《The billionaire want me ♡ {Completed}》Chapter 13: First day {Edited}



Grace's Pov:

After packing up, we made our way to my parent's house. I had phone Mom to ask her the address. She was excited to hear that we were able to make it and that she will see me after so many days.

"We are here," Xavier said snapping me out of my thoughts. I nodded and stepped out of the car. I took my bag and made my way to the front door. Xavier was following me behind and reach out to take the bag.

"I can take it," I said but he shakes his head no.

"No, I want to take it so give me." He said and I sighed. I gave him the bag and press the doorbell. The door flew opened and I was attacked with a hug.

"Oh my god, you finally came." Mom said smiling.

"Let them inside honey then we will talk," Dad said and mom nodded. Xavier shook dad's hand and was hugged by Mom tightly.

"Come on I will show you your room so that you can fresh up and put your things." Mom said and we nodded. She walked up the stairs and we followed her. The house was not so big and no so small. It was cosy and really beautiful.

While walking to the room, I noticed many pictures hanged on the walls. Many were of me when I was a baby. My childhood pictures were always taken with dad and Mom. They were the only one who spent most of their time with me.

"Here dear." Mom opened the door and we entered in. The room was white with a shade of red colour. There were a window and a door by the side.

"It's cosy," Xavier said and Mom chuckled.


"Yeah. We always wanted a house like that and we did get it." Mom said smiling. "Well, I will leave you both to freshen up. I will be in the kitchen."

We nodded and she left closing the door behind her.

"You don't mind sharing a bed right?" I turned and saw Xavier sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Hmm no. Besides I don't think mom has another room free." I said and he nodded.

There was a knock on the door and then it opened. Dad came in and smiled at us.

"Kids when you are together here I would like the door to be open. No funny business is allowed in this house." Dad stated and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"DAD!" I warned but he just smiled. Xavier chuckled and nodded.

"Don't worry sir, the door will remain open." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Call me Roger son. And when you both are done come downstairs Martha is preparing some cakes for both of you." He said and we nodded. He went away letting the door opened. Widely.

"Sorry about that," I said and Xavier smirked.

"It's ok. This night seemed to be going to be fun." He said and I sighed.

"Right for you." I murmured and he chuckled.

"Well let's go downstairs." He said and I nodded. We walked back down and I went into the kitchen while Xavier went in the living room where dad was.

"Hey, mom need any help?" I asked as I saw her busy preparing the food.

"No sweetie, I'm almost done." She said and I nodded.

"So how was your babysitting?" She asked worriedly.

"It was good. Lia and Jay were really friendly with Xavier and they both like him. He even missed his work to play with them." I said and Mom chuckled.


"That's good and what about your mother? Did she come to your place?" Mom asked and I nodded.

"She did come. She was convincing Xavier to leave me and the contract to be with one of her chosen girl that can match Xavier's level." I said and mom rolled her eyes.

"This woman is seriously out of her mind." She started making me chuckled. I walked to the sink and started to wash the dirty dishes.

"It's not like I am not used to it through. What surprises me more was that Xavier was more in my favour than hers. Normally it's the other way." I said lowly so that only Mom could hear.

"He is a keeper dear. You should really give a try for this relationship. I can say it will last long." Mom said smiling.

"Yeah well I am giving it a chance," I said drying off the plates.

"Oh sweetie, can you watch over these for me. I forgot I left the dryer on." She said and I nodded. She went out of the kitchen and I started to put the plates in their places.

I jumped as I felt an arm wrapped around my waist. Xavier chuckled pulling me back.

"Are you always this jumpy?" He asked amused and I rolled my eyes.

"No! You scared me." I said trying to put the plates in their places. It was quite difficult as Xavier was still holding me back. I could not move as he keeps pulling me back.

"Can you stop?" I asked turning to face him. I bit my lips to prevent myself from smiling.

"Why?" He asked amused.

"Because I need to put these things in their place," I said and he shrugged not leaving me at all.

"Then do it." He said smirking.

"How? I need to move around to do it. Being glued to you won't help me you know." I said and he chuckled.

"Too bad am not letting you go... Never." He smirk mischievously and slowly ducked his head. His nose touched mine as he pulled me closer. My hands landed on his shoulder as moved closer. Just when he was about to lean and kiss my jaw, a voice stopped him.

"Now now not in the kitchen kids!"

We pulled away and found Mom smiling at us. I felt my cheeks heat up while Xavier just chuckled.

"Can't help it." He said and Mom laughed.

"Not ashamed a little bit now are you?" She asked.

"Not at all." Xavier chuckled and I bit my lips.

"Well we have lunch to prepare so can you leave my daughter alone for some minutes?" Mom asked and Xavier nodded.

"Of course I will be with Roger." He said. Before leaving he turned toward me and pecked my forehead. He smiled going out of the kitchen.

"Now if you had finish dreaming about him can you help me dear?" Mom asked amused and I rolled my eyes. I could not help but let the smile appeared on my lips.

Xavier is surely something else!

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