous they all are. Is it because they feel bad for me?
"So let's get you warmed up. Yeah?" Mrs Brown smiles at me while holding out her hand.
Hot water cascades down on me, warming up my chilled body. I turn up the heat more, surely starting to slowly cook myself. I can't help it though, it's been so long since I've had an actual hot shower.
Mrs Brown said I'm welcome to use any of their toiletries in here, so I've taken advantage of that and properly washed my hair for the first time in forever.
I usually have to fill up a jug with water and pour it over my head for showers, not the most pleasant, but effective nonetheless.
I've been in here for too long, so with a sigh I turn the water off and wrap myself in the towel that was pleasantly placed over the floor heater causing it to be nice and warm.
This is the best day I've had in awhile, I got to see the kids this morning and now this.
Mrs Brown knocks on the door, I open it just a tad so I can peak out.
"Here you go, these are my eldest daughters. I phoned her and she said you could keep them so don't worry about giving them back." She hands me a stack of clothes.
"I keep them?" I say, astonished. Now I get clothes too? Could this day get any better?
She nods her head yes.
"Thank you." I whisper as I rub my thumb over the soft cotton shirt.
"No need to thank me. Hairdryer is under the sink, feel free to use it. Meet us downstairs in the kitchen after you're done." I close the door and get dressed. Then try to ring out my wet clothes as best as I can.
I just washed clothes at the laundromat the other day, so I'll have to try to get these to dry on their own until I get another load dirty.
I walk into the kitchen feeling fresh, clean dry hair frames my face and my wet dirty clothes hang from my fingers. I was able to ring them out enough so that they aren't dripping on the floor, thankfully.
"Take a seat, dear." Mrs Brown motions for me to sit at the island with the three boys. Suddenly feeling shy, I slowly make my way over to the seat and sit down, right as I'm about to place my wet clothes in my lap, Blake's hand shoots out and grabs them from me. Without saying anything he gets up and walks out of the room.
"Where is he going with my clothes?" I ask, alarmed. I can't afford to lose those overalls, they're the only work clothes I have.
"He's going to put them in the washer." Isaiah says, rolling his eyes. "He somehow forgot how to speak properly today. Sorry about that, Cupcake." Why does he keep calling me cupcake?
"My name's Rose." My brows furrowed, I can't remember saying anything that would make someone think my name was Cupcake.
"Whatever you say, Cupcake." Isaiah winks at me.
"Stop harassing her, Isaiah." Blake grumbles, as he sits back down in his seat.
"I'm not, asshole." Isaiah bites back.
"Language." The big man says in his warning tone.
I look over at Mrs Brown, but she doesn't really seem to notice the boys arguing as she rummages through the fridge. I think I missed something because the next thing I know Isaiah is holding the back of his head as if he got slapped and apologizing for his language.
"Nope, Don't wanna do it. I don't feel like it." Mrs Brown says as she slams the fridge door shut and turns around.
"Do what, mom?" Isaiah questions raising his brow slightly in question.
"I don't wanna make lunch, so how about I give you my card, you all go out for lunch and just bring me something back." She says sliding a card across the island to Isaiah.
"Heck yeah, I'm picking. Let's go to that sandwich shop on 3rd street. What do you want mom?" His voice becomes slightly higher in excitement.
"Oh! I love that place! Get me a club with extra mayonnaise and a small bowl of whatever soup they have!" She says matching her son's excitement. "Oh, and a pink lemonade. Frick it, get me one of the desserts of the day too." She does this little hop thing as she says dessert that brings a smile to my face.
"Will do, mom. Let's roll boys, my stomach is growling." Isaiah says as he starts out of the kitchen with the other boys following behind.
They seemed nice, I'm glad I got to meet them. Blake was in the back of the three boys and right as he was about to step out of the kitchen he turned around and looked at me with his brows furrowed.
"Come on, Isaiah is even less enjoyable to be around when he's hungry. Don't want to keep him waiting." Blake says loudly so the other boys could hear him smack talking Isaiah.
"Me?" I question in disbelief, looking over my shoulder to see if he's talking to someone else. There's no one there though.
"Yeah, we're going to go get lunch." He says in a smooth voice sending shivers down my spine.
"Go with them, I'll stay here and put your clothes in the dryer." Mrs Brown says as she ushers me off the chair and out of the room.
"O-okay." What is this? Opposite day or something, nothing that is happening should be. Why are they all so nice to me?
"Booth or table, Cupcake?" Isaiah asks as we make our way into the sandwich shop.
"Uh, booth?" That's what people usually like, right?
"That's my girl. That was a test of our friendship, and you passed. Good job." He smirks over his shoulder at me. Friendship? Are we friends now? I don't think that's how this is supposed to work.
