《Touch me like you do》Chapter 24
❦ Jason ❦
When I strode into the conference room in the Chicago Hotel, the detectives from The Chicago Police Department were already seated and waiting for me. Nik followed behind me and despite the bad mood I was in, I couldn't help feeling amused by the way everyone in the room seemed to go wary at the sight of him.
Nik might be a respectable businessman with a billion-dollar empire but that was not all he was. There were many whispers, unconfirmed rumors that he was connected to the Italian Mob. More specifically to the Lazarro Crime family that dominated organized crime in the West Coast. The cops could never confirm his involvement with the mob and Nik's power, wealth and connections meant they couldn't accuse him of anything unless they had legitimate proof.
"What have you got?" I asked sitting down. I didn't want to involve the cops in the investigation of the bomb explosion. Nik was more than capable of doing what the cops could never do but the Mayor of Chicago was a family friend and he had insisted that the entire police force at CPD was at our disposal and that we use them.
The cops had gone through the security footage from the CCTV cameras at the casino and arrested a man who they suspected was the bomber. He was one of my staff, Ricardo Sotto, who worked as a slot technician in the casino.
Lieutenant Boone cleared his throat. "We got a confession out of Soto. He said he acted out alone and denies having any accomplices." I listened as Boone explained the motive Soto had for the attack. He had been due for a promotion at the casino, which he didn't get and that had angered him into carrying out the bombing.
Nik, who was silent the whole time glanced at Boone. "I want my team to question Soto."
The two detectives with Lieutenant Boone looked uneasily at each other. It was clear they didn't want anyone meddling in a case that they thought was an open and shut one. Lieutenant Boone looked at me and I nodded.
He didn't look happy but he had no choice. "Very well, Mr. Valiente. That can be arranged."
An hour later, Nik strolled into my hotel suite. "Turns out Ricardo Soto was paid ten thousand dollars to carry out the bombing." He said sitting across from me.
"By who?"
"He said the man didn't give him a name. He was paid in cash so there is no paper trail. But my sketch artists are with Soto right now and in an hour, we will have a face to the man."
A thousand thoughts were going through my mind. Like Nick said the attack in Bali and this incident were linked. Someone was going through a lot of trouble to get me.
"How did you get Soto to talk?" I asked curiously. The cops couldn't get anything out of him but Nik was with the man for just less than an hour and he got more than the cops could.
He grinned lazily. "I can be very persuasive."
Nik and I had been business associates for three years and in that time, we had become friends. I was among the few people he trusted so I was aware that the rumors about Nik's involvement in the mob were true. I knew how ruthless Nik could be. But I didn't care about the double life he led. I knew he would never harm an innocent. And he was a loyal friend and that was all that mattered.
"I don't want the cops involved in this anymore, Nik." I said quietly. "I want them off the case."
"Whatever Soto told me, he wouldn't dare repeat that to the cops. I made it clear what the consequences would be if he did that. So as far as the cops know, Soto acted out alone and it's an open and shut case."
I spent the rest of the morning in meetings. By the time I was done with the last one with my insurance company, it was close to noon. I had an interview with the Chicago Tribune at one o'clock, which I didn't really want to do but my PR manager insisted that I do it. According to her I needed as much good publicity as I could because of the negative publicity the hotel received due to the bomb explosion.
I hadn't slept since I landed in Chicago the previous morning and honestly, I couldn't remember the last time I slept well. I rubbed a hand on my face tiredly and scrolled through the unread messages in my phone. One particular message caught my eye. It was from Kate. I suddenly realized that she had called the previous afternoon and I hadn't called her back. Leaning back in my seat, I dialed her number.
❦ Kate ❦
Sitting on the deck of the backyard, I watched mom and her friend, Susan, arrange the last of the picnic tables. Paige was hanging fairy lights on the wooden fence that bordered the yard. The noise of laughter was coming from the kitchen where a couple of neighbors were preparing food and I was taking a break after helping them.
My phone vibrated in my pocket and the sudden buzzing startled me. My heart fluttered when I saw Jason's name flashing on the screen. I told myself he was just being polite and returning my call but that didn't diminish the nervous excitement I felt inside. I took a deep breath and answered.
"Hey." His voice was rich and warm. "Sorry I missed your call yesterday."
"That's okay. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I said getting up and walking inside the house. I asked him about the bomb incident and I made myself comfortable on the living room couch while he told me about it.
The nervousness I felt earlier had vanished and now was replaced by an unfamiliar feeling. Longing, if I was being honest with myself. Listening to him talk was making me long to see him and it was ridiculous.
