《The Deal》Chapter 15


The Deal

Holding the note she read what was written. Blair, I'm going to be a little late, the court went longer than I thought it would. Enjoy the champagne I've ordered and I'll be there soon. Happy Birthday.

Reading this made her feel better, so she picked up her glass and took a sip, watching the door for Austin to enter. Twenty minutes later he still hadn't shown up and people were starting to stare. The place was getting busy and she sat there at a table for two with candles lit, very romantic. She was getting ready to leave when she spotted him walking in and heading towards her.

He saw her sitting there, looking so hot and sexy but also a look of disappointment was written all over her sweet face. Going over to her side of the table he planted a kiss on her cheek before going to sit down across from her. "I'm so sorry I'm late, but it comes with the job. You look amazing in that dress."

"Thank you," she said with some irritation in her voice.

"I can tell you're upset, I don't blame you. No one likes to be kept waiting. At least I showed up," he said with a scowl on his face remembering the times she had kept him waiting back in high school.

"You're here now, that's all that matters. Thank you for the beautiful flowers, they're my favourite. Would you like to order our food now? I don't know about you but I'm in the mood for lobster."

"That sounds good to me too, shall I order for the both of us?"

"Yes please," she said, feeling better now that he was here. "I was very surprised that you remembered my birthday. My own parents didn't bother to call or send a card."

"I would never forget." Seeing the hurt in her eyes when she mentioned her parents he felt bad for her. Reaching over he takes her one hand in his. "I'm sorry they haven't called you, but the day isn't over yet, they may still call."

The meal was served along with another bottle of champagne. They made light talk during the meal, telling each other about their day. He thought she would be bored with his work but she seemed intrigued, this pleased him. Not many women want to talk or listen about stories on the law.

When the plates were taken away and she declined dessert he reached into the pocket of his jacket. "I have a birthday gift for you," he said, handing her a small gift-wrapped box.

She holds the gift, looking at him.

"Aren't you going to open it?" he asked, looking into her eyes. She looked like she was shocked about receiving a gift which was weird, she coming from a wealthy family was used to getting lots of expensive gifts.

Her eyes lowered, looking at the gift and slowly started to take the wrapping off, setting it on the table she then opened the lid and when she saw what was inside her eyes teared up. Taking the necklace from the box stared at it. It had a dolphin on the end of the chain with a blue stone, she looks at Austin but no words would come out.


He saw the tears in her eyes and when she just stared at him, no words coming out he reached over to touch her cheek. "I remember how you had a thing for dolphins. That day we went on the field trip when everyone wondered around you spent the day by the dolphins. Talking to them, and it was like they understood what you were saying to them. I stayed out of sight watching you, making sure you wouldn't fall into the water. I hope you like the necklace, I had it made special for you and the stone which is your favourite color."

She held it in her hands. "I love it, it's beautiful. I had no idea you were watching me. No one wanted to stay with me, not even the boy I was dating at the time, he left me there."

"Yeah, Toby. I could never understand what you saw in the jock, all muscles, no brains. If you were my girlfriend back then I'd have never left you alone. None of those boys you went out with appreciated you, they just wanted to date the head cheerleader. I would get so mad when I heard them brag about how they fucked you in the back seat of their car. Toby, in particular, was the worse one and I punched him in the mouth. A lot of good it did me, it only got me beaten up."

"What are you talking about? I never slept with anyone in high school. I didn't lose my virginity until my second year in college."

He searched her face for any evidence that she was lying, he didn't see any. "You're telling me the truth, aren't you?"


"Shit, those bastards. I heard them in the locker room comparing notes. I should have known they were a bunch of liars." The lies they spread around the school had his blood boiling, but that was then, and this was now. "Can I put that on you?"

"Please," she answered, handing him the necklace.

Taking it from her hand he gets up and goes behind her, pushing her hair over to the side. He placed it around her neck, doing it up before sitting back down. "It suits you."

Holding it in her fingers she looks at it. "This has got to be the best gift anyone has ever given me. Not even the Corvette my dad gave me last year can compare to this necklace, thank you so much."

"My pleasure. I have a party to attend to this coming Saturday, you will come with me won't you?"

"Of course I will, that was part of the deal, to accompany you to functions and vice versa. Is it casual or fancy?"

"It's a black tie affair."

"Then I shall have to go shopping for something elegant to wear." She loved having an excuse to go shopping, even though her closet was full of clothes, or should she say his closet. It's getting late and we both have work tomorrow, perhaps we should go home."