"Shut it, Isaiah." Blake growls at him.
"Right, my bad. I'll stop pissing on your territory." He rolls his eyes and slides into a booth near a window.
He looks at me then at Blake and then back at me again with an evil glint in his eyes. Then he pats the seat next to him, inviting me to join him on his side of the booth.
I take a step forward to accept his offer, but the guy who's name I have yet to learn steps in front of me and into the seat next to Isaiah.
"Party pooper." Isaiah glares at the man who took my seat.
"Just trying to keep the peace." He mumbles back.
Blake slides into the booth and motions for me to sit in the only spot left. I sit down just as the waitress comes over.
"Isaiah, welcome back. What can I get for you all?" The tall redhead chirps. She's really pretty, and her clothes are so well put together. I can't help but admire her as she flawlessly listens to what everyone wants and scribbles it down on the paper she has.
But then her attention turns to me. "And for you?" She smiles. My brows furrow, I guess I should have assumed I would be eating too, but I just thought I was along for the ride since I had to stick around for my clothes to dry.
I usually wouldn't spend money on food like this, but in an effort to keep the three large men from thinking I'm any stranger than they already do, I guess I'll have to order something.
Glancing over the menu quickly I see the cheapest option is a sliced ham sandwich, so I order that.
"Ok, drinks?" She asks the table and everyone orders what they want. When she gets to me and I say I'm fine with just water.
"You sure? Our in house lemonade is amazing." Although that does sound amazing, I can't afford to get more than the sandwich.
Jack started making a weird noise this morning when I drove to Mrs Brown's house, so I have to save as much as I can, that way when I figure out what's wrong with him I can afford the parts to fix him.
"Yeah, just water is fine." I reply with a smile.
"Get her a pink lemonade." Blake speaks up. I turn my head to him with a questioning look. "If you don't like it, I'll drink it." He shrugs.
He shrugs like it doesn't matter, but it does matter.
I lean back in my seat and bite my nails, I guess I'll just have to make it work. Whatever I have left after paying for my meal, I'll save. And hopefully whatever is wrong with Jack will be a cheap and easy fix.
"So, Cupcake. What's got a tiny thing like you cleaning our gutters for?" Isaiah questions.
"Your mom." I peered across the table at him. Didn't he know she hired me, or does he think I trespassed onto his property to clean his gutters? Who would even do that? The large man across from me let out a sharp laugh, but composed himself quickly.
"No, I mean why do you work for a gutter cleaning company?" He clarifies. Oh that's a more understandable question.
"I don't work for a company." My answer causes everyone at the table to lean in slightly and stare at me, causing me to push back into the seat a little more.
"What do you mean you don't work for a company, do you have your own company?" Blake asks this time.
"No, I look for ads in the paper and call people up to get them to hire me. That's how I got the job with your neighbor that Mrs Brown saw me with yesterday." I pointed out.
A look of disgust crosses all their faces. Oh no, I've gone and done it now, they all think I'm a freak because I don't work for a real company. Lowering my head, I pick at the hem of the shirt I was given.
"Eww, I haven't heard anyone call her that for so long." Isaiah shivers. "Please just call her Olivia, that's what she prefers, the only people who call her Mrs Brown are either my high-school teachers or someone who wants to annoy her." He adds.
My head snaps up and he's looking straight at me with a small smile on his face. He wasn't mad that I didn't have a real job, just that I called his mom by her last name?
"Ok, sorry. That's just what your neighbor called her, so I thought that's what I should call her too." I apologize, I didn't mean to offend anyone.
"Don't apologize, Cupcake. Old man Jones is one of the people who wants to annoy the crap out of her. Plus she's always been bad at introducing herself to people. Did she even tell you her name?" He questioned.
I shake my head no and he scoffs. "I figured."
I look across the table at the large man who I have yet to ask his name, I wonder if he too is just bad at introducing himself. Am I supposed to ask him? He looks a little scary and has been quite quiet, so I'm not sure what the appropriate action to take would be. Maybe he'll think I'm rude if I don't ask him though.
I'll try to ask him discreetly, that way he can just ignore me if he doesn't want to tell me. Leaning halfway across the table I looked up at him.
"I don't know your name." I whisper.
There, it wasn't even a question. He doesn't have to answer, just inform me of his name, and only if he wants to.
His lips tug up slightly, using his index finger he motions for me to lean in closer. I tuck my feet under me and sit on my knees so I can reach farther across the table. His face leans close to my ear as he whispers.
"How rude of me. My name's Ace." Just as his name passes his lips, a strong hand grips the back of my shirt and pulls me back to my seat and away from Ace.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Blake growls out, but it wasn't directed at me. It was, however, directed at Ace.
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