《Just Us ✔︎》7 | Lila
I felt a wet substance sticking onto my right cheek repeatedly along with small whimpers. I scrunch up my nose at the wetness that was now stuck onto my cheek as I swat my hands.
what the flip is that?
I peel my eyes open and thank the fact that the curtains are drawn, so the sun wasn't blaring into my eyes. I turn onto my side only to come face to face with a snout.
I let out a shriek before bolting up right in bed.
The little creature jumps back, frightened from my shriek and lays spread out on the floor beside the bed.
I immediately soften as I realized it was an adorable husky. I gushed loudly as it tilted its head to the side to observe me.
It had the most beautiful white fur that coated all around it with black on its head and back. It's eyes were a striking whitish blue. I noticed that it was very large, maybe even a little bigger than most huskies. I noticed it might've been a boy.
I slowly leaned over the bed so that my head dangled off the edge as I reached one of my hands up to him so he could get use to my scent. He seemed to be a little on guard.
Maybe he just needs a little love and warmth.
The husky slowly lifts his head from the ground and nears my hand and smells all around it before happily licking my hand.
I giggled at the ticklish sensation that had risen from his tongue.
"How the fuck is she able to do that?"
I jump, startled by the sudden voice that interrupts my moment with the husky. I look up at the door to see Nathalia, Enzo, Damon, Lance, and Zion all staring at me with bewilderment.
The husky suddenly jumps onto the bed and nuzzles his head onto my lap and under my hand, asking for my attention.
I just giggle again and begin to rub the spot behind its ears as it wags its tail happily.
"What do you mean?" I ask Damon, referring to his previous question.
"Tian doesnt take shit from no one. He literally hates all of us. The only person he listens to is Enzo and I guess now you." He replies as he continues to hide behind Enzo along with the others.
I suddenly notice a giant scar that ran from his neck down to his stomach. It looked so painful. I softly touched the scar and he let out a low whimper.
"I found him one night in an alleyway with blood all over him. Someone, I'm guessing his previous owner, did a number on him with a pocketknife. When I brought him in, it was clear he had been abused." Enzo strains sadly.
I suddenly feel a wave of sadness wash over me as I stare down at Tian. This adorable husky seemed to hold sadness in his eyes as he continued to wag his tail slowly and look out the balcony doors.
He seemed like he had a rough past. We would get along just fine.
"Can I call you tia?" I ask hopefully at Tian.
He rises his head suddenly and perks his ears up at the nickname. His tail suddenly starts wagging even faster and he barks happily in response before licking my cheek.
I laugh and shake my head before planting kisses on his face.
"Arent you just the sweetest?" I chirp as I rub both sides of his face with my hands.
"She's crazy." Zion mutters.
Tian then lets out a growl towards Zion and Zion backs away behind Nathalia.
"That's why she's perfect for Enzo." Damon smirks and wiggles his eyebrows.
Enzo makes his way over to Tian and I. He sits beside me as Tian walks over to him and lays his head on Enzo's lap.
Enzo lets out a soft yet deep chuckle that sends my cheeks burning. I look down so that my hair covers my face.
Enzo continues to give Tian belly rubs.
"You aren't gonna kill me right?" I blurt out before covering my mouth in embarassment.
Biss why would you say that? now they gonna kill you-
"We won't." Enzo asserts from beside me as he looks at me with a soft expression.
"Yea, how could I kill off my best friend." Damon scoffs as he runs over to me before plopping his body onto mine.
I let out an 'oof' as his body crushes mine.
"so he..avy" I strain out from under him.
"Lili are you calling me fat?" Damon exclaims as he stands up with a hand on his hip and the other flat on his heart with a shocked expression on his face.
"N-no, t-that's not-"
"Stop scaring her Damon." Lance interrupts me as he hugs Damon from behind.
Damon lets out a huff as he puffs out hiss cheeks.
"I'm sorry again for lying to you Lillies." Lance sighs as he looks at me apologetically.
"It's okay, really." I reassure him.
"Enough of this boring stuff, I finally get to have another female from all this testosterone." Nathalia chirps as she makes her way over to me.
She smiles brightly at me before pulling me into a tight hug.
"You are so gorgeous." She compliments as I feel my cheeks redden yet again.
