《Unseen | ✔》5 | GROUPS


If I treated you the way you treat me, you'd hate me.— Unknown


be paired with a partner," Ms White's voice speaks out. I silently pray to my demons, asking not to be paired with Adam.

Ms White reads out the list of students that are to go together. I sigh in relief when I hear Adam paired with someone that isn't me.

"Lily and Isabelle."

I visibly relax when I realise I am with one of the most beautiful people in the school. She is what people call perfect, although I know for a fact that she hates being in the popular crowds, despite what everyone else thinks.

Lily turns around and waves at me enthusiastically. I smile softly at her and wave back.

"Your project will be to write a story for any age level in this high school. Whoever writes the best novel will have it published in a hardcover book, or how however else you want it, and given to numerous schools around our area. You have until the end of this year, which is approximately seven months, so be careful on how long you hold off your story ideas. Time runs away quickly!" Ms White emphasises, clicking her fingers.

"Alright, you may leave now."

Everyone stands up and rushes over to their partners and walk out of the classroom together. I wait until most people have cleared before making my way over to Lily.

"Hey Isabelle, I'm so excited to work on this with you!" Lily gushes excitedly. I shake my head with a genuine smile on my face.

"Me too."

Just as we start to leave the classroom, Ms White calls our names. I look over to see Ms White and Adam standing together.

"I'm sorry to throw this on you two ladies last minute, but I didn't realise that Adams partner switched classes this morning. If it's alright with you two, I would like to ask if he could join your group?"

Just when I thought things were going well...

Lily jumps up and down happily.

"Of course I'll have my brothers best friend join our group, but wait..." Lily pauses and looks over at me. "If that's fine with you, of course?"


I muster up a smile and nod my head.

"Great!" Ms White claps. "It's settled then, Isabelle, Lily and Adam in a group. I wish you luck boys and girls as this is a challenging task and will be worth half of your grade, good luck!"

Ms White quite literally pushes us out the classroom and waves goodbye. An awkward silence settles over the three of us.

Lily, whose brother is Adams best friend, has a twin. They seem close, but I don't know. Their personalities seem entirely different from each other.

However, forget them. I am so dead.

Neither David nor Gary will be happy that I am in a group with anyone, especially Adam. David despises Adam.

"Isabelle? Hello..." Lily drones on trying to grab my attention. I blink my eyes a numerous amount of times before looking at her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get that," I mumble.

"All good. Adam and I were talking about where and what time we should meet up. Any suggestions?"

My eyes widened in worry.

"I - uh - I can't do mine as my parents don't let people they don't know into the house."

It's not a lie too. Only close 'friends' of theirs can come in the house. Even David hasn't allowed anyone in.

Lily smiles before looking over at Adam and shrugging. "My house it is then!"

I look over at Adam and find his fists clenched tightly into balls. His eyes focus on something behind me, I slowly turn around. My body freezes as I see David making his way towards me.

I quickly turn back around before mumbling a quick: "I have to go..." to my group.

I quickly walk off into the direction of the furthest female bathrooms and let the tears overwhelm me.

I am really going to die. Painfully. Slowly. I don't want my death to be torturous.

Minutes pass with no sign of David and me sitting alone on a toilet lid. After another short while, I quickly wipe my eyes and blow my nose. Hesitantly, I open the bathroom stall door and peer out. Nothing. I sigh in relief, walk over to the mirrors, and take in my appearance. My eyes are a slight tinge of red, but nothing is different about the usual me.


Finally, I slowly lead my way to the bathroom exit and walk out. I turn my head in the direction of where I hear chants of students.

I walk to the noises and silently gasp when I see the scene in front of me. David is against the lockers while Adam glares at him through his eyes. I look down on the ground in the middle of the crowd to notice my silent library mate on his hands and knees looking (almost) dead.

I know not to interfere with the fight, but as soon as I see Adam punched in the jaw, I have the feeling to protect. I push through the crowd and help Collin, my silent library mate, up off the ground before rushing over to David.

I know I'm going to be punished for this. I don't care though, for this would be worth it in the end. Adam would not be hurt. I hate this feeling. I hate Adam for giving it to me. I don't want it, but I have it.

Everyone silences around me as I make my way up to David and tap him on his shoulder. He swings around quickly, about to hit me, before realisation dawns on him and he stops mid-punch. I look back at Adam whose eyes are still a deadly black.

Anger. Pain. Sorrow. So many emotions yet, there is nothing there.

"What is going on here?" I hear a booming voice shout. Silence swallows everyone up once again.

Adam shoves David off him before standing up again. This whole thing is so cliché.

"You, you and you, my office, now!" Mr Tamil hisses quietly to the three of us.

I hear a shout from the crowd, "but Isabelle didn't do anything!" I turn around and notice the voice belongs to Lily. I smile slightly but quickly wipe it off my face as I see David glare at me.

"I don't care. Isabelle was still present in the fight when I got here. If she was involved in the fight or not, I have to take her with me!" He shouts back.

I am so dead.


"So, what happened again? I'm baffled..." Mr Tamil asks.

Adams sighs in frustration before repeating his side of the story. Believe me; this was new to me too.

"Lily, Isabelle and I were in a group talking about our school project when I saw David heading our way," Adam pauses to roll his eyes. "He looked quite angry. David walks past us and then stops in front of Collin. All I remember is David punching the kid in the gut then I step in and punch him. A fight starts and then Isabelle steps in trying to stop it."

Adams' body stiffens at the mentioning of my name.

"I see..." Mr Tamil drawls, rubbing his beard deep in thought. "You see, David, tells me that Isabelle was the course of all this." His eyes soften when he looks over at me. "He said that he didn't want his sister to get hurt by Adam and just assumed you two were a 'thing'. But then again, that doesn't explain why he punched poor Collin in the stomach..."

I lean my head back against the chair feeling quite nauseous.

"I'm not going to punish anyone as I see it's quite late and there seems to be a lot more to this story than anyone of you guys is willingly going to tell me. For now, all of you will have a warning."

I sigh in relief when he dismisses us, and we leave. David quickly stands up out of his chair from outside the office. As he sees me, he smirks.

"Isabelle, our father, is quite pissed with us...we have to leave," David pauses and then quickly glances at Adam.


I don't let any of them see the fear that settles on my face as I walk out of the office to the parking lot.

Here we go again. Pain. More pain.


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