《princess; jb》[dos]


ok then let's just talk

You're insistent huh?



why are you sad

I don't feel comfortable telling my feelings to a stranger, sorry

but it's ok bc you said it, i am a stranger. we don't know each other, i won't judge you. just open up to me. sometimes that helps

You got a point. You don't know me... I don't know you

I guess it's alright to tell you

go ahead

My mom died five months ago and I have no idea how to keep on

I have no one besides my grandma and I don't tell her how I feel because I don't want to worry her

And honestly I hate myself, I was a bitch to my mom and that's the biggest regret of my life

life is full of regrets. everyone makes mistakes, you shouldn't hate yourself

everything is going to be okay for you, believe it not

bet you've heard the saying "after the storm comes the calm"

life is full of obstacles, if you think you can't pass them then you won't. but if you have faith that you can, and no matter how many times you fall you'll get up

believe you can move on and you will

look i didn't believe in any of that bullshit, the "everything will be okay" to me was overused but now i can totally say it's true

i had my dark times too, but im happy now

I told you about me, tell me about you, tell me about your dark times

ooookk saw it coming

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