《My Rude boy[J.Jk Ff][Completed] ✔》part 16



I was walking to school with jungkook.he was very silent.he didn't even bother to look at me.his hands were in his pockets of his jacket.it was really awkward. So I spoke first.

I cleard my throat.

"Uhm.jungkook"I asked while looking at him.

"Hm?"he just hmmed without looking at me.

"Why can't you be my friend?I mean we are living together even for a short time.so it will be easy for us to live.sooo..let's be friends.at least during this-"I was cut off by him.

"No"he simply said.

I scoffed at him.

"So rude"I whispered under my breath.

"But why?do you hate me?"I asked again.

He sighed and turned to my side.

"Can you please shut your mouth.please!!it's really hard to be with you cuz you're always babbling nonsense which are useless. "He said angrily and headed towards the school.

It hurts.am I really speaking useless things?that mean am I useless?nah.why should I care about what he says.that little brat.

I shrugged and followed him.

We entered to school and he faced me.what now?

"Now you're free.go wherever you want in this school.remember ONLY INSIDE THE SCHOOL.don't follow me."

Then he left me dumbfounded.

"At least I can be free in here."

Then I heard someone called me.


I looked behind me and there,it was jimin.

"Hi good morning! "I greeted him with a big smile.

"Good morning! By the way,how was the living with him?hope you guys didn't fight. "

I sighed heavily while walking the hallway with him.

"What is with that sigh?did you guys really fight? "He asked while raising an eyebrow.

"A fight with words."I simply said."but he apologized me.so it's ok now "

Then jimin was silent.so I took a look at him. His eyes were widen and his mouth was a bit opened.


"Why?"I asked raising an eyebrow.

"D-Did he really apologize? "He was shocked. But why?

I nodded confusly.

"That mean he has opened up to you"he whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"Normally jungkook never apologize to people who are not close to him,people who are not accepted by him.if he apologized you,then he has accepted you to his life."

I was looking at him with a blank face.

"I don't think so.I asked him to be my friend but he said no.he'll never accept me as a friend "I said with the same facial expression.

Jimin just laughed at me.

"Give him some time little one.Maybe you're right. Who knows you will end up being his girlfriend. "

"Yah!park jimin!I'll never be his girlfriend. That asshole!I want to punch him on the face."

Jimin didn't say anything. He just chuckled and ruffled my hair.

After conversation with him I went to my class and found yerin.

Lunch time


I was walking to the caferia with my hyungs.Then I saw hana was sitting in a desk with her friend. I wanted to ignore her.but my stupid hyungs wanted to sit with them.

"Hii girls!"hoseok hyung shouted at them.

"Oh hello!"they greeted us with a small smile while hana glared at me.

After school

I waited at the gate for hana.after good 15 minutes she came.

"What the hell were you doing?can't you come quickly? "I was pissed.

"It's not my fault.a boy confess to me.that's why i was late"she simply said and walked passed me.

What!!a boy confessed to her!!who is that!is he handsome than me?did she accept him?uhhh why do I care.it's non of my business. But did she really accept him?

I ran to her to catch up with her.I cleared my throat.


"Uhm. Sooo did you accept him?"I asked her without showing my nervousness.

She looked at me weirdly.

"Did you speak to me?"she pointed her index finger to herself.

"No.I spoke to the ghost behind you."

"Haha very funny"she said in a sarcastic voice.

"So did you accept? "

"Why do you care?and why are you speaking to me all of sudden.you told me to shut my mouth.so don't talk to me"she said in a cold tone.

Woah!she is really something. Was I really rude to her in the morning? Yeah. I was.

I walked with her silently.but my mind was not silent.Did she really accept?

Then I got a call by namjoon hyung.

"Wait here.I have to answer this"I told her and left for some distance from her.

"JUNGKOOK!RUN!!!"he screamed.I didn't try to reply him.I quickly look at hana.too late.they were holding her.there were ten men.I didn't waste any time I just ran towards them.I looked at hana.

She was trembling. Fear was written in her small eyes.

"Hello jungkook!"

A man appeared from no where.

I looked at him furiously.it was lucus. Minhyuk's best friend.

"Long time no see."he said while putting his hand over my shoulder. I quickly shrugged it off.

"Let her go"I said in calm voice trying to hold my anger.

He smirked.

"No she will go with us."he said while walking towards her.

"I said let her go!she has nothing to do with this!"I shouted and tried to ran towards her.

But I stopped.he was holding a gun against her head.

"If you try to take one step forward, I'll have no choice but to shoot her."he said while smirking.

I was frozen by the sight.she was crying.she was scared.why is it so hard to look at her like this?what is this pain in my heart?

"Please!let her go!you only need me."

If there's no any gun against her head,I already have ripped off everyone's heads by now.

Lucus laughed like a maniac.

"You're blinded by love jungkook.she is your weakpoint then.minhyuk is right. She is the only way to get down you."he said while smirking. And he got closed to hana who was trembling in fear.

He removed her hair on her face and placed them behind her ear.

"Yah!!don't touch her.just let her go."I shouted out my lungs.I wanted to run forward.but his gun has frozen me.I don't want to lose her.my every wrong move will cause her death.I fist my hands in to a ball.I could feel my blood was boiling inside my body.

"Jungkook you have a great taste in girls.she is pretty.and her body..."he was staring at her like a hungry lion.

He was out of his right mind.this is my time.

I quickly ran in spead of light and kicked to his gun.it was disappeared and I didn't know where did it go.but right now my priority is protecting hana.

Lucus was shocked by my sudden action and took that opportunity to punch in his face.and other men ran towards me.I was punching the men who were holding hana and got released her from their grip.now they were all in front of us.we had no where to run.I slowly pulled hana towards my backward covering her.

She was holding my shoulder. I could feel her trembling.

"Jungkook,I'm scared"she whispered while crying silently.

"Don't be.I'm with you"

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