《Oh, That Russian Accent》Chapter 25


I sigh, as I continue to look through my closet. I'm desperately trying to find an outfit for the date with Dimitri. He's supposed to pick me up in 30 minutes, and I'm not even close to being ready. Dimitri told me to be comfortable since we're just getting something to eat. I'm kinda happy that we aren't doing something over the top thing. Not that Dimitri would ever be that kinda guy, but you get my point. And another thing, what the hell does comfortable mean? I can't walk around in my pajamas, can I?

I sigh again, as I take my black jeans out. They aren't the most comfortable, but they can do. I decide to take a simple white tee on and tuck it into my pants. I grab my long, beige cashmere cardigan and put it on. That'll do, right? The cardigan is one of my most expensive piece of clothing. I got it as a birthday present 2 years ago, but I haven't used it much, so it's basically new.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I jump up, as Dimitri aggressively knocks on the door.

"Hi," I tell him as I open the door fully.

"You ready?"

"Yup, just give me a second to gather my things."

After I've gathered my things, we head out. When we get out to the parking lot, I ask Dimitri, shocked, "You got a car?!"

"Oh, yes I did. I also got a job 20 minutes from here, hence the car. Need to get there somehow," he answers me nonchalantly.

"You got a job and a car? Why didn't you tell me?" I ask him, still in shock.

"I did not think you cared to be honest," he shrugs.

"Well, I do."

I make my way over to the shiny, black mustang. How the hell could he afford this?

"I bought it used, so I saved some money," Dimitri tells me as if he can read my mind.

"You're crazy," I grin as I turn to face him. A small smirk makes its way onto his face, as he walks over to the car.


"So are you gonna stand here all day, or are you actually going to get in the car?" He asks me, his patience running thin.

I quickly situate myself into his nice car. The seats are made of leather and are a matt-black color.

Dimitri gets into the car himself and begins to drive. About 7 minutes later we're at a restaurant I don't recognize.

"Come on," Dimitri says as he gets out of the car. I make my way out to him and together we walk into the restaurant.

The waitress shows us to our table after Dimitri tells her the information on his reservation.

"What do you wanna get?" He asks me, as we look over the menu.

"I'm not quite sure. Either spaghetti or lasagna. What are you getting?" I ask him.

"I think I will go for the fried rice. And you should get the spaghetti. It is delicious here," he tells me light-hearted.

I honestly don't think I'll ever get used to the not-cranky Dimitri. He's showing affection and he cares - it's so weird. But I am definitely not complaining.

As we wait for our dinner, I ask him playfully, "How can you afford an apartment and a car as a college student? What's your secret?"

"I guess, I have just saved some money over the years. It is not like I am rich or anything, I just use my money smart," he tells me honestly.

"Yes, I've come to learn that you are a very smart guy," I joke, smiling to myself.

He gives me a sincere smile, but we get interrupted by the waitress bringing us our food. Dimitri was right; this spaghetti does look delicious.


After we're done eating and have paid for the food, we make our way out to Dimitri's car.

"I've had a really nice time tonight," I tell him sincerely.

"You do know that the night is not over yet, right?" Dimitri tells me seriously and motions for me to get in the car.

"What do you mean? Where are we going?" I ask him, as he starts the car and drives away from the restaurant.


"You will see," he tells me and turns on the radio. Karma Chameleon starts blaring through the speakers and fills the car with even more joy. Dimitri's hand reaches out to shift the station, but I swap it away quickly before he reaches it.

"This is too happy for me," he states out loud.

"I don't care," I laugh, as I hum with the melody.

I don't notice when we pull into the parking lot, that is next to Dimitri's apartment building, before he shuts the motor off, shutting the radio off.

"What are we doing here?" I ask him, as we get out of the car.

"I have a surprise for you," he tells me, while his hand rubs the back off his neck awkwardly.

"That's all I need to hear," I grin as I make my way toward the building. Dimitri quickly catches up with me and lock us into his apartment.

"Where is it?" I ask him, excitedly. I'm so happy today, I can't stop smiling and laughing.

"In the bedroom," he tells me and begins to lead me there, but before he even gets to open the door to his room, I stop him.

"What is wrong now?" He asks me, getting impatient again.

"Dimitri, I know we're dating or something, but I have to tell you this. I-I'm not ready yet," I tell him embarrassed.

"Ready for what?"

"For, you know, the deed," I whisper the last part, even though there's no one around.

Out of nowhere, Dimitri begins to laugh. Like really laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask him, now even more embarrased.

"Open the goddamn door, Ruby."

I don't question him, I just walk over to his room and open the door. Inside is a double bed situated with a lot of pillows and blankets. At the end of the bed, is a TV hanging on the wall and new snacks are spread all over his nightstand.

"You weren't suggesting that we were gonna have sex when you lead me to your room, were you?" I ask Dimitri as I see this. I can feel my entire face become flushed.

"Nope. Though, I hope you know that I will not push you into anything, right?" He asks me in a more serious tone.

"I know. So what is all this?"

"We are having a Harry Potter-marathon," he tells me.

"Are you serious?" I ask him.

Dimitri nods at me and I run squealing over to him to give him a hug. "Thank you, thank you," I tell him.

"No problem."

Dimitri gets some bowls from the kitchen for the snacks, as I start the first movie.

When he comes back, he takes off his jeans so he's only wearing boxers and a tee. I look down at my attire and ask him, "Hey, Dimitri can I borrow some clothes? These jeans aren't exactly the most comfortable."

"Yeah, sure," he says and hands me a pair of long boxers and a t-shirt from his closet.

"Thanks," I tell him and is about to walk into his bathroom to change, but his voice stops me.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"To change."

"Why do you not just change in here?" He asks me, almost accusingly.

I sigh and start to take off my clothes. I'm not even going to fight him on this because then we'll end up having an argument and I don't want that.

When I'm done, I turn around to see Dimitri looking at me with hunger in his eyes. I make myself comfortable next to him in his bed, before turning to look at him. I lean in to kiss him but stop only a few inches from his lips. "Let's watch the movie," I say and lean away from him again.

Dimitri groans at me but pulls me into him as we start watching the movie.


We're halfway through 'The Prisoner from Azkaban' when I feel my eyes close shut. I snuggle further into Dimitri and let myself go off to dreamland.

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