"Kate? Where did you keep the lanterns?" Paige poked her head inside and called out.
"I put the box in the garage." I put the phone away from my ear and yelled back.
When she nodded and left I said into the phone. "Sorry about that. We are having an outdoor barbecue this evening and Paige is putting up the lights." I explained.
"Oh, that sounds like fun."
"Putting up lights?"
He chuckled. "No, the barbecue. It's such a beautiful day too."
"It is. Would you like to come?" I instantly regretted asking as soon as the words were out of my mouth. For a moment, I had forgotten that I was talking to a billionaire who was used to the finer things in the world. He wouldn't be interested in a backyard barbecue. He was silent and an embarrassed flush heated my face. I was so glad he couldn't see me.
"I'd love to. I can't remember the last time I was at a barbecue." There was a trace of a smile in his voice. "What time is it?"
I was so sure he was going to decline and his words caught me off guard. "Uh, at 5."
"Great. See you then, Kate."
After he hung up, I sat there staring at my phone, wondering if I had done the right thing by inviting him over. I didn't want to give into the attraction between us and spending time together away from work was definitely not going to help that. But even as I thought that, a part of me was brimming with excitement and looking forward to seeing him. I groaned inwardly. I just couldn't understand myself. It was like I was turning bipolar or something.
By five thirty in the afternoon, the barbecue was in full swing. Two of my mom's neighbors were working the grills and the mouthwatering aroma of hamburgers, onions and sausages wafted through the air.
I spotted Paige in an animated conversation with Susan's daughter, Ariel and decided to go and join them.
"Holy crap. That's Jason Perez." Ariel's eyes were wide as she pointed behind me. "What is he doing here? Do you guys know him or something?"
I turned around and sure enough there he was, talking to my mom. Paige said something to Ariel in reply to her shocked questions but I was already making my way towards Jason.
He grinned when he saw me and greeted me with a hug. If mom was surprised by the familiarity between us she didn't show it. He looked so gorgeous dressed casually in a black polo shirt paired with faded jeans and white sneakers. His hair was styled carelessly and the five o'clock shadow on his face magnified his attractiveness.
He brought a gift to mom, a basket containing five bottles of Dom Perignon white gold with several boxes of different gourmet truffles. I wondered if mom was aware that Jason was giving her a gift basket that most definitely cost over ten thousand dollars. She probably didn't have a clue about the price of one of those champagne bottles. If she did, she wouldn't have so happily accepted it, I was sure.
It was apparent that everyone present knew who Jason was. But I introduced him anyway. I had never seen Paige as flustered as she did when I introduced her to Jason. I couldn't help smiling at the look on her face. The same was with Ariel, who seemed to have gone tongue-tied the instant Jason smiled at her.
The atmosphere was extremely pleasant as everyone sat around at picnic tables and talked and laughed over food. Paige had connected her iPod to the sound system and soft music filled the air.
After filling our plates with food, Jason and I headed to an empty table and sat down. Paige and Ariel also joined us. Ariel seemed to have overcome the shock of seeing Jason and started telling him about the business project she was doing on the Perez Hotels for a class she was taking in college. He seemed genuinely interested and listened attentively while answering her questions.
I tried to concentrate on their conversation but I kept getting distracted by Jason. He was sitting beside me but his attention was completely on Ariel so I gave into the impulse and drank him in with my eyes.
Even though his attire was extremely casual, it screamed money. The polo shirt had the famous Gucci stripe on the collar, the sneakers were clearly Louis Vuitton and strapped on his right wrist was a Patek Philippe watch. It struck me again how we were worlds apart. He was Jason Perez, a man born into a life of wealth, power and all the luxuries known to man while I was just, well, me.
He didn't belong in my world just like I didn't belong in his. But here he was, in my world now, eating overly cooked burger and drinking cheap beer, as if it was something normal for him.
My attention was drawn to his face and, just like always, my stomach fluttered at how outrageously sexy he was. My hands itched to touch him, to feel the golden-brown scruff covering his gorgeous face. To run my fingers through his soft brown hair and pull him towards me and...
I was pulled out of my thoughts when two neighbors strolled over to our table and joined us. Seconds later, a few more people came and sat down with us. They were nice folks who lived down the street, people I always saw whenever I visited mom. They were just fascinated with having a man like Jason among them and wanted to talk to him.