"You're really badash" I compliment back as I stare in awe at her outfit.
She had a cropped leather jacket that showed off her thin black shirt that was tucked into her pants. Her belt had small knives and a rolled up rope situated, while her thick hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Her whole aura screamed confidence as she held her head high.
She laughs at my cover of using vulgar language.
"I would like to take a shower please, so if everyone could kindly yeet I would appreciate it." I say in an overly sweet tone as I clapped my hands.
"I'll gladly join amore." Enzo huskily says from beside me as he leans close to me.
"Bold papi bold." Damon snickers as he and the others walk out of the room.
I smack Enzo's arm as I tumble out of bed and run to the bathroom.
"Why the fuck not!" Damon yells angrily at Zion.
"Because the last time you made anything, you literally burned fucking water." Zion yelled back.
I sigh and separate the two angered mafia men as I start up the boiling water.
Apparently these men have not tried ramen before and today I'm going to change that.
"I'm cooking, you both put your booties in those chairs." I state firmly as I reach over to the newly brought shin ramen packages.
I begin to put in 30 ramen noodle packages as apparently these people need a lot to feel full.
After I finish putting in all the ingredients, I lean over the counter as I listen in on the bickering between Damon and Zion.
"Would you like to open up a instagram account Lili?" Nathalia says from beside me.
I crunch my nose at what she meant. I knew people used instagram often, but I never got into it because I was always in the shadows anyways.
"Aren't you guys suppose to be undercover or something?" I ask as I take a sip from my water.
"Not really, everyone knows who we are and how powerful we are. Even if they were to go to anyone about us nobody would even question it because at the end of the day the Barachi empire is in more control than the actual president." Nathalia smacks the back of both the boys head for being too loud.
Nathalia then comes over and takes my phone to help me set up an account.
"Do they always bicker like that?" I ask Lance.
He sighs before nodding his head, "They are actual brothers. Always bickering."
I went over to the now finished ramen pot before grabbing several bowls and pouring the food into them. I then add in the mini sausages and a poached egg to each bowl.
I clap my hands at the newly made ramen as I then place all the bowls in front of everyone.
"My dic- oH mY this smells amazing boo!" Damon yells as he takes in the biggest sniff I've ever heard as he quickly grabs a fork and starts devouring the noodles.
I giggle at the rounds of moans that every person in the kitchen lets out as they devour the ramen in front of them.
"Eww, people are gonna think we have some type of shit going on." Lance says as he scrunches up his face.
I noticed Lance is a lot more comfortable now and more in his nature than before. Maybe because he can show himself rather than hide it around us.
"Here ya go Lili," Nathalia hands me back my phone as she encourages me to set up the rest of my profile.
I decided to message Enzo on the app to tell him to get his butt down here to eat. He's working too hard.
I see you've made yourself an account on here.
Who said I wouldn't want that? ;)
I shake my head as I feel my cheeks warm up. I close my phone after that and glance at the friends I've come accustomed to in just a few minutes.
Lance and Nathalia were bickering about how idiotic Damon and Zion were and how they looked more of a married couple even though Damon and Lance are dating.
Damon then flicks a piece of ramen noodle at the direction of Lance, but Lance catches it and slurps it up while sending a wink at Damon.
'hot' he mouths before going back to his ramen.
To think these are the same people that were associated with those rumors. It seems difficult to believe at this moment.
Just then I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me flush against a sculpted chest. My breath hitches as I get a whiff of the familiar cologne.
"Enzo.." I trail off, squirming in his hold.
"About that spanking..." Enzo whispers into my ear as one hand trails down to my inner thigh.
I immediately jump out of his hold to go grab his bowl of ramen and utensils.
I turn back around only to be met with his signature smirk as he leans against the kitchen counter.
"Just eat you dummy." I murmur as I shove the bowl into his hands.
He chuckles and eats the noodles before looking back up at me and nods in approval. I smile at this.
"Cmon let's watch a movie." Nathalia whines as she grabs my arm and directs me towards the living room.
The guys all trail behind as they discuss something in silence.
"What are we watching?" I ask as I sit beside Nathalia on couch.
"Horror!" Zion exclaims as he swipes the remote before Nathalia can grab it.
