
"Do..n't put me..there...please...plea...no.."She squirmed in her sleep.

"Ava..you're okay..I am here. Wake up..wake up." Her eyes shot open and a yelp escaped her mouth. She closed her eyes and sat up straight in the same position as before. She was shivering tremendously.

"Ava..it's me..I am not going to hurt you...look at me." I tried to hold her but she only moved away.

"Plea..please..turn on the lights." Her lips were quivering. I immediately switched the lamp on. She peeked through her arms and after taking few deep breaths and mumbling to herself, she looked up at me. I bought a glass of water and gave it to her.

"Thank you." Her voice was barely audible. Her eyes were all red and puffy. I felt a twitch in my heart om seeing her like that. I shouldn't have turned lights off even after she slept.

"More ?" She nodded and I poured more water into her glass.

"I should go back in my room, I'll be nothing but a trouble." She whispered.

"You're anything but a trouble. Now try and go back to sleep, okay ?" She looked at me for a moment, then laid down, maintaining her distance.

My eyes were starting to feel heavy but she was still wriggling. She wasn't able to sleep.

"Ava" I called and she immediately turned around.


"Can I put my arms around you ?" I mean, maybe I can cuddle her to sleep. My mom use to do that every time I felt scared.

"Wha..what d..do you mean ?"

God ! I have never asked any girl such type of question before. It wasn't ever required.

"I..I...mean..it will help you in sleeping."




I gave him a nod and next minute, he scooted a little close to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Those sparks I felt can never be ignored.

He was trying hard to fight his sleepiness. This little show of affection was enough to make me smile. So I just closed my eyes, so that he may sleep and after few minutes I could hear his soft snores. I still wasn't able to sleep, though I felt safe still it just happens. Once I wake up, it's never too easy to sleep without pills.

My mind drifted back to all the events that happened today. When he told me that he broke up with Lisa, to say I was shocked would be an understatement. I wanted to know the reason but he looked so angry that I couldn't bring myself up to ask him. However, I think if it is a chance for me to get to know him to make a small place for me in his heart.

But will he ever want to spend life with me ? And that too after knowing about all this.

I just got lost in my thoughts and soon sleep took over me, but it was short lived.



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