《Lost Without You (A werewolf romance)》9.Suspicious



Lincoln Hunters

When I entered the training grounds, I watched as the young warriors train and run through the fields. There were a few pups, running around but as soon as they saw my presence they simply ran the other way. They looked like a bunch of mischievous pups.

I walked further into the fields as I saw Matt approaching me with long strides.

"Linc." He panted and wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Tyler and I did the patrols this morning across the borders and caught on to an unfamiliar scent near the mountains."

"Where's Tyler?" I inquired.

"He's taken a few wolves to the borders to sniff further."

"Send the guards throughout the whole pack to detect for anything unfamiliar. I want you Benjamin and Tyler, in my office in exactly an hour." I walked away from him to the pack house.

The little ones still played on the fields as I walked back, "take the pups home and keep them indoors, until I inform you all that it's safe to let them out." I spoke authoritatively to the women who watched their little ones play. I could hear a few whines and whimpers, these pups clearly hate their Alpha I could say.

"Yes Alpha." The women bowed, ushering the little ones away.

"I'll come visit you by noon to check the scents of the rogues that were caught on your territory. I need to see if they match..." I spoke to the Forest Howl Pack's Alpha.

"The rogues have chosen the wrong territory this time Alpha Lincoln." He chuckled.

We had recently helped him with fighting off some nasty rogues who invaded his borders. Their pack is the closest to our borders so I'm hoping a rogue might have trespassed. The thought of something so vile in the midst of my pack makes Kai and I feel so indignant. I need my people to be safe.


Tyler and Matt entered the office in a couple minutes later, looking all sweaty as if they just shifted back to human form.

"Alpha!" The greeted in unison.

"Sit! Where's Benjamin?" I raised my eyebrow.

They just looked at each other clueless. Sighing in frustration I waited for my Beta.

We looked through the map of the pack to ensure where we had to appoint more guards and marked down the places where there could be chances for unknown creatures to enter the territory. The mountains and the forest were the most unsafe regions so far, if the noxious creatures entered those areas, it's easy for them to get into the pack. The thought alone was enough to make my blood boil.

A couple of minutes had passed by and Benjamin finally graced us with his presence.

"It's about time you showed up Beta!" I snapped, friend or not I needed them to do their job and follow my orders.

"Pardon me Alpha." He cleared his throat and gained his posture. "I ran towards the east side of the forest to catch on to any unknown scents but got nothing." He informed.

"The scent was caught on the west side near the mountains Alpha, Matt was the first to sense it and then I caught on to it too. As time went by it become very faint. Probably the rogue or whatever the creature maybe must have tried to mask his or her smell." Tyler spoke up.

"Are you sure it isn't any ordinary smell? We haven't had any suspicious traces or anything..." Benjamin questioned them.

"Well, I'm not taking any chances. Tyler has been the best at tracking unfamiliar tracks or scents." I notified.

"But Linc-"

"Tyler and I are leaving to the Forest Howl's Pack now. I leave you and Matt to keep a close eye on the pack till I'm back, which will only take a couple of hours." I looked at my Beta, "understood?"


"Yes, Alpha!" He bowed.

I patted his shoulder, Benjamin has been the foremost warrior so far, hence given the Beta ranking. Today his carelessness can't get in the way, he simply needs to obey me. I could feel his disappointment but Kai and I weren't ready to just let this slip.

I headed back to the mansion, to get ready for my journey. After a hot shower, I wore a pair of black jeans with a plain white T-shirt and a leather jacket on top. While wiping my hair, Sarah strode into the room with some high end bags, seems like she's back after shopping.

"H-hey babe! I thought you left.." she smiled at me.

"About to..." I glanced at her and went back to what I was doing, listening to her talk about the sale that happened and what she had bought.

"Stay inside, till I'm back." I told her while walking out of the room. I hope she heard me because she seemed too interested in what she purchased.

I began driving as Tyler sat beside me, we made it to the road and I don't know what I was thinking, I drove along the hospital rather than taking the usual route which is supposed to be shorter.

Tyler gave me a questioning look which I ignored and as I drove by the hospital I saw the Mini Cooper I was looking for. She's at work.

"Shit!" I slammed my palm on the steering wheel.

We can't just ask the doctors to go home now.

"Ask a few guards to watch around the hospital.." I told Tyler. He immediately mind linked a few werewolves. "Don't worry Linc, we've got this." He reassured me.

"I know." I muttered.

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