《Unseen | ✔》23 | ADABELLE


Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better."—Emilie Coue


a warm breath hits my neck. Drowsily, I open my eyes and am met with darkness. I feel around my surroundings and jump when I look down to see an arm draped around my waist, holding me. I turn around to see Adams' peaceful face, asleep. I smile and quietly attempt to remove his arm from my waist. His grip tightens pulling me even closer.

"Stay," Adam grumbles, his voice laced with sleep. I huff and again, attempt to get his arm off me. With his arm not budging, I just sigh and stare.

His breathing is slow and calm, his hair a mess as well but in a cute way. His chest rises and falls quietly, no noise made. I smile and reach my hand up to touch his cheek where a stubble is growing.

He is perfect.

"Having fun there, Prezioso?" Adam huskily whispers. My mind snaps back to reality and I freeze, my cheeks turning a rosy pink.

"Fuck, you scared me," I grumble.

"Meaning, you were doing something you weren't supposed to?" He jokes. I scoff and roll my eyes.

"You wish. Actually, though, I needed to go to the toilet but your stupid arm wouldn't let me, so I had no other option but stare at you until you woke up," I admit proudly.

"Mmm, I bet you enjoyed it," he whispers into my ear. My eyes bulge open and again, my cheeks turn red.


"You love me."

"Whatever." I quickly jump up out of Adam's grasp and run to the bathroom in hope to relieve my bladder.

"Isabelle!" I hear Adam yell.

"Fuck off."

I hear a sigh and a few swear words come from the living room. Smirking, I lock the bathroom door and use the toilet, quite satisfied might I add.


"That night that I found you standing on the edge of that cliff - you were going to jump, weren't you? Kill yourself?" Adam asks. I sadly look over at Adam and nod.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper. Adam shakes his head and smiles at me. "It wasn't your fault, Isabelle. You just wanted to leave the cruelty of this world."

My eyes close momentarily, remembering all those dreadful times I had attempted to kill myself. I never succeeded though, obviously.

"Yeah, I guess..."

A sudden knock on the front door interrupts our small, depressing conversation. "I got it," Adam says, standing up in the process.

"Okay," I whisper as I hear Adam's footsteps drown away. Only a few seconds after Adam opens the front door, I hear a loud slap.

I jump up in confusion. Who would be at my door slapping Adam?

Well, I hope Adams' the one being slapped.

"What the fuck are you doing here, you fat prick!?" I hear a female scream.

"Fuck off, Lily! I'm Isabelle's new bestie," I hear Adam hiss. I grin at the thought of Lily. Without even noticing, I find my feet dragging myself to the door.

"Hey Lily," I chirp.

"Isabelle, you bitch!" Lily screams as she tackles me in a hug. I grin and tightly hug her back, missing her happy bubble.

"So, what do you want, Lily?" Adam snaps. I roll my eyes and gently punch Adam's arm.

"Ass," I mutter quietly, yet Lily and Adam both heard.

"I know right? He's such an asshole and doesn't get that us girls need each other," Lily says with a cheeky wink. I grin at her and smile.


"Piss off, Lily!" Adam angrily grits his teeth and clenches his fist.

"Oh, you wanna go?" Lily retorts back. I let out a soft giggle and shake my head in amusement.


"Calm, Adam," I whisper. Adam's eyes dart to mine and he visibly relaxes, giving me a soft smile.

"Awh! I think I just witnessed an Adabelle moment!" Lily screams happily. I laugh and throw a pillow at her.

Lily runs around us, jumping up and down like a child that had just had too many lollies. Adam shakes his head as well, a smile evident on his face. As much as Adam doesn't want to admit it, we all know he secretly loves, Lily. She's more a sister to him though, he has grown up his whole life around her after all.

"Shut up, Lily," Adam mumbles.

"I ship it!" Lily sings as she skips down the hall towards the kitchen. I shake my head at Adam who's mumbling how much he hates Lily under his breath.

"She's such a bitch."

I walk to the kitchen only to find Lily eating my Doritos.

"Lily..." I whisper as calm as I can and grit my teeth together. "You're eating my Doritos and you didn't ask. Can I please have them back?" I hold my hand out expectantly in which Lily only high-fives.

"Thanks, friend!" Lily says, skipping off.

"Isa - " Adam starts but I cut him off.

"Don't - I have this," I say through clenched teeth, chasing after Lily.

Lily and I fall back onto the couch trying to catch our breath after our intense pillow fight.

"Want some?" Lily asks, holding up the packet of Doritos. I nod my head and shove my hand into the packet. Adam sits across from us, his eyes darting between the two of us as if we're crazy.

"What?" I ask through a mouthful of chips. Adam shrugs and grins at us.

"Weirdos," he mumbles.

"Hot weirdos," Lily corrects. I laugh and throw a chip at her while she wiggles her eyes suggestively at Adam. He rolls his eyes and flips Lily off.

A silence falls over us as Lily and I eat our chips.

"Guys!" Lily yells, jumping up. "I just remembered the reason as to why I'm here!"

"Are you secretly, Dory?" Adam whispers with his eyebrows raised. I suddenly start coughing, trying to get the chips out my throat. Lily just awkwardly pats my back as I silently die.

"You - you know Dory?!" I squeal. Adam's face turns red as both Lily and I laugh.

"I have to watch those stupid shows with Millie..." Adam mumbles, angrily. I scoff and shake my head.

"Oh, sure..." Adam glares at me but I only smile.

"Anyways," Lily claps her hands, grabbing our attention. "After school this week, my parents said that we can go down to the Beach House, do you guys wanna come. Adam, Nolan's going if you're going."

I grin and nod my head.

"Yes, of course, I want to go! I haven't been on a holiday since I was little," I say as my smile drops.

I'm fine. I'm safe. Calm, Isabelle.

Adam warily looks over at me but I just shrug my shoulders and smile.

"Okay," Adam says. Lily looks over at me with a cheeky grin on her face. I tilt my head to the side in confusion but Lily just waves her hand dismissively.

"Yeah?" She asks again. Both Adam and I nod our heads, confused as to what Lily's planning.


Oh boy, what are you planning, Lily Harley?

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