《The Coach's Daughter》Chapter 28


I knew that I shouldn't have drank that milk tea.

My tolerance for drinks with high levels of sugar, milk, and cream is not very good, but milk tea is just so good that I ignore it. Pain is slicing through my insides and the game hasn't even started.

Still, there's no way I'm giving up these seats. Once Ella and Taty get back with the snacks, I'll sprint to the bathroom.

I see Jaden run onto the field to speak with my dad, who hasn't even noticed that I'm here. He's always 120% concentrated on game day and I doubt me shouting "hi" at him from the stands would make him very happy. They discuss with each other seriously before my dad cracks a proud smile and pulls Jaden into a hug.

I can't even remember the last time my dad gave me a hug.

I don't know if it's just a coincidence, but my queasiness starts to expand at that moment. Taking deep breaths and praying for salvation, I wait for it to subside. The girls near me give me weird looks.

Sheesh. Sorry that I'm trying not to die.

When I look back to the field, Jaden and I lock eyes. His face pulls into a blinding smile, one that's been missing for a while, and he waves. In response, I hold up a "Go Lincoln High" poster that Ella made. If possible, his smile gets even wider before he runs back.

"What's wrong with her? She really thinks Zack Darrington is gonna notice someone like her?" The girls who were giving me odd looks before are now clearly staring at my hoodie and the cutout of his face in my hand. Honestly, it took me a lot of courage to even bring it but I know he'll like it so I ignore them.


"I swear, it's always the ugly ones who think they have a chance. How embarrassing," Girl #1 wearing a fake #23 jersey taunts.

"Oh my GOSH, Em. Stop!" Girl #2 giggles. "You're so crazy, I swear. Just let her dream."

"I have a name," I announce in a cold voice. "Since you wanna talk about me so badly."

"Woah, what is your ISH?" Girl #1 asks.

"Ignore her. She's totally crazy. Did you see her hoodie?" Girl #2 says.

Girl #1 looks me over with a snort. "Aw, a homemade Darrington hoodie and cutout. That's so cute! Maybe I'll mention you to him."

I raise an eyebrow. "Wow. So you know Zack?"

"My cousin's on the team and he's totally gonna introduce me after the game," she brags.

Right at that moment, Zack jogs onto the field and starts searching through the bleachers. He pauses when he sees me, a tiny smile on his lips.

I hold up my cutout of him and wave it around until his grin finally escapes. He points up to me with a wink, and everyone near me turns to stare at me. I roll my eyes so he can see and he smiles again before jogging over to my dad.

I almost forget about the gruesome twosome but manage to remember in time to see their shocked expressions. Feeling a little petty, I put on a sweet smile.

"I'll tell Zack his fangirls say hi." Girl #2 nudges Girl #1 and they shuffle away in time for Taty and Ella to squeeze through.


The game is like my current health state: lots of highs and lows. My nausea hits an all-time high as the crowd does the wave. I chug my water during halftime and try to vomit but I can't. When the game ends, I'm trying to celebrate our win along with the crowd but I just can't. I need to lie down or something.


Death by bubble tea. What a fun way to go.

My vision is starting to turn hazy and rainbow-colored as I stumble down the stairs. I've just reached the bottom when my mind goes black.

Laughter. When I regain consciousness, I still can't see anything but I can hear laughter. The whole crowd is laughing at me.

"Amelia!" Jaden? "Amelia, are you okay?" My vision starts to clear and Jaden's worried face is above mine. "Amelia, can you-"

At that moment, Zack pushes him to the side and picks me up bridal style.

"Put your arms around me," he says and I oblige hazily. The laughter starts to attach to faces. "Just look at me," he says gruffly.

So I stare at him as he carries me across the field. Laughter turns into applause. I bury my face into his chest and let myself be carried.



THIS is the gif that inspired the whole pointing thing. I am very in love w this man.

Thx for reading :) Make sure to vote and comment if u enjoyed hehe AL

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