《The billionaire want me ♡ {Completed}》Chapter 26: Wedding eve{Edited}


Grace's Pov:

The days passed by in a blur. Before I knew it, it was already the eve of our wedding. I was now staying with Amanda as the groom could not see his bride before the wedding.

Xavier was not fine with it but when Amanda scolded him he had no choice but to agree. He was more protective of me even when I told him that I was fine.

The doctor confirmed that I was two weeks pregnant. He said that we will be able to do an ultrasound in either 16-25 weeks of pregnancy. Xavier asked if could do it before that and the doctor said that we could do an early ultrasound before 14 weeks of pregnancy.

I had to ask Skylar to keep it a secret and not to tell anyone that I was pregnant. She only told Ryan so we had to ask him to keep it a secret too.

"What are you thinking dear?" Mom asked and I smiled.

"Nothing. Just nervous" I said and Skylar scoffed.

"You are more likely thinking about Xavier right now." She teased and I rolled my eyes.

"Was not!" I argued and she chuckled.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night"

"So Grace you want some chocolate?" Amanda asked and I nodded eagerly. During these past days, I noticed that I ate more chocolate and I blamed it to the baby. Skylar chuckled knowing why I said yes.

My phone vibrated and I looked at it.

Hey, babe, did you eat?- Xav baby

Yes, I did and you?-G

His replies were quick so I guessed he was home with Ryan, dad and his dad.

Dad knew Xavier's dad Nathan as they met before at some meeting with Rick

Here we go again.

Yes I did dad!!-G

I felt my cheeks heat up.


Wish I was there to see you blushing and yeah please sleep early, tomorrow it's a big day and you are going to get tired more. And it's not good for the baby- Xav baby

Yes I will and please don't be drunk tonight or else you won't be able to wake up tomorrow- G

I know baby and I need to go right now. Love you see you tomorrow ;)- Xav baby

"And she is talking to her fiance again," Skylar said.

"Her Grace." I looked up and saw my favourite chocolate.

"Xavier told me to give you these because he forgot yesterday." She said and I nodded. I smiled as I knew Xavier lied. He did buy me some yesterday before I went to bed. It's been our routine since the visit to the doctor.

He remembered and gave it to his mom for tonight. How can I not love this man?

I opened it and started to eat it.

The doorbell rang and Amanda stood up.

"I will get it." She said and went to the front door.

"Who can it be at this hour?" Mom asked and we shrugged.

"It's kinda late," Skylar added and I nodded.

"It's already 8!" I said looking at the clock in the room.

"I know she is here I just want to talk to her!" A familiar voice shouted from the living room. Skylar and I share a confused look as Mom stormed at of the room.

"Don't you think we should go downstairs and see what's happening?" Skylar asked and I nodded.

"Let's go!"

We walked downstairs and the shouting was more.

"Call her here!" The person shouted. We walked into the living room and saw Samantha and Britney. One of her friend's daughter.

"There she is," Samantha said glaring at me.


"Pack your stuff we are going!" She ordered and I raised an eyebrow.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"Home. Britney here will take your place at the wedding." She said and my eyes widened.

What the fuck!

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I said and she glared at me harder.

"No am not kidding. Now stop being a bitch and pack your stuff. Britney goes and settles down dear." She said and when I looked at Britney she was smirking at me.

"She is not going anywhere in my house Samantha!" Amanda stated sharply.

"Too bad. She is your new daughter in law now so spare the talk!" Samantha said proudly.

"This bitch is not going anywhere but with you at your house. So both of you get the fuck out of here!" I said clenching my hand in a fist. The nerves of these people!

"Don't you swear in front of me, young lady. And go and pack your freaking stuff. I don't have all night!" She hissed. Just when I was going to make a comeback another voice echoed in the room.

"She is not going anywhere!"

We turned and saw Xavier and the boys at the door. Xavier looked deadly cold when glaring at Samantha.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I looked I saw Skylar smiling weakly at me.

So she was the one who called them!

"Xavier son. Britney is more suitable for that wedding and believes me she will replace her in no minutes!" She said and pointing at me in disgust.

"I don't give a fuck about who is suitable or not for the wedding. All know is that I want Grace to be my wife and she will be." Xavier snapped at Samantha.

"Look I don't know what she promised or what she makes you say but I swear I am better than her!" Britney said walking closer to Xavier.

"I don't need anyone besides her to put that in your mind!" Xavier hissed angrily.

"Samantha take her and get out of my house!" Xavier's dad said calmly.

"No, she has to be Xavier's wife-"

"Ok enough! You know what Samantha tell your husband that I cancel the deal with him. I will no longer be a part of his finance department. And when he asks you why then have fun to tell him why I said that. Now get out of here!" Xavier said and Samantha's eye widened.

"You can't do that!" She said but Xavier chuckled darkly.

"Oh I can and I already did!" He said and Samantha turned toward me angrily.

"You! It's all because of you!" She shouted and leaned toward me. My eyes widened and I take some steps back. Just when she was about to grab me a large figure came in front of me.

"Don't you fucking dare touch her!" Xavier snapped.

"Ryan call the security!" Skylar said and he nodded. He ran outside while Xavier block Samantha from reaching to me.

After a few seconds, two security guards came and grabbed them.

"Don't ever let them in!" Nathan ordered and the guards nodded.

"If she causes problems to feel free to call the police!" Amanda said before they left.

"Are you ok?" Xavier said turning to me.

"I am fine!" I said but he did not pay any attention to my words.

"She did not hurt you or the baby did she? If she did I swear I will not let-" Xavier was cut off by some loud gasped.


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