
By the time I woke up it was 6:00 p.m.

After making myself presentable, I headed to the kitchen and saw a middle aged lady washing some vegetables. Stepping towards her, I whispered, "Hello." She slightly jumped in surprise and turned to face me.

"Hello sweetie." She composed herself and greeted me. She is a beautiful with blonde hairs and dark brown eyes.

"My name is Ava and you would be.."

"I am Laura Moretz but you can call me Laura. I must say you are a real beauty."

"It's nice to meet you, Laura and thank you. You are so beautiful as well."

"Aww..thank you sweetie."

By and by we started chatting about nothing specific and were cooking food.

I was cooking lasagna while she was helping me. At first she wasn't allowing me but somehow I convinced her. She was telling me stories of Zach Knight's childhood. I still don't know what to call him. We were both busy in laughing that we didn't see him coming towards us, until we heard him clearing his throat.

I instantly zipped my mouth and turned my attention back on the oven, where my delicious food was getting ready. Thinking of which my tongue instinctively licked my lips.

"Hello, son." He gave her a nod while I could feel his burning gaze on me.

God ! he makes me nervous.

"Laura, would you please excuse us for a minute ?" He asked more like ordered her. She turned towards me. I pleaded her with my eyes to not to leave me here alone but I guess she missed it and left.


I mustered up some courage and finally looked him in his oceanic blues.

"Is everything okay ?" I asked him softly.


Just like the morning, he began to take big strides towards me until he was standing right infront of me, however there was enough distance between us, for me to function properly.

"Don't try and act all nice to me. I know girls like you. I don't know what spell you casted on my parents but I won't ever fall for it. And get one thing straight & clear, I don't want anyone to know about this marriage. We will act like a couple only infront of my parents. Don't expect anything more from me and neither do you knock at my door unless it's important." He spoke menacingly and turned to leave but the moment those words left his mouth, I felt as if someone dumped freezing water over my head.

If he hates me so much, then why did he marry me and what does he mean by..

"What do you mean by 'girls like me' ?" I asked.

He turned around and walked even closer, all my confidence began to fade. He leaned in, I could feel his breath on my ears. His closeness was doing things to me I have never felt before.

I was on the verge of losing my senses, until he spoke..

"An innocent acting desperate brat." His words pierced my heart, moreover his tone, his words reminded me of people I have been fighting all my life. I immediately pushed him away with all the force I could gather. He stumbled on the tiled floor but prevented himself from falling. Tears were shining in my eyes, but I can't let him walk over me again.

"I know you're mad at me for I don't know what reason, and if yelling makes you feel calm, then I won't say a word but never ever again say a word against my character."


I said slightly raising my voice and walked towards my room while he was standing there thunderstruck.

Once I got in my room, I closed the door and kneeled down finally letting my tears flow out. What did I ever do to him !! A desperate woman, what does he know about me, to say that.

After what felt like hours, I walked in the bathroom. After washing my face I walked back to the kitchen. Lasagna was kept on the counter, I totally forgot about it. Neither Laura nor he was in my view. I took a glass and poured myself some water when someone tapped on my shoulder I turned around to find a concerned looking Laura.

She gave me a warm smile. I tried to hide all my sadness and mask it with a smile. I know she didn't buy it however she didn't ask any questions, and I was thankful for that.

After having dinner with me Laura went back to her home, while I placed remaining lasagna for him in the refrigerator and left a sticky note.

'Food is in the fridge, heat and eat it or just knock on the door.' It said.

I was way to angry but that doesn't mean I would want him or in case anyone to sleep without eating.


I was shocked at her sudden outburst but quickly recovered and walked back in my room.

Truth is always bitter.

Later that night, I called Lisa to come over, but she told me that she can't as a friend of her is sick and needs help.

I offered to help, but she denied.

So I began to work.

It was around 11:00p.m., when my stomach decided to announce it's presence. I got up from my seat and walked to the kitchen, passing her room on the way. I went towards the fridge and saw a note.

'Food is in the fridge,heat and eat it or just knock on the door.'

I ripped the paper and threw it in the dustbin. I decided not to eat whatever she had cooked but my stomach had grown a mind of it's own.

I heated the lasagna and ate it.

It was delicious. I won't lie but I won't ever agree it infront of her.

After having my dinner I went back in my room and soon sleep overtook my senses.


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