《His Reporter Biwi.✅》Chapter-16


Shreya POV.

A week passed and it was Monday today, Kabir was leaving for Delhi for a week. I was a little upset. I cannot explain the feeling I was having. He noticed it.

"Shreya I will come in a week. Why are you so tensed?" He asked.

"Why will i be tensed?" I asked.

"Anyone can tell that you are tensed. Don't pretend." Kabir said.

" Okay, whatever!" I said.

"Don't worry, I be back before you know." He said and I smiled at him.

"Now let's go down, you are getting late." I said and started leaving but he held my hand.

"I'll miss you. And you better take care." He said and kissed my cheek. I just blushed.

"How will I survive without seeing this blush on your face for the next 7 days." He sighed and I just chuckled.

We went downstairs to the living room.

"Take care, complete your work quickly and come back soon both of you." Mom said to Siddharth bhaiya and Kabir.

"Yes mom we will take care and come soon." Siddharth Bhaiya said and hugged mom and Kabir followed.

Then they left for the airport.

"Shreya today can you drop me to the office? My car is in the repair station?" Roshni Bhabhi asked.

"Bhabhi you don't have to ask. Just inform." I said and she smiled.

"You are the sister I never had." She said.

We left for work. I dropped her to her office and drived towards mine. I was very excited. I was meeting Anika today. She and Vaibhav returned back to India the day before yesterday.

The moment she saw me, she jumped and hugged me.

"Someone seems very happy today? Enjoyed your honeymoon?" I asked.

She winked and said, " Those are the details which I'm leaving for our girls night out." I nodded and went to meet Vaibhav sir. Here in office I call him sir to sound a little professional. He is the editor in chief after all.


"Hello sir. Had a good honeymoon?" I asked him.

"As good as I could have." He said.

"The foreign delegates were pretty impressed with the presentation. They will reply within this week." I said switching to my business like tone.

"Thank you so much once again for handling it. I'm sure the reply is gonna be positive." He said and I nodded.

"You have to go and get the statement of the police officer who was the in charge of the drug case. Once this is done, we are going to create a short picturization of the chain of events and then telecast it. Those dealers are already arrested." He said.

"Right on it." I said and went to grab my bag and Tarun who is the cameraman.

We recorded his statement and went back to the studio where Vaibhav was waiting.

"Here is the statement." I said handing over the chip to him.

"Okay, listen I have to attend a conference on an urgent basis so do my show today." He said.

"Absolutely not! Vaibhav. I have my show to host right after yours." I said.

"Shreya do as I say. You will be pleased that I'm letting you do this interview." He said.

"Whose interview Sir?" I asked.

"Virat Kohli's interview." He said casually.

"OMFG!! Are you serious? You are letting me do it?" I asked.

"You are one of the best we have." He said and shrugged his shoulder.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!' I sang.

"It's a joint interview. Anushka would be with him. Take the script from Anika." He said and left for his shitty conference. I was on cloud nine. I claim to be the biggest fan of Virat kohli.

I was halfway through the script when Anika brought me a burger.

"You, my darling are an angel." I said and she grinned.


"I know that. Eat it and complete reading the script. Both of them will be here within in the next hour. It is a live interview." She said and I nodded.

I was done and waiting for them in the green room dressed for the interview. Within the next few moments Anika entered with Virat and Anushka. I was fangirling.

"Hello sir! Hello mam!" I greeted both of them.

"Sir? Mam? We are not that old you know. You can call us by our names Shreya." Virat said and Anushka nodded.

"Sure." I said.

"So guys discuss the script, I'll get the studio ready." Anika said and left.

"I'm a huge fan of both of you." I said.

"And I'm a huge fan of yours. My dad listens to you all the time. Your work is commendable." Anushka said.

"Wow! I didn't know that I'm that popular." I said and they both chuckled.

We were done discussing the script within the next 20 minutes.

"You know you are the first unmarried woman I'm actually liking after a long time. You are not hitting on my husband." Anushka said. I just blushed.

"As a matter of fact, I'm married." I said.

"You are married? When did that happen." Virat asked. This was the first time he was talking directly to me.

"Three weeks ago." I said.

"Well congratulations are in order then." Anushka said and hugged me taking me by surprise. Virat side hugged me too.

"So who is the lucky one?" Virat asked.

"Kabir Rathore." I said.

"The businessman?" Anushka asked.

"Yes." I said.

"I've met him a couple of times. He is a good man." Virat said.

"You know him?" I asked.

" Well we have met in a couple of gatherings." Virat said and I nodded.

Anika came in and asked us to settle in the studio. We did and the interview began. I lasted for about 55 minutes and then we wrapped up.

"Can i please have picture with both of you?" I asked.

"Sure." Anushka replied and Anika clicked a picture for me.

They left the studio and I again got ready for my daily debate. I was done by 11 and went home.

" You interviewed Virat Kohli and Anushka...!!!" Aditya said and I just smiled.

I was so tired that I ate dinner and went to my room after wishing a goodnight to everyone. I changed and was about to hit the bed when my phone rang. It was Kabir.

" You reached Kabir? I'm so sorry I couldn't call. It was a busy day and I'm very tired." I said.

"What is with you and phone? Why do You always speak so much altogether over the phone Mrs Rathore?" He asked.

"It's my habit." I said.

"Yes I reached. And it's okay I know you would have been busy. So are you still fangirling over Virat kohli or in the normal mode now?" He asked.

"You saw the interview! I loved both of them. He told that you have met him a couple of times.?" I questioned.

"Yeah in some gatherings." Kabir replied.

"Have you and bhaiya had dinner?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied.

"Shreya go to sleep. You are very tired. We will talk tomorrow. Goodnight." Kabir added.

"Goodnight And take care." I said and hung up. Then I let sleep embrace me.

Virushka dress.

Shreya's look.

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