《The billionaire want me ♡ {Completed}》Chapter 15: Night with him {Edited}


Grace's Pov:

Dinner was good. Mom made my favourite cake and food. Xavier and my parents talked a lot. However, Mom and dad keep on telling him my most embarrassing stories for when I was young.

By the end of the stories my cheeks were red. Xavier laughed at all but did add small comments like 'i bet it was worth seeing' or 'that sounds cute'.

Now both Xavier and I came up to the room. He went to fresh up while I sat on the bed reading some mails.

"Babe you can used the bathroom." I looked up and my eyes widened. Xavier had only a towel wrapped around his lower waist and was leaning against the door.

"Like what you see?" He smirked. I wanted to tell him 'yes' but bit my lips instead. I stood up and made my way to the bathroom.

"Wear some clothes you don't want dad or mom to come and see you like that," I said and he chuckled.

"But you are enjoying the view so why would I care about others?" He said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Who told you that I am enjoying what I am seeing?" I asked and he smirked. He walked toward me and I back up slowly. My back hit the wall and Xavier took this as an opportunity to sandwiched me between him and the wall.

"No one needs to tell me what I can see. I know you like it." He whispered in my ears and I bit my lips. He gave light kisses on my ear and went to my neck. He then started to kiss my jaw and I felt his hand on my waist. My eyes closed as he kept his assault. He bit my earlobe before kissing my cheeks.

"Go and change-up I will wait for you on the bed." He said and backed away leaving me wanting for more. I know he knew I wanted it. He smirked before leaving to grab his clothes from the bag.


I walked in the bathroom and I took a quick shower and dress up.

I tied my hair in a ponytail and stepped out of the room. The lights were deemed and Xavier was on the bed laying on his back. He was still shirtless and he has pulled the cover till his waist.

"Will you keep standing there or will you come on the bed?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I am going to see mom first then I will come to bed," I said and he raised an eyebrow.

"What? Do you really need to go and see her?" He asked and I nodded.

"I will be quick. I am going to see her that's it." I said and he nodded.

"If you are not here in 10 minutes. I will come and take you." He stated and I chuckled.

"Right," I said sarcastically.

"It's the truth. I will." He said and I rolled my eyes. I stepped out of the room and made my way to Mom's room. I knocked and heard a come in. I entered and saw her on the bed.

"Hey. Come here." She said patting her laps. I smile and went on the bed laying my head on her laps. She slowly started to massage it and damn I missed this.

"Where is dad?" I asked now feeling sleepy. Her finger was doing wonders in my hair.

"He went out for a small night jog. He will be back soon." She said.

"Since when does he do jogging at night?" I asked confused.

"Since we moved out actually. He likes the fresh air in the early morning and at night." She explained and I nodded.

"Anyway shouldn't you be sleeping with your fiancee?" She asked and I sighed.

"I told him I was going to come here. He must be already sleeping." I said and she chuckled.


"I doubt that hun."

Its been twenty minutes already and Grace was not back yet. I could not sleep without Grace beside me. I feel cold and I wanted to cuddle with her. I sighed and stood up. I wore my short and a shirt before making my way to Martha room.

When I reached the door I could hear them talking. I opened the door slowly and found them. Grace was laying on the bed her head on Martha's laps. They were smiling at something and did not see me coming in.

I cleared my throat and their head snapped toward me.

"Oh, Xavier sorry we did not hear you come in." Martha apologised.

"It's ok," I said but looked at Grace. She looked away at the wall.

"Do you want anything?" Martha asked and I nodded.

"More like someone," I said and Martha chuckled.

"I get it." She said smiling.

"I'm staying with mom tonight you can go and sleep," Grace said looking at me innocently. I glared at her and she smiled.

"Martha, do you mind if I take her?" I asked and she shakes her head no.

"Go ahead, son." She said and I nodded. I walked to the other side of the bed near Grace.

"X-Xavier you can go I will come soon," Grace said and I rolled my eyes. I bend down and pick her in my arms. She gasped wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Careful while going out," Martha said and I nodded.

I walked out and made my way to our room.

"I can walk you know," Grace said and I glared at her.

"I told you I needed you on the bed in ten minutes. I waited for twenty whole minutes." I said and she sighed.

"I thought you already went to sleep." She argued and I chuckled.

"Well, now time for your punishment!" I said walking near the bed. Her eyes widened.

"What? I did not do anything wrong to be punished." She said and I shake my head no. I laid her on the bed and take off my shirt and shorts.

"W-what are you doing?" She asked wide-eyed. I walked to the other side of the bed and went on top of her.

"Told you it's time for your punishment," I whispered in her ears and I felt her shiver.

Damn, hopefully, I don't have to take a cold shower right now!

"I-i did not do anything wrong." She stumbled.

"I told you I wanted you on the bed but you did not listen," I said and started to kiss her jaw. I felt her tensed as I continued down her neck.

"Relax I won't do anything more than kissing you tonight. I will wait until you are ready." I said and she nodded. Her arms wrapped around my neck as I kiss her neck.

"You are enjoying it huh?" I teased as I continued.

"Hmm." She replied. When I looked up her eyes were closed. I stopped and her eyes snapped open.

"It's late. We better sleep." I chuckled and she glared at me. Her cheeks were red and I kissed them. I laid beside her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She moved my hand away and turned around so that her back was to me. I chuckled reaching for her again. I know what she wants but I also know she isn't ready.

"Goodnight," I said pulling her on me and pecked her forehead.

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