《His Reporter Biwi.✅》Chapter-3


After that embarrasing stunt that I pulled with Anika earlier today, I didn't dare to get out of my room all day. I knew that ever if I come anywhere near my mom's peripheral vision, I will be the object of her wrath. Finally it was dinner time and I had to get out of the room because of a rule in the house. The family eats TOGETHER. Now I was just praying to god that my mumma will not scold me in front of others again.

"Shreya come to the dining room in 10 mins" said Riya Bhabhi and went downstairs. When I entered the dining area, Jahanavi pulled me down and said "Bua, you don't worry. Dadi will forgive you like mumma forgives me." Then she kissed my cheeks and ran away.

"Mumma, I'm not hungry. You guys carry on." Saying this I started to leave the room but Papa stopped me and said "Before you go, apologise to Kabir and Siddharth. They were searching for you all night" He said this in a very cold tone. I felt so disgusted with myself that I just muttered a sorry a dashed out of the house but not before lying to them that I'm going to office as there is an emergency.

WE were very worried for our princess but when she returned home I was very relieved. Everyone was giving her a cold shoulder to her so Virat bhai and I decided to go to her room to cheer her up but mom caught us. All day I did not see her. It was finally dinner time when she came in and announced that she was not hungry. I was about to make her sit for dinner but Papa interruptting and asked her to apologise to Kabir and Siddharth and then go. She mumbled a quick sorry and left saying that there was an emergency in her office. But I noticed tears in her eyes before she turned around to leave. When she left I was about to shout on others about making her feel miserable but Virat nhi beat me to that and shouted loudly

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? SHE WAS ALREADY FEELING BAD AND NOW YOU TALKED TO HER IN A TONE WHICH MADE HER FEEL UNWANTED." He started to leave and I accompanied him to find her. After all she is our princess.

Here I am, sitting in my office cabin crying. I have never felt so unwanted in my entire life.

Next moment Virat bhai and Rohit bhai barged into my cabin and hugged me. I starting crying more loudly.


"Princess pls don't cry. We can't see tears in your eyes. We love you" Virat bhai said.

"Sissy you know, Virat bhai scolded all the people back in the house for mistreating you." Consoled Rohit bhai.

"Bhai I'm so sorry. I will never do this again. I cried.

"We know princess" came dad's voice from behind. They were standing there.

I ran and hugged them.

"My baby stop crying now" my mumma cooed.

All of us went home. My mom fed me and tucked me to bed like she used to do when I was a little girl.

"I am still furious with you guys for making my princess cry but I'll forgive you this time." I said looking at mom and dad.

"We will talk to her about the wedding tomorrow itself" said my mom to Mrs Rathore.

"Okay" Mrs Rathore replied.

" I would love to have such a pure soul as my daughter." She further added.

I don't want my sister to marry so soon but I know that Kabir will be the best for my princess. With this we all retired to our respective rooms.

"Virat why are you so tensed?"Riya asked.

"Nothing my love, I'm just thinking about Shreya." I said.

"Everything will be fine. Don't worry" She said and we slept peacefully.

I woke up by my dear Anika's call as she informed me that we are supposed to go to a conference in Bangaluru tomorrow. It is on a short note but nonetheless very important. My editor in chief Mr Vaibhav Singhal and she are engaged to be married. It was office love! How I wish I could have such a relationship too. Removing such irrelevant thoughts from my mind I dragged myself out of the bed and went downstairs after getting fresh. As we had to leave tomorrow, it was an of day for us.

"Goodmorning Shreya" Mr Rathore saw me and wished.

"Gm uncle!" I said.

"Shreya we wanted to discuss something with you. Have a seat." Mumma said this time.

"What happened mumma? Why are you so serious?" I asked.

"We want you to get married." Papa said this time.

"WHAT! I thought mumma was joking. No Papa, I don't wanna get married." I snapped.

"Shreya, I had Rohit when I was your age. Baccha this is the best age to marry." Mom assured.

"But mom.... I am not ready to take such huge responsibility right now. Besides I don't love anyone till now" I reasoned.


"Well after marriage, every girl becomes responsible. And I know you don't love anyone so we have chosen Kabir for you." Mumma said and my eyes widened.

"Okay mumma, If this is what you want, I'll marry him." I said.

Everyone was elated to listen this.

" Don't you want to talk to him before agreeing?" Dad asked.

" No, I know you will choose the best for me." I said.

My mumma brought sweets for everyone.

"My princess is gonna marry, I am so happy!" Rohit bhai said in a girly voice.

"You will have a very handsome husband with yourself Shreya!"said my Bhabhis to me.

I just blushed and changed to topic.

" Mumma I have a flight for Bangaluru tomorrow." I said.

"Shreya when will you start telling me things earlier?" Mumma scolded.

"Mumma to just got to know today morning. I am sorry." I said.

"It's okay. When will you be back?" Dad asked.

"After 3 days Papa." I said.

"We can do Kabir's roka tomorrow. As it does not require the bride's presence." Said Mr Rathore.

My dad agreed and I went to my room for packing.

I one topic I avoid to death is marriage. I don't want to get married. Not now. But my parents have decided that this is best time to get married and I had agreed to them.

"I am so happy Kabir. Do you know Mr. Kashyap? I want you to meet her. She is 24 years old Reporter and is single. We will be going to Mumbai with Mr Kashyap and his son to meet her." Mom said happily.

"Okay mom." I replied.

"Mom, which news channel does she work in? Do you have her photo?" Bhabhi asked.

"She works in ABC Channel. This is her photo" my mom said.

Siddharth, my brother immediately turned the news channel on and there she was, debating with her panelists. I was mesmerised seeing her but i covered it quickly before my brother could see it. Her name is Shreya.

The following evening we landed in Mumbai and went to the Kashyap's house. We were welcomed warmly by Mrs Kashyap.

We waited for Shreya but she was going to be late so we had dinner. My mom wanted to meet her but was disappointed. After sometime we left for the hotel with a promise to check out of the hotel and live in the Kashyap mansion for the rest of the days for out stay.

The next day I had some work to attend to in the Mumbai branch so I directly left to the office from hotel while my family went to the Kashyap mansion. My work was over by afternoon so I went there. My parents had already talked to Kashyaps about our wedding proposal and they had agreed. All the ladies couldn't wait to talk to Shreya so they tricked us and took us to her office to talk. All the way I was imagining her reaction to this news. We were waiting for in when my phone started ringing and I went to talk outside. In the middle of the talk I heard some screaming so I went inside. I saw a HER running to the door and she was about to fall when I held her delicate waist and we had an eye contact. I was completely mesmerised by her. I then helped her to stand and extended my arm saying,

" I'm Kabir".

"And I'm late!" She said running out of the room.

We all chuckled.

It was late night and Shreya had not returned. Also her phone was switched off. I was worried. HELL worried so I went out with my brother and her brothers to search for her.

When we all returned back we saw her being slapped by Mrs Kashyap. She was sent to her room.

She tried to sneak out of her room through the window but we all saw her. Her father questioned her and her phone rang which was on speaker. The conversation she had with her friend highly amused me. I was about to laugh out loud but controlled myself. She was too funny. But she was my funny. Wait! Where did this come from? 'My' Kabir stop thinking this way I reprimanded my brain.

She was very sad when she announced that she will not have dinner but when her father asked her to apologise to my brother and me, she had an expression that she will break down now. She mumbled a sorry and ran out of the house saying that she has some urgent work. Her brothers have had enough and they went behind her to console her. I went to my room. The next day, I had a very important meeting but when I came back, I received the biggest shock of my life.

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