《His Reporter Biwi.✅》Chapter-26


Shreya POV

I landed to Mumbai safely with Vaibhav. I was very tired and jet lagged. Damn United States. Kabir had sent his driver to pick me up. I bid bye to Vaibhav and started for home.

"Mom I'm home." I said. No one responded.

"Hello. Anyone home?" I asked again.

I called for others but no one responded. Finally it tried to call Kabir but he was not taking my call.

Now I was feeling uneasy. Where was everyone?

I called mumma and everyone along with Anika but no one pick up too. I was frustrated as fcuk.

"Fine, if no one cares about me then let it be." I said to myself.

I went to my room, changed and snuggled myself to bed.

I was abruptly woken up by shaking of bed. I opened my eyes and saw Aditya jumping on it.

"Adi when did you come and where is everyone?" I asked him.

"Chachi we went to Kuldevi's temple." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because dadi wanted to go." He said. I nodded and went downstairs.

"We are so sorry Shreya. We went to temple and forgot about you." Roshni Bhabhi said.

"It's okay Bhabhi. I was worried. I called all of you but no one picked up." I said.

"Beta we all left our cell phones in the car. Its not allowed inside." Dad said and I nodded.

"How was your trip?" Siddharth Bhaiya asked.

"It was good. I got something for all of you. Wait, I'll bring it.

I handed over gifts to everyone. Then Roshni the and I prepared dinner. We all ate and retired to our respective rooms after watching Horrid Henry.

The moment I entered the room, I was engulfed into a hug. No money for guessing who was it. Kabir.

"Mrs Rathore finally you are here. Do you have any idea about how much I missed you?" He asked.


"I missed you too." I said.

I was too tired to function so I let sleep engulf me.

"Shreya wake up. You have to go to office." I heard a voice.

"I'm on leave today." I responded.

"Shreya wake up. Its 9." The voice said again.

"God! Let me sleep. I'm veryyyyy sleepy." I said.

"Sleep then. Maa was calling you to her house." The voice which belonged to Kabir said. Hearing mumma, I jolted up wide awake.

"Thank you so much Kabir for reminding me. I need to go home." I said and ran to freshen up. I heard him chuckle.

"Mom, I am going to mumma. Will come by evening." I told mom.

"Go. Also invite them on dinner for day after tomorrow." She said.

"Why? Any occasion?" I asked.

"I don't need a reason to invite them for dinner." She stated and I nodded.

I spent all day with all of them and invited them to dinner. I then left for home.

From yesterday I'm having a feeling that everyone is hiding something from me. But I didn't have time to dwell on these thoughts so I let them go.

"Shreya you need to come to my office tomorrow. I'm yet to introduce you to my staff." Kabir said and I nodded.

We all had dinner and I started watching Shin Chan. Adi had already slept because he was tired.

"Shreya lets sleep." Kabir said.

"Kabir you go. I'll come in an hour." I said. I thought that he went but I was wrong. He scooped me in his arms.

"You Mrs Rathore have stopped spending time with your own husband. From yesterday we have not even talked properly. Though today I have different plans. I want you today." He said and I blushed looking away.

" Tsk tsk... till now you shy away from me." He said and smirked.


We made love and I slept in his arms.

Next Morning.

I woke up and saw Kabir looking at me. I raised my eyebrow and he just shrugged his shoulders. He went to freshen up and got ready.

I did the same.

"You remember na that you have to come to my office today?" He asked.

"Shall I come after lunch?" I replied-questioned.

"Yes. Come by 2:30." He said.

We had our breakfast and left. I dropped Khitai bhabhi too.

The moment I entered my cabin I saw Anika sitting.

"How was your trip and where is my gift?" She asked.

"My trip was great but I forgot your gift." I replied.

" I considered you my best friend and you did this to me? You forgot my gift?" She asked and started crying.

I guess the pregnancy hormones have started kicking her.

" Dombo, it's in my room. I forgot to bring it to office. Will give you tomorrow." I said.

In a matter of 2 seconds she was back to Normal.

" Now get lost. I need to work." I said and she went away faking a hurt emotion.

It was 1 and I went to Vaibhav's cabin to ask permission to have leave for some hours where I saw him kissing Anika.

"Geez, get yourself your home you two." I said catching him red handed. Anika blushed and Vaibhav's ears turned pink.

" What happened?" Vaibhav asked.

"Sir I need leave for 2 hours." I said.

"No go to your cabin and work." He said.

"Do you want the whole office to hear what I saw right now?" I asked him.

"God, woman! Now you are blackmailing your boss. Fine you can go." He said and I smirked.

I started for Rathore Enterprise but bad luck was by my side and the moment I got down from the car, I fell in a mud pool.

"God! Why are you so cruel on me?" I asked looking up.

I walked to the entrance but the watchman stopped me.

"Wait you cannot go in." He said.

" You cannot stop me. I'm here to meet Kabir." I said.

"I cannot allow you inside." He said reluctantly.

Why the hell was he stopping me? Ohh... yeah it is due to the fact that I'm covered in mud from head to toe.

"Listen, I'm Kabir's wife. Let me go in." I said.

" And I'm Varun Dhawan." He said.

"What is going on here?" A voice asked from behind. I turned to see Dhruv, Kabir's best friend.

"Bhabhi what happened? " He asked looking at me.

"I tripped in a mud pool and now this watchman is not allowing me to go in. Also don't call me Bhabhi, it's Shreya for you." I said.

"Shreya come with me. Get a fresh pair of clothes and change. I'm sure you don't want to get introduced like this." He said pointing towards me.

I nodded and he took me to a store near the office. I picked up some clothes and walked to the counter.

"Shreya go and get changed. I'll pay." He said.

"Absolutely not. I'm paying." I said.

"Kabir was right. You hate dependence but consider this a gift from me. I insist." He said.

"But..." I started.

"No buts. I really insist." He said.

I sighed and went to the change room.

After this we walked towards the office and he directed me to Kabir's office.

When I entered I was amazed to see his cabin. So huge.

Looking at me expression he just smirked at me.

Shreya's look

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