《Madam Mafia》-OK


What's up with that girl?

I sit in my last period study hall, staring into my lap, a bit confused.

I'm a really aggressive person, if I accidentally shove someone, they always fall. I never tend to look where I'm going and when I walk, its with the pride of my group behind each step. That's how my dad always told me to present myself.

After the shootout 3 years ago, and his death, I live by his words religiously. So how didn't she, at the very least, budge?

Is it my fault? Am I losing my touch?

Shit. Why is this so frustrating?

A Queen should be the only one to match or overpower the pride of the group. She...she's-I can't consider her, I mean she's really annoying and all we'd do is argue and-

I take a breath.

She's not an option...

"Ryder, what ya thinking about?" I cringe at the voice of Ashley. The girl who first approached me in lunch whis name I just found out during last lunch.

She was blahing in my ear the whole time, how can I not recall?

"What were you talking to Rose about?" She blinks at me three tines with a passive aggressive tone.

"Her name's Rose?" I nod. Okay then.

"It doesn't matter what her name is, let's just-" the bell rings cutting her off and I get up immediately, grabbing my stuff and leaving, not bothering to wait for her to finish.

I sigh. Girls like her who talk too much irritate me.

I'm glad it's time to leave.



I sit in my English class with my head down on my desk, in my arms.

I'm waiting for something but I don't know what. It's like I know I want something to happen.


I stare at the door and Rose walks in and all of a sudden the feeling feels content. Gone and satisfied.

I scoff. Was I really waiting for her? Seriously?

I follow her with my eyes and watch as she sits down. Her long black hair is tied up just like the last couple of times I've seen her and her glasses are a little bit too pushed up on her nose.

Just as that thought passes, she adjusts her glasses, bringing them down a little.

I chuckle.


My eyebrows frow in confusion and I snap my eyes away from her.

There's nothing cute about her.

Class passes by quickly and the bell for the next period rings.

I watch as Rose scurries up and is the first one out the door. I follow close behind her. She looks straight ahead, walking with purpose and suddenly as if something's hit her, she looks down and walks like an injured rabbit.

What...the hell?

She turns the corner and so do I, only to bump into her with her arms crossed, looking up at me.


"Why are you following me?" She asks, with an expression that screams shes wasting her time.

"Well, um I wasn't, I was heading to class." I say, avoiding her eyes.

"Look around us Ryder, we're at an exit and the only two rooms anywhere near here, are the bathrooms." She glares fiercely at me and I meet her gaze finally.

"I must be lost then, its only my third day here." I shrug my shoulders and lean against the wall, waiting for her reaction.

She sighs.

"Can you not get lost behind me then? There was no reason to go the same way as me. Leave me alone." With that, she pushes pass me and I stand stunned, watching her turn the corner and disappear.


I smirk and can't help the chuckle that leaves me.

She is cute.

Her gaze, looking at me was straight forward and unafraid, like if I swung at her, she'd be the one to beat my ass. I can't say I don't like it.

No, female has ever stepped to me like that, they usually act like Ashely. But with Rose its like she wants to get on my bad side, or she doesn't care if she is on it.

I laugh, covering my mouth with a hand and looking up for a second.


I like it. I don't know why but I'm curious.

She acts like someone is coming for her and she has to be on her toes constantly.

She purposely brought me to this hallway to see if I was following her. I had no idea, she's too smart.

I laugh again. I feel like I'm losing to her, even though I just met her.

Queen is a position for alpha females and I feel like she fits it to a tee.

She's still annoying but I guess I want to know more about her. I don't know why but I want to know where she's getting all this strength from.

Maybe she wouldn't be that bad of a Queen after all.

That Ryder guy is seriously getting on my nerves. Who is he anyway?

Could he be...?

I gasp then shake my head.

I would have been gone by now. That's not the case.

I just don't like the guy. It's like he's trying to figure me out.

I lay back in my bed and groan.

Why now? I just want to go to school peacefully. He's so irritating.

I hope he stays away from me, I don't have anything he wants neither am I willing to provide anything he wants.

I close my eyes and adjust myself on my pillow. I just want a good night's sleep and not having to worry about him.

I feel sleep overwhelm me and I finally get my first moment of peace, in oblivion.


Posted same time and day as prev. Chap

Second new chap. I hope it doesn't feel too rushed. Im glad you guys are reading it.

Thanks for all the support.


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