Nathalia sends a death glare his way as he happily returns it with a smile before clicking through netflix and putting on the conjuring.
"We're gonna watch both movies." He states firmly as he presses play.
"I'm going to go grab some snacks, Lili wanna come?" Nathalia asks as she stands up and looks over her shoulder at me.
I nod silently as I get up and follow her back into the kitchen to find some snacks.
Once we grab some popcorn we make our way back into the living room.
I was about take my seat back next to Nathalia, but Enzo grabs my hips and pulls me down onto his lap.
"Enzo, what are you doing." I scowl at him.
"Getting comfortable." He replies as he nuzzles his face into my neck.
I try to get out of his hold but he sends a stern look my way.
His face softens again as he snuggles back into my neck.
Who would've thought the big bad mafia leader liked cuddling.
I refocus on the movie in front of us but before we could even get through 10 minutes of it, an alarm goes through the house.
I jump in Enzo's arms as he tightens his grip around me.
Zion closes the TV off as they all exchange looks at each other while I'm suddenly feeling quite clueless.
"Amore I need you-" Before Enzo could finish his sentence, there are yells coming from the front of the house.
"Damon." Enzo calls out.
"Yes papi?" Damon replies with a hand on his hip and one with a gun.
Where did he even get that?
"Come with me, Nathalia your going to stay by Lila's side. Lance you too. Zion, I need you to go help out back. There's no doubt they'll try the back like last time." Enzo shouts out orders with authority.
That's really hot.
Lila, this is not the time for your horomones.
"Lila, I need you to stay by Nathalia and Lance okay? Do not come out of my room until I come in." Enzo states firmly as he places me down onto the floor.
I nod and follow Lance and Nathalia up the stairs.
Before I go, I quickly hug Enzo and whisper a 'be safe' his way.
He gives me a reassuring smile before exiting the house through the front door and shouting at whoever the perpetrator was.
I quickly bolt up the stairs and lock Enzo's door.
Nathalia and Lance let out a sigh as they get situated on the carpeted floor.
"What's going on?" I ask as I sit myself down in front of them.
"The Millas family is back again." Lance shakes his head in frustration.
"They've been trying to get an alliance with us for years now. But they are full of dirt and unloyal hog dogs. All they want is to merge with our Mafia and try to get as much power as they can." Nathalia explains.
"But they haven't been able to. So they took matters in their own hands and have been trying to forcefully break into the Barachi household. We didn't think they would even try, but they got guts so I'll give em that." Lance finishes.
"Anyways, enough of this stuff. Let's take some pictures." Nathalia exclaims excitedly as she drags both Lance and I towards the mirror in the bathroom.
"I can't sugars, I gotta up the system for now. You two go ahead." Lance huffs sadly as he goes onto the laptop he had somehow brought up.
Nathalia and I sit in front of the mirror before posing and snapping a picture. Both Nathalia and I, had our phones out and we leaned up against each other while we blocked our faces with our phones.
"Finally have someone I can be myself around." Nathalia sighs out in relief.
"What do you mean?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow.
"Being a mafia princess, let alone to the most powerful one, just earns you reputation. Along with that comes with being used as a toy. Every bitch in here is either fake or will use you for something. You can't trust anyone here. Sometimes you can't even trust your own family." She says sadly as she fiddles with her fingers.
"Well, you don't need to worry about that. We'll have each other's back." I reassure her, hoping my words are enough.
She gives me a smile before changing the subject.
"What weapon do you think you'll select?" She asks as she holds one of my hands.
"Weapons?" I ask.
"Yea, every new recruiter we get will always go through different tests for ever weaponry we have. Then we, or mainly me, chooses what weapon best suits them. Each type has a different kind of trait to it. It's like a zodiac sign with the traits." She explains.
I honestly don't even know how I would function with weapons. I can barely open chip bags without the whole thing exploding on me.
"We have all sorts of weaponry. From bows and arrows to guns, knives, whips, and more. Lance is firearm, Damon is knives and ropes, Zion is also firearm. Enzo specializes in all weapons since he's the leader so he's required to be prepared. I'm firearm and ropes."
"What do you think I would be?" I ask as I ponder over it.
"Hm," She thinks for a moment before replying with full confidence,
"Knives. Definitely knives."
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