《My Rude boy[J.Jk Ff][Completed] ✔》part 3



After bell rang jungkook quickly got up and went to out side.huh..that rude punk.I should stay away from him or else I'll have to face troubles as today.

I got up and went to outside of the class.as soon as I came outside,


I heard a familiar voice.yeah I know who's voice is that. I turned around to see my bestie.

She is yerin. We were in same school before she transferred to here.now we're going to be together again.

"Uh!!yerin-ah!!!"I ran to her and was going to hug her.but I immediately stop myself cuz my uniform is covered with mud.

"Oh hana! What happened to you?"she was surprised to see me like this.

"Uh it's a long story.can you help me to change? "

"Arasso (ok).come with me.but you have to tell me what happened. Ok?"

"Arasso arasso.I'll tell during the interval "

After I got change I went to my class.luckily yerin also had the same class as me.

I didn't see that rude punk during the those periods before the interval except 1st one.

During the interval me and yerin went to the canteen and got our food.we went to a table in the corner and told her everything that happened.

"What!!yah!I'm telling you for your sake.don't go near him and also his other six friends."

"Ah why would I? I don't want to.but can I ask why?"

"Cuz they are so troublesome and every girl wants to be in their pants.so disgusting. But that jungkook guy is different. No girl could touch him.He seems to be a dangerous guy.I have never seen him smiling."

"Are you a fan girl of them?"I asked.


"What!are you crazy?they are so annoying."

At the moment I saw a group of boys were coming to the canteen and I saw that annoying punk was with them.

"Yerin,were you talking about that group?"I pointed my index finger towards them.

She looked back.

"Yeah.just don't look at them."


when I was entering to the canteen with my friends I saw that annoying girl ,was sitting with another girl.after taking our food we sat in a table near that girl's table.

"Yah jungkook!what happened today?"taehhyung asked me.

"He has sent some men to catch me."I told him while eating.

"What! Again?"jimin asked angrily.

"When will he stop this fucking game.He's always after you."yoongi said while banging to the table.

Because of his action that girl looked at us.

"Yah hyung! Keep it slow."I told him.

"What will you do?"Jin asked in a calm voice.

"I don't know.like always running away is the best solution for me."I said while looking down.

"Yah!until when will you run.huh?when will you stop?"jhope ask in an irritated voice.

"I just don't know!what should I do then?should I go to him?no way! I will never be his slave"I screamed in a whisper tone making sure that no one can hear me.then I got up from seat and ran away.

"Yah jungkook!wait!" I heard namjoon screamed but I didn't look back.


I saw the boys were in a serious discussion.

"What are they whispering? "I asked out of curiosity.

"How do I know?yah!park hana!just don't care about them.whatever they are talking,that's not our business. Just don't get in to a trouble.please!"

"I was just curious. That's all"I told her.

Then the next thing I saw was that jungkook guy got up and ran away.why is he always running?is he practising to a marothan. I giggled to my own thoughts.

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