《The Deal》Chapter 28


The Deal

Paris: It was late when they arrived in Paris so they went straight to the hotel. Blair was impressed that he had booked them into one of the best hotels, the Le Royal Monceau. It had the most luxurious suits of a 5-star hotels. It came complete with a gallery, art concierge, concept store and cinema. Downstairs had an illuminated cocktail bar and courtyard garden. It was also close to shopping malls and dance clubs. She planned on getting him to take her to them before going back home.

"This place is beautiful," she said as they went up to the clerk where he booked them in and got their room key. "I can't wait to see our room," she said, excitedly.

When they were shown to their suite she goes in first. She wanted to check every room, especially the bedroom. To her dismay, there was only the one bedroom, with a king-sized bed. She felt him behind her so she turned to face him. "There's only one bed."

"Is that a problem?" he asked, knowing damn well she would be pissed.

"Yes, it's a problem, a big one. Why didn't you book a suite with two bedrooms?" she asked, looking over at the bed.

"This is the honeymoon suite, they don't have two bedrooms."

"You could have booked us into a regular suite. I told you we aren't going to be having sex and I meant it so I guess you'll be sleeping on the sofa. It's late, I'm getting ready for bed. Feel free to take as many pillows and blankets as you want." She turned and walked into the bathroom with her nightgown.

Coming back to the bedroom she let out a loud sigh, making sure he heard when she saw him under the covers in the bed. "I told you to sleep on the sofa," she said, raising her voice.

He grins up at her. "I'm not sleeping on any sofa when there's a comfortable bed here. Besides, I paid for the suite so just come to bed, there's plenty of room for both of us," he said, pulling the covers down on her side.

Shaking her head at him she goes over to the bed. "You better have some underwear on and if you try anything I'll knee you in your nut sack," she said as she climbed in, pulling the covers over her. Grabbing some of the pillows she starts putting them between her and Austin.

"What are you doing?" he asked, with a smile on his face.

"Putting these between us so that you don't try anything."

"Do you really think that a few pillows could stop me from getting to you?" he asked, chuckling he turned around putting his back to her.

"Just stay on your side of the bed," she snapped. Laying on her back she pushed the covers down as the room felt hot to her, or maybe it was because she was laying next to him.

"If you didn't wear these sexy nightgowns to bed I wouldn't be tempted." He turned back around to face her. "You smell so good and I can see your nipples through your gown," he said when he saw the covers were down around her waist as she laid on her back.


"Ugh, stop looking at me and go to sleep," she said, pulling the covers back over her. Damn, why did he have to look so hot? she said to herself. Rolling over onto her side so that she wouldn't have to look at him. She knew he was being nice just to get between her legs, well that wasn't going to happen ever again, no matter how horny she was getting.

She wakes up early just as Austin was coming from the bathroom wearing a towel around his waist. It was obvious that he just had a shower since his hair was wet and his skin damp. The towel did nothing to hid what was under it, and she knew all too well what that was.

"Morning sleepy head," he said, dropping his towel he started dressing in front of her. He pretended not to notice that she was watching him. He could see that her face had turned a light shade of red as she chewed on her bottom lip. Her breathing became louder and her breasts began to heave. It delighted him to know that she was aroused. He was thinking maybe it would be the perfect time to make a move on her but thought better of it. There would be plenty of time for that later.

"Morning," she answered, clearing her throat and turned her head away from him. "I'm starving, can you order room service?"

"I already did, should be here soon so you have time to shower if you want to," he said, buttoning up his shirt.

"Yeah, I'll do that," she said, getting up she walked past him. After relieving herself from her sexual needs in the shower and cursing Austin for getting her hot she cleaned up. Going into the bedroom she put on a white cotton dress. She heard someone knocking at the door and knew the food had arrived.

They sat down to eat and he saw that she was still wearing the dolphin necklace. Even though she still hadn't forgiven him she still wore it, this gave him hope.

"After we're done eating I thought we would head over to my friends home. It's a beautiful place, you'll love it."

"Tell me about these friends of yours, what are they like?"

Sidney and Erica Rice, a lovely couple. I met him when I was in law school, he was one of my professors. He really helped me a lot, we became friends, I think of him as an uncle. Erica is a sweet lady, caring and does not judge anyone, you'll like them. They moved here about seven years ago."

"They sound older than you."

"Yes, they are. I've rented us a car so if you're done we should head over there, they're expecting us." He helped her with her jacket, after putting one on himself, they headed out.

