《The billionaire want me ♡ {Completed}》Chapter 2: The Dinner {Edited}


Grace's Pov:

I reached home and when I entered in, I was met with the smell of many different flavours. Walking toward the kitchen I saw Martha cooking. She looked exhausted and was sweating a lot. Martha was our maid. I knew her since I was a baby and she still works here.

"Hi, mom," I said pecking her cheeks. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Oh dear, you came home early." She said and I nodded. I usually reach home late at night since I have to check each paper before leaving the office.

"Did Samantha ask you to make all these dishes?" I asked eyeing the dishes.

"No, your mother does not even know what I'm cooking. Your dad called me and ordered me to make all these." She explained and I sighed. This dinner must be really important for them.

Samantha was my mother but since baby, she left me with Martha and I got used to calling Martha, mom. Even if Samantha heard me call Martha 'mom' she never minds but was grateful as she did not have to tell everyone I was her daughter.

"You are home." I turned to see Roger with shopping bags. Roger was Martha's husband and he has always looked at me like his own daughter.

"Yes dad, I left early today," I said hugging him. With his hand full he couldn't do much thought. I helped him with the bags and helped Mom too. I cooked a bit with her and cleaned the kitchen.

"Sweetie, you should go and get ready. The guest will arrive soon." Mom informed me as I put the last plate on the table.

"Rick already left the office and will be home soon. Be quick, I don't want him to yell at you." Dad said kissing my forehead.


"He always yells at me whether I'm at fault or not." I chuckled and he gave me a weak smile.

I walked in my room and went to my closet. I removed my heels and throw them in one of the empty boxes. I stripped walking in my underwears. I walked into my bathroom and run the shower. I took a quick shower before dressing up. The hot water was relaxing and I just wanted to stay in but I know if I am late Rick won't hesitate to scold me in front of his guest.

And that would be really embarrassing...

I looked over my closet deciding what to wear.

Since dinner was at home, I did not want to wear too much. Firstly, it would be a waste of time and secondly, I am sure that after dinner I will be sent directly to my room.

I did a light make up before going downstairs. I went to one of the maid's room where I found Mom and dad getting ready.

"Hey!" I said lowly as I sat on one of the bed.

"Aww dear you look beautiful." Mom smiled, kissing my forehead.

"Thanks, mom," I said smiling.

"Mr and Mrs Silver are already in their room they should be done anytime," Dad said and I nodded.

"Another dinner to go through." I murmured and they chuckled.

"Like always you will end up here after dinner so relax," Dad said and I grinned knowing it was exactly what I planned to do.

"GRACE COME HERE THIS INSTANT!" yelled Samantha and I cringed at the sudden loud. I stood up and walked quickly to the living room where I found her and Rick. Rick, as usual, wore his suit and Samantha, oh well dressed up as a teenager. Her breast on display and her dress like a second skin.


"Oh my god! what the hell are you wearing?" She yelled panicking. I clenched my teeth and stopped myself from saying anything unpleasant.

At least I am not dressed up like a bitch ready to get laid!

"Babe, they are here what is done is done now Grace behave!" Rick said in his cold self voice.

"Yes, Sir." I murmured looking down.

Dad opened the door and a loud greeting was heard.

"Ah, Rick, my old friend, how are you?" Asked a man who looked in his thirties. There was a pretty lady next to him dressed up pretty good. Her dress hugged her curves perfectly and it was not too revealing.

"Nathan welcome," Rick said shaking his hand.

"Amanda." Samantha greeted and the lady nodded curtly. Either she does not like Samantha or she was too shy. I awkwardly stood behind them till Nathan noticed me and passed by Rick to hug me.

"Oh Grace, look at you a pretty young lady." He said pulling back. I was surprised that he knew my name but could not help but smiled when he complimented me.

"Thank you," I said politely and he smiled. He motioned his wife to come and when she saw me, she smiled widely and hugged me.

"Oh, I like you already." She said and I just smiled.

"The dinner is ready." Mom said as she walked in the room and Samantha glared at her.

"Oh and here is our son, Xavier." I tore sighed of Samantha and looked at a boy. I almost gasped when I saw him. He had dirty blond hair like his parents but had blue eyes. His shoulder was well build up and even wearing a suit his muscle could be seen. His jaw locked in place as he showed no emotion. In other word, he looked damn hot.

Hopefully, Rick won't embarrass me in front of them.

"Hello, Xavier," Samantha said flirty and I inwardly gagged. Xavier nodded but did not say anything.

"Let's go dinner is served," Rick said and everyone agreed. We walked in the dining room and I stayed a bit behind. I let them choose the place they wanted to sit in. If I sit first, my parents would yell at me and I really don't want to be embarrassed tonight.

"Oh, Grace comes and sit with us," Amanda said as she saves a place in between her and Xavier. Xavier looked at me directly in the eyes and I just nodded at her.

This dinner is going to be interesting!

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