《Married To The Don》T W E N T Y- F O U R


" So, you're in charge? " Victoria asked.

" I am. " I said flipping through Seth's piles of paper.

I was in his office at the warehouse, sitting in his big chair running things around while he was away. I couldn't help but felt a little badass giving orders and barking around telling people what to do. This must be why my husband was so damn arrogant. He lived like this everyday.

" What are we going to do to the Vipers? " Victoria asked.

" Where are they? " I asked still not taking my eyes off the documents.

" In one of the cells downstairs. " she shrugged.

" What would have Seth done if he was here, Brandon? " I asked cocking an eyebrow at him finally looking away from the paper.

" They would be dead by now and we would get our answer to who was behind all of these attacks. " he shrugged.

" Torture them for answer to be exact. " Victoria explained.

" Then let's get this over with. " I said getting up motioning them to lead me to the cell.

" I will get to torture them? Seth always had the fun all to himself. " Brandon pouted.

" No. I will be doing it. " I deadpanned causing Victoria to look at me with wide eyes while Brandon squealed in surprise.

People feared my husband ruthlessness so they should feel the same about me.

" Are you sure? You're new to this. " They both asked at the same.

" To torture the man who put my husband into a fucking coma? You best believe I am going to ruin him. " I said through gritted teeth.

" She is just like him. It's scary. " Brandon whispered into Victoria which she nodded in agreement but smiled proudly.

The three of us walked down to the cell as Brandon instructed me to never show my emotion toward the prey, and telling me all kinds of toys that I could use comfortably as if was after all my first time.

The sound of mine and Victoria's heels clicking against the hard floor caused the prisoner inside the cell to look up at us as we entered through the stainless steel door.

He was an old man looking to be not a day younger than fifty. His head was almost bald and his eyes were the same black ones as his daughter, Talia.

" What's your name? " I asked standing in front of him leaning against the table full of tools and weapons.


This stuff looked painful. I thought as I glanced at all the different kind of killing tools I was about to use.

" Husband dearest never talk about his partner? " the man said through his wicked smile.

Despite the fact that he was tied to the chair with chain with blood dripping and covering his body and that I was about to take his life, this man sure had the nerve to smart talk with me.

" The name is Ben Reed, father of Talia Reed, Madam. " Brandon said sternly.

Damn. He was full on work mode with the stone face and all. The bubbly man was far gone when he entered the deadly room. And, Victoria was no difference.

" Ah. Small and unimportant partner of my husband. No wonder why he never bother talk about you. " I smiled sweetly at the man.

" You bitch. You tortured my daughter so I did the same to your husband. What's wrong with that? We're even, let me go. " he spat at me.

Even? I would fulfill this wish of his any day.

" Bring the girl. " I nodded to Brandon.

He raised an eyebrow at me in confusion but chose not to question my decision and walked out of the room to bring her in.

The beautiful Talia was a mess right now with her make up smudge all over her face and designer clothes torn into pieces.

Brandon tied her into another chair that was place in front of her father. She looked scared tears were pouring down her face as she begged her father to help her but too bad daddy dearest was helpless at the moment.

I took a gun from the table and walked around her chair caressing both of her cheeks with the cold gun.

" Two shots on his right arm. " I said loading the gun before shooting her arm at the exact spot my husband was shot.

" Stop. " Ben barked as his daughter cried out in pain.

" Stop? We're even you said. And, another one on his leg. " I said and then shot her again.

" And, another on his stomach. " I smiled at him before started to shoot once again.

Talia was barely conscious by now. Victoria and Brandon held an emotionless expression as they stood at the corner of the room watching me.

" Who are you working with? " I asked putting the gun back on the table before grabbing a stainless steel baseball bat.

" I'm not telling you anything, you horrible monster. Let my daughter go. " he spat in my face.


Uh oh. Wrong move.

I swung the bat across the back of her head making her unconscious immediately as blood started to drip from her head.

" Monsters. You're just like your fucking husband. Monsters. " he spat again but this time with tears rolling down his cheeks as he watched his daughter lifeless body.

" Should have thought about double crossing him, shouldn't you? But, you did anyway even if you knew what was coming for you. " I said putting the bat down.

" Move her to the side. I'm done with her. " I ordered. Brandon nodded and did as told.

" Now mind telling me who are you working with? " I asked again.

But, the old man did not budge. I guessed we had to do this the hard way.

I mentally shrugged before grabbing a silver blade before walking back to him.

" Do your worst. I will never tell you. Your husband deserved what I gave him. " he spat.

" Also are you even capable of doing this? Heard you're just a random bitch old Salvatore picked up for his bastard son. " he then smiled wickedly at me liked a psychopath he was.

Aye. He begged for it himself.

I was so going to make sure he regretted the day he was born into this world. I thought as I tore his bloody shirt opened with the blade and accidentally sliced a cross sign on his chest while I was at it.

I walked back to the table slowly eyeing all of the tools with my fingers caressing each and everyone of them.

My humanity crumbled at the thought of taking another life and doing all these kind of sins. Was I even ready to live like this? I felt like the devil herself, horrible might I add.

But then my heart ached at the realization that I might lose my husband, losing the chance to explore our marriage and the chance to tell him that I was indeed the girl he wanted to marry as he had promised when we were just little kids, and it was all because of this fucker.

I wanted him to physically feel the pain and the pain that I was feeling mentally because of him. I wanted him to suffer to beg me to put a bullet in the middle of his head.

" Who the fuck are you working with? " I spat as I grabbed a knife.

" Fuck you. "

I pinched his ears tightly before I brought up the knife and cut it off. The man screamed in pain while the duo at the corner looked at me with widened eyes. I tossed his stupid ears onto the side of the room before walking back to the table.

" Can you now tell me? " I asked again grabbing a sliver butcher knife into my hand.

" I'm not telling you anything, bitch. " he cried out in pain.

I chopped off all ten of fingers with the knife and again he screamed out in pain as blood started to shoot around the room.

Shit. I wore a white shirt today. Goddamn it. I mentally groaned inside my head before throwing the knife away.

Walking back to the table I picked out a small silver tool that looked slight liked a clipper. I asked the question once again but as a stubborn pathetic he was he just shook his head.

I sighed before using the clipper thingy to pull his toe nails off before grabbing a handful of salt and throw it on him.

" Can you tell me now? " I asked again cocking an eyebrow at him.

He barely managed to speak as the pain was too unbearable but still shook his head with a glare on his face as he looked at me.

I sighed before grabbing what seemed like a bigger sharper version of a peeler and peeled off his skin. The man once again screamed out a beautiful scream in pain.

I could hear Victoria and Brandon gaged from the corner but chose to ignore the two, grabbing another dagger I stabbed it on the back of his palm.

" Russian. I was working with the Russian. " he cried out.

" Fucking Russian. " Brandon gritted between his gagging.

I grabbed the cotton of alcohol and poured it on his haft skinless body. " To clean up the wound. " I smiled.

" What do they want? " I asked with my knife on his face ready to pull out his tongue the moment he talked.

" T-to kill him. "

With that I pulled out his tongue, cut it off and shoved it back into his mouth, Brandon and Victoria gagged once again. But, I couldn't careless I was satisfied that I had my answers.

" Rest now. You did your job. " I said before pulling the gun trigger.

The Vipers leader was finally dead. No one double crossed the Salvatore and got away with it.


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