《Lost Without You (A werewolf romance)》22. The Pact


Lincoln Hunters

"Come in!" I called out as my Beta entered the office. Looking everywhere but me.

"You asked for me Alpha.."

"There was no one patrolling around the mountains last night. Care to tell me why?"

He scratched the back of his head, recently Benjamin has been slacking in his responsibilities. "I might have missed out on it since, I was busy going rounds in the forest."


"Sorry Alpha. It won't happen again."

"Oh yeah, it surely won't happen again because Tyler is gonna be in charge of the border patrols from now on." A flash of anger washed through his eyes and I could only scoff at it. He can be the strongest warrior in the pack but, I'm his fucking Alpha. I'd take him on a challenge and defeat him with in seconds on any given day. He was well aware of it. How can he forget the days we've trained together. Tyler was known for being excellent at tracking scents, while Matt was the best agile warrior. Benjamin usually uses his heavy physique to take on an army of warriors. The title doesn't come to you easily, even if you were the only heir. The werewolf council conducts its usual appraisal before approving someone of being Alpha, if he wasn't up to the criteria, the position would be given to the next in line. I lead the most substantial and powerful pack in the whole of the North for a reason. I can't let mistakes slide in. As much as we're feared, there still would be someone or something out there trying to defeat us and take our place.

"Do you have a problem with that Beta?" I asked.

"No sir!" He swallowed.

"Mind you the Beta title is on the line. One more slip and I'll make you step down." I warned.

"It won't happen again.." he spoke, still hardly making any eye contact.

Tyler and Matt then joined us to talk about tomorrow's gathering with the Silver Moon Pack. Benjamin's jaw hardened at the sight of Tyler. The tension was thick between Benjamin and I until Matt spoke up.

"Alpha you'll sign the first pact between both packs tomorrow, so it's considered to have the closest pack members during the official paperwork. I could send out an invite to whoever necessary."

I nodded.

"The former Alpha and Luna, Benjamin and Nina, the two of you with your mates." I pointed at Ty and Matt. "Anyone else?" I really wish Amelia could come, stand by me. It was a special day after all.


"How about all the front warriors and their families. The former uppermost warriors and their families. I mean... guys this is big news for our pack. We're extending our pack." Tyler said enthusiastically.

"You're right man, it should be a celebration." Matt laughed.

"A celebration? Nah..." I walked away from them.

"Come on Linc, we could loosen up a bit you know." Tyler gave out his usual smirk. I wonder what he's up to now.

"Give me the names, Benjamin, anyone you'd like to invite?" Tyler asked while Matt asked for a maid to note down the names that had to be invited. Benjamin simply shook his head, his mind was else where. I got to find out what it was soon enough.

"The Michael's, Jason's family, umm how about the Browns..." Matt and Tyler kept piling up names. "Wait the Lovecraft family, Alpha Elijah would be pissed if we hadn't invited them." Tyler bit his cheek. So this is what he was up to. Well I can't complain.

By the end of the count, we've reached nearly five hundred werewolves being invited. I'm starting to think Matt and Tyler might have gone mad.

"Alright ladies, lots to prepare within twenty four hours. Let's hurry up!" Matt cried, hurrying out with the maid, followed by Tyler and Benjamin.


Amelia Lovecraft

"Dad, I'm home!" I sang as I walked into the house. I didn't know why but, I felt good as I drove home from the pack house. Lincoln asked if I could give us a chance? Him and I? A new beginning.

It seemed like a lot to take in, I went to see him for something else but he ended messing up my head with entirely something else. A part of me wanted to jump at the given opportunity, I'd blame it on the mate bond but the rest of me didn't give in to the idea at all. After meeting Kai, Heera seemed to have eased a bit too. He's hurt me in too many ways, for me to just give in. Even if I do, Sarah's words keep echoing in my ears. She seemed very confident that Lincoln will always go back to her. The last thing I want, would be to live my life with insecurities and trust issues.

"Mia!" My mum called from the kitchen, I only hoped dad hadn't told her anything. She wouldn't handle it as well as dad did. When I entered the kitchen, I saw my mother in a chirpy mood. Thank goddess, she didn't know. Yet. Dad wasn't someone to keep secrets from his wife. So it's only a matter of time for her to find out.


"Hey mama!" I kissed her cheek. "Where's dad?"

"At the library, he'll be home now. I've made shrimp Alfredo for you muffin." She smiled sweetly, opening the pot of delicious pasta.

"That smells amazing.." I sniffed.

I freshened up before lunch. Alex was kind enough to give me a half day off. So I slipped into my comfy Pyjama pants and a tank top. A yawn escaped my lips as I tied my hair into a messy bun and headed downstairs.

When I entered the living room, dad was seated in front of the television that played an old movie. His concentration though, was else where. He rested his head at he back of the couch, staring at nothing in particular. I simply sat beside him on the couch and switched to some music channel. In hopes that it will lighten up his mood. I hummed along with the song, lying sideways on the couch. He turned towards me and gave me a sad smile. "Can you stop sulking over the matter dad." I whispered to him. "Look at me, I'm fine." He only nodded in return.

"Lunch is ready!" Mum called.

"So today the ladies met up for breakfast, Luna Catherine just kept asking about Mia." My mother shrugged, and dad just shook his head.

"She's a lovely lady." I nodded, devouring the heavenly plate of pasta.

"Talking about the Luna, Matt stopped by at the library." Dad spoke.

"That's unusual." Mum's interest peaked.

"Hmm, well tomorrow they're signing the pact with the Silver Moon Pack. And the Alpha has called all of us for the gathering."

"All of us?" I coughed.

"Well that's great! Mia can meet a few new faces. She hasn't been out since she's back."

"I don't think I wanna come mama. Plus it's on a working day." I shook my head.

"Don't be silly Mia. Just come, once you're done after work of course." She rubbed my hand with a bright smile.

"Maybe stay back muffin, she'll be tired after her shift Cassie." Dad said.

"But David! I bet Alex would come too. It is a big event for The Blood Hunters Pack. No room for arguments. I'll pick your dress, first thing in the morning and we're all going." Mum clapped her hands together victoriously. I gave my dad pleading looks but to no avail.

"Oh my, it's been so long since, we've been to a party as a family." My mother was literally getting so damn excited. She really needs to calm down.

Her phone rang just then, she merrily walked to it and answered.

"Hello! Yes Cathy..." she laughed.

"Whose Cathy?" I quietly asked dad.

"The Luna Catherine!" He whispered back.

"Of course, of course." Mama spoke while giving me a pointed look. I scrunched my eyebrows at her with no clue.

"What's that look for?" I asked dad again. To which he only shrugged.

"Mia? Yes, she is definitely coming. Well, not the most comfortable in crowds but she's a big girl now."

I groaned as my mother just embarrassed me.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" She ended the call.

"What is going on Mum?"

"Well it's the Luna. She called me to personally invite us." She had a very proud smile. "And she double checked to see, if you were coming."

"That part... I heard." I gulped the last of my wine. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

After doing the dishes, I joined my father who sat in the patio.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing Mia." He smiled at me. Pulling me close so that I could lay on his shoulder.

"Are you worried about tomorrow sweetheart?" He asked me with a slight worry lacing his tone.

"Um not really. It's just that I don't know how these gatherings work. It's gonna be new to me." Dad and I both ignored the fact that my mate would be the main highlight of the event.

"Maybe we could just pretend we've been food poisoned." He laughed. "Your mother could go there alone."

"Oh goddess, now that you've said it. I think the shrimp Alfredo didn't sit well with me dad." I fake gagged. Followed by laughter and giggles from the both of us.


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