With his hand on the small of her back, he walks with her outside and getting to his car he opens the door for her. Before she got in she took him by surprise when she put her arms around his neck, bringing his head closer to his she kissed him, it was warm and passionate. It sent a warm feeling through his body, her lips tasted sweet from the champagne and her body warm against his.


"That was for giving me the best birthday ever," she said, letting go of him she slid into the passenger seat.

At home, before he went to his room he asked if she wanted anything before they went to bed and when she said no they walked up the stairs together. Her room was first and she stopped, placing her hands on his chest. "Would you like to come in?" she asked, wanting to enjoy what he could do to her.

Placing his hand over the top of hers he smiled. "Not tonight. I have an early morning and need to get some sleep. Goodnight Blair," he said, leaning over kissed her cheek before leaving.

She was left standing there dumbfounded, she thought for sure they would be having sex tonight. It was what she wanted and she thought for sure he wanted it too. She didn't like this game of his, playing hard to get. Well, she wasn't about to give up yet, she wanted him and by God, she was going to have him.

Waiting a few minutes she goes to his room and knocks and waited for him to answer and when he opened the door he was standing there shirtless.

"Did you want something?" he asked nonchalantly.

"Yes, could you pull down the zipper on my dress for me? it seems to be stuck.

"Turn around," he ordered and when she did he pulled it down very slowly, his fingers brushing lightly against her skin. "There, all done, you can go back to your room now unless there's something else you want." He knew damn well what she wanted, the same thing he did but he wanted her to work for it.

"There is something else you could do for me, or should I say to me," she said, letting go of the top of her dress she let it fall to the floor, standing there in only her panties and the necklace he had given her.

His eyes moved down her body and back up again, the bulge inside his pants grew more noticeable. His left hand shot out, grabbing the back of her head, pulling her closer as his right hand went on her breast and his mouth came down hard on hers. He tweaked her nipple, making her moan as his tongue forced it's way inside her mouth, his kiss rough, demanding as it deepened. Their hearts were beating rapidly, the desire was lit, burning within them. He placed his hands under her ass and lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her over to his bed and laid her down.

He swiftly dealt with his shoes, pants and briefs and got on the bed. Pushing her legs apart and putting his mouth over her pussy after pulling her panties down. He licked and sucked on her clit, pushing his tongue further up her, making her squirm as she cried out his name. When she came he moved up, his lips going to hers. Feeling her hands gripping his hair as she kissed him back, she was like a crazed animal the way she attacked his mouth with passion. Then he felt her hand moving down, taking him in her hand and placed him inside her.

"Someone's hungry," he said, smiling as she started grinding up against him.

"Make love to me, give it to me hard and fast."

His cock was hard, blood pumping he wanted to give her what she was begging for but he wanted to make her wait, wanted to hear her beg for it. He moved slowly up and down inside her, loving the way his cock felt so warm wrapped in the warmth of her pussy.

She did everything she could think of to get him to hurry, pushing up towards him, trying to bury his cock deeper inside her. She ran her hands over his back and nipped on his ear and still he was taking his time. Frustrated she smacked his ass hard and cursed him out. "Will you fucking hurry up, I'm so close to coming but you keep stopping. Please Austin, stop teasing me."

He chuckled when she slapped him, knowing she was getting pissed off. But then when she clenched her muscles tightly around his cock he couldn't control himself any longer. His hand fondling her breast, his mouth sucking on her neck he started thrusting faster. Then resting his hands on the bed he moved harder and faster, little sparks of light flashed through his brain when he felt her coming along with him. The sound of their flesh slapping together rang loudly inside the bedroom. Grunting and moaning they both trembled, collapsing after having the most intense orgasm ever.

Rolling off and onto his back he pulled her close, putting his arm around her as she rested her head on his chest. "Happy birthday Blair," he said, kissing the top of her head. Damn, he liked having her lay on his chest, it felt like she belonged there.

She circled his nipple with her fingertips. "Oh yes, this was indeed a very happy birthday. I had the best time ever. I wish we could stay like this forever, don't you?" she asked, looking up at him.

"Staying in bed will not pay the bills or pay for all those expensive clothes and shoes that you're so fond of. We also have important jobs that we need to take care of, but yeah, it would be nice."

She laid her head back down on his chest. "Can I sleep in here with you, just for tonight seeing it's my birthday?"

"Alright, one night can't hurt, but just for tonight as it's your birthday."

They closed their eyes and went right to sleep."

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