Jason was polite with all smiles as he talked to them but then I caught him playing with the strap of his watch. A gesture that would have looked normal to others but not to me. I remembered him doing the same thing when he was talking to people at the charity dinner party in Palm Beach.
It was a gesture he did when he was uncomfortable in his surroundings. He had been completely at ease when it was just me, Paige and Ariel. But now there were about ten more people around us, all of their attention firmly on him.
If Jason had been in another social function, he would have definitely excused himself and escaped to the terrace or somewhere to be alone. I waited until there was a break in the conversation and immediately stood up.
"Let's go get some dessert." I said touching Jason's arm. The look of relief that flashed in his blue eyes made me feel bad for not getting him away from everyone sooner.
We forked some cake on to paper plates and instead of heading back to the table, I grabbed Jason's hand. He looked startled, his gaze going from our entwined hands to my face, but I just smiled and pulled him along with me.
"Where are we going?" He asked when I led him inside the house, down the hallway to the bedroom at the end of the hallway. It was the room I stayed when I came to visit.
Pushing the door open, I walked inside and then let go off his hand. "I just thought you'd like to get away from everyone for a while."
Surprise flashed on his face. "How did you..."
"You play with your watch when you're uncomfortable." Enjoying the look on his face, I sat down on my bed with my legs crossed and the plate balanced on my thigh. "C'mon, have a seat. We can have your dessert in peace here. No one would bother us."
A smirk touched his lips, flashing one dimple. "You're putting ideas in my head, you know." There was humor in his voice but the intensity in his blue eyes sent my body tingling with awareness instantly. I immediately knew what kind of ideas he was referring to.
I flushed and he chuckled. "Relax, Kate. I didn't say I was going to act on them." He teased, coming and sitting on the bed, making sure we had enough distance between us.
It suddenly occurred to me that it was the first time we were alone since he arrived. And I had brought him into my bedroom without thinking. Or maybe a part of me had known exactly what I was doing when I dragged him here.
"Thank you." He said a while later as we finished off three slices of key-lemon pie and strawberry tart between the two of us.
"For what?"
His lips twitched. "For recognizing that I needed rescuing." The self-depreciating humor on his face made me smile. He was referring to me getting him away from the crowd. "I know they are nice people who just want to talk to me but...you know."
"I know." I nodded in understanding. "You're scared of people."
"I'm not..."
"Oh, don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. I won't tell a soul. I mean, can you imagine how people would react if they knew you of all people are terrified of crowds."
His eyes narrowed. "Kate..." He started warningly but I couldn't hold my laughter anymore.
"I'm just messing with you." I said through the laughter. "But oh god, that look on your face."
I let out a startled shriek when he suddenly grabbed my legs and pulled me across the bed towards him. The plate of cake fell on the bed as I tumbled backwards. And before I could react, he was leaning over me, his palms placed firmly on the mattress on either side of my head.
"Messing with me, huh?" There was a smirk on his face but his tone was low, almost dangerous. My breath caught in my throat and a jolt of intense excitement rolled through me. He bent his down in excruciating slowness until his warm breath fanned my lips.
I knew I should stop what was happening between us before it got out of hands. But I couldn't. I didn't want to. I had been fighting it, fighting him for too long and I just didn't have any strength to do it anymore.
Lifting a hand, I weaved my fingers through his soft hair, surprising him. But just then we heard a loud knock on the door.
"And I thought you said I could enjoy my dessert in peace." He shook his head, a slight smirk on his face, and quickly moved away.
I couldn't help smiling at that as I jumped from bed and went to answer the door. It was probably either mom or Paige. But when I opened the door, I was in for a shock. Oh no, this couldn't be happening.
"What are you doing here?" I blurted out. I knew mom had invited him to the barbecue but I thought he wouldn't show up after what happened the previous day.
"I need to talk to you." And then without even waiting for an answer, he moved past me, walked inside and froze right in his tracks when he spotted Jason.
It was as if time stood still. Jason got up from the bed, his expression impassive as his gaze went from Peter to me.
Peter looked as if he was ready to do murder. I knew what he was thinking. His face was red and his hands were fisted at his sides. He ignored Jason and turned to face me
Taking my arms in a death grip he snarled at me. "You bitch. You fucking lied to me."
I was frozen to the spot, not really believing this was happening.
Jason was by my side instantly. "Get your hands off her." The dark fury on his face frightened me. It was like he was completely a new person. A person I didn't recognize.
Peter pushed me away and faced Jason angrily. The next second his fisted knuckle connected with Jason's jaw and sent his head reeling back with the force of it.
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