"Do they live far from here?" she asked, doing up her seatbelt.

"They have a nice place out in the country, it's about an hours drive from the city. Whenever I would go to visit I would stay the night and go jogging through the woods and go skinny dipping when I got to the river."


"Weren't you afraid that someone would catch you?"

"No, they have no neighbours so I was safe." An hour later he pointed to the house up ahead. "We're here."

She looks over the dashboard at the grand house before them, it with huge with an outdoor pool. "This place is so beautiful. I can't wait to see the inside of it."

Parking the car he goes around to her side and opens the door for her. "You'll love the inside, Erica decorated it herself after Sidney had it build for her on their twenty-fifth anniversary. You'll never meet a man more loving and devoted to his wife, they are deeply in love even after all these years."

"Sounds like Mr. Ritter and his wife. It's nice to know that some marriages are based on love, and not from some deal." She glanced at Austin before they reached the front door. "I guess not everyone can be so lucky."

Austin looked at her but he didn't get the chance to answer as the front door was opened by an elderly gentleman. "Mr. Cooke, so nice to see you again. Mr. and Mrs. Rice are waiting for you in the den, please follow me."

"Thank you, Fredrick. This is my wife, Blair," he said, introducing them to each other.

Blair stayed one step behind Austin when they entered a large room. It was exquisite with its crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The furniture was a mixture of antique and modern which would seem odd but it actually worked well together. The paintings on the walls were from some famous artist and they looked vaguely familiar. She saw the couple who was sitting on the sofa stand up. The man was tall, slender and was bald on top, what hair he had was a silver grey. The woman, who she guessed was his wife was shorter than him, she was also slender and had short dark hair. They stood up to greet Austin.

They both hugged him. Standing back the woman takes his face in her hands. "My poor Austin, you look drained, I see a sadness in your eyes and can tell something is weighing on your mind."

Austin kisses the woman's cheek. "Erica, you read too much into people's eyes. I assure you I am fine and I would like for you both to meet my beautiful bride, Blair."

Erica turns her attention to Blair, going over she takes her in her arms, giving her a hug. "I'm so happy to meet you, my dear. Austin was correct, you are very beautiful. Come, sit down and I'll have some beverages brought in."

After getting to know each other over tea and tiny little finger cakes Erica took Blair around, giving her a tour of the place. Going from room to room and floor to floor.

"I can't help but admire the paintings, Erica. I've seen many of her works before, she's brilliant."

"Why thank you, dear."

Blair turned to look at her. "What?"

"Oh, you don't know, I guess Austin never told you. I am the one who painted them, these ones my husband wouldn't let me sell."

"No, E.S. Stone painted them."

"Stone is my maiden name, I use it for my work."

Blair's hand flew to her mouth. "Oh, I didn't know. It really is a pleasure meeting you, I am your biggest fan. I've been to many gallery openings just to get a look at your paintings. I bought one, the one where the woman is on a beach watching a sunset. It's so beautiful, the colours you used captured the water and sky, and the woman, so beautiful. I just can't tell you how much I love it."

"That's actually me. Sidney snapped that photo of me many years ago when I was a young woman and I decided to make a painting of it. I'm so glad you are enjoying it. Now, we have left the men for far too long, we should get back to them."

The hours flew by and Austin said they ought to be leaving.

"Oh no, please stay the night. We haven't seen you in so long and I am having a great time with Blair."

Austin took her hand and kissed it. "You are very sweet but we did not bring a change of clothes or anything to wear to bed."

"Sidney can lend you some pyjamas and I have many new nightgowns that Blair can wear, ones I haven't worn yet. I'll have both of your clothes washed and pressed tonight and they will be clean by morning. Oh please Austin, make an old woman happy."

"You are far from being old." He looks at Blair. "It's up to you darling, would you like to spend the night or go back to our honeymoon suite?"

"I'd love to stay," she answered, smiling over at Erica.

Erica clapped her hands together. "That's wonderful, I'll have the kitchen prepare a special dinner and later we'll take a walk around the grounds."

After a lovely meal and a long walk outside they came back in. Sidney turned on the radio and taking his wife's hand he started dancing with her in the hallway as the other two looked on.

"It's so sweet how much in love they are, you can see it in the way they look at each other. It kind of gives one hope that love is possible after all," she said, looking at Austin. A pang of sadness went through her, making her heart feel heavy.

"Come on you two, get over here and show us what you got," Erica shouted out to them.

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