《Lost Without You (A werewolf romance)》19. Claim


Lincoln Hunters

It's been hours, since I've been punching the heavy bag. The gym had always been the best ways to relieve my stress but no matter how much I tried tonight my mind has been very restless. So I continued working out until my body would be worn out of energy, maybe then I could just pass out on the gym's cold floor.

With every punch that landed on the heavy bag, "she hates me" was the only thought that echoed in my head.

Kai growled from the inside. He's been urging me to leave everything behind and fall on my knees in front Amelia. I could only scoff at the idea, something in me knew she'll still want to drag me to the depths of hell.

It's been a battle between Kai and I, and the only way to take it out is by thrashing the punching bag which looks beaten up in the last couple of hours.

I promised Sarah, I'll be there for her. She gave me everything. We were in love. My heart clenched at the thought of admitting to myself that she was someone I used to love. Wiping the sweat on my forehead, I walked towards the window. Once again under the moon, looking for answers.

The metal doors of the gym swung open as Tyler walked in dressed up like he's been out. His hair disheveled and a smirk on his face. Kai grew vigilant, my body tensed.

The air in the room was filled with jasmine and vanilla. Amelia. I looked past Tyler, there was no one. Sniffing up the air around Ty I noticed he had her scent on him. What the fuck was he up to? A deadly growl left my lips as I lunged myself at him.


Tyler Reece


In a swift move, Lincoln grabbed my neck. His eyes gleaming from silver to grey. His fangs began to emerge. What stood in front of me was a man and beast combined. It felt like Kai and Lincoln stood hand in hand to rip me apart. There was anger, mad rage in those eyes that made me swallow my saliva. His forehead dripped in sweat and the veins on his neck and arms protruding.

I knew my Alpha the best. He was the one I looked up to when growing up. The last thing I wanted to do was see him in this state because of me. He left me no choice to be honest. When he met Sarah I thought it would be a temporary thing until he met his mate but, no! She clung onto him like a leech on his back. I knew she was bad news as soon as he announced their relationship.

I sucked it up hoping that it'll end one day. Then came Amelia. The doctor that everyone talks about. The girl with the kindest smile and happiest soul you'd ever come across. I secretly watched her when Lincoln goes to the hospital or when they met at the library. I couldn't help but thank the goddess for bringing the perfect fit for Lincoln. She didn't bow down to him, made it crystal clear that she didn't want to do anything regarding Linc. Neither did she do it in a boisterous way, she was this calm and composed girl. I knew she'd keep the Alpha on his toes. That'll be quite the scene to watch.

"Did you touch her?" He spoke as if spitting out venom.

I knew he wouldn't do anything without knowing the real reason as to why his mate's scent lingered on me. I did this on purpose, it was obvious he had feelings for her but something held him back. Well, we all know what or who it was. It was like an urge for me to bring out his feelings for her and get her to like him.


"Her? Who Alpha?" I smirked again but damn his grip got harder making me choke.

"Why the fuck is Amelia's scent on you Tyler?" With one hand choking me, he fisted his other one ready to slam it into my face. Yup, I better cut the drama. I wouldn't want a broken nose.

"Oh Mia? Yeah yeah... we kinda danced at the club." I smiled, hoping he'll ease the grip.

"Asshole!" I felt my feet being lifted from the ground. How the fuck did he do that? I probably weigh more than a bull.

"Linc, I just taught her a few moves man. C- chill, she seemed bored so I just... you know... made her hop onto the dance floor for a bit. Tania was there too."

The words slowly seeped into his thick skull before he dropped me to the floor. I coughed a few times watching him walk away from me. I know I stressed him further, but I needed him to realize what he wants, when it's clearly not Sarah.

It was my duty after all to make my Alpha be with his mate. Our Luna.


Lincoln Hunters

I can't take it anymore! I want to scream and break everything around me. Even the concept of another male around her makes my blood boil. I don't know why the fuck would Tyler want to pull off something like this, but he hit the nerve. How many seconds would it have taken for me to claw his heart out of his chest. Thankfully something reminded me that he felt protective of Amelia, since he found out about us.

She was his Luna, there was no change in that. He made sure she was well and safe. Whatever he did today, he did it purposely and it sure worked.

As I turned to him, I saw him gulp down a bottle of water. The annoying smirk still plastered on his face.

"Doesn't feel good, does it?" He raised his brow at me.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your mate's scent on another?" He threw the bottle in the trash. "You've been punishing her all these days with that... other woman's scent on you."

I was completely tongue tied.

"And yet, you wonder why she hates you Alpha. That's a real shame." With that he left.

Unwrapping the hand wrap around my wrist and palm, I made up my mind. I had to end things with Sarah. She has to understand, so does Benjamin. To be honest I feel like I've been cheating on her in my mind already. I'm going to set things straight and do what I had to do a while back.

I'm going to tell the world about my mate. Announce to the pack about their future Luna. As much as I have hurt her, I'm going win her heart. We're going to claim her as ours Kai! Something I should have done the moment I laid my eyes on her.

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