《princess; jb》[seis]


i just fell off my bed so hard i think i broke my back


Okay but that's so random

but fr i can't even feel my back

Can you feel your legs?


Don't worry you're fine


are you a doctor or what

That's what I'm studying for

oh a cute doctor i see

where do i sigh up to be attended by you every time i get sick or something

You're in LA and I'm in NY. That won't be necessary

well you don't know 😏


Are you flirting with a girl who tried to commit suicide?

That's just wrong, Justin 😂

don't label yourself as that

you're just Aria and you're alright


What are you doing?

just hanging out with my best friends wbu

I'm watching TV with my grandma

what's her name?


tell her i send all the love ✌🏼


"Hey, Justin. I'm Aria's grandmother I send you love too"

i love your grandma 😂

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