《School ReYOUnion》Chapter Thirteen
Mitch's friends house in Wilmslow is just how I imagined it to be; big, expensive and surrounded by the pretty countryside of Cheshire.
Being in the midst of British summertime, it's still a light evening and the fresh wind is still making itself very much known. Which is why I am so glad to have decided to wear my hair up in an elegantly high bun. On the outside, I might still look very chic with my classically styled hair and my black scalloped minidress on, but the domestic flight from Gloucestershire to Cheshire, has left me still feeling slightly disarranged on the inside. The crosswinds made the flight less than enjoyable, and I think I may have even grabbed Mitch's hand for desperate support on more than one occasion. I'm quite a seasoned traveller, but that short flight has probably been the worst aviation journey that I have ever taken.
"You okay?" Mitch asks, whilst politely helping me out of the car with the outstretched offer of his gentlemanly hand.
As my fingers curl themselves around his, I gracefully try to exit the chauffeur driven vehicle. Quite a feat when you're still recovering from the Flight From Windy Hell. "I'm getting there. Nothing that a large gin won't sort out." Is my playfully given reply.
"I have a remedy of my own that might help?" Mitch tells me with his mouth twitching around by its gorgeous corners.
"You do?" My voice now has a flirtatious lilt to it. Sure, myself and Mitch had excitedly hugged when he first came to pick me up. We even had chaste little kisses; once on our mouths and a few on our cheeks. Then there were the involuntary and sudden hand grabs on the plane that I thought might eventually crash, but now, I am ready for more. My lips, they are also ready for more.
"Yeah, I do." Comes Mitch's confident and deeply said answer.
Then, both his hands grab hold of my waist and pull me quickly against him. Without another word or action, he soon answers the prayers of my inviting lips. His mouth takes sudden control of mine. Takes lustful charge. Strong and lustful charge. This kiss isn't just a feel better kiss. This is our hello, it's good to see you again, I'm glad we are both here, now let's go and have some fun together, kind of a kiss. Our mouths seem to have melted, blissfully becoming one. Slowly and sensually now one. Moving at our own pleasured and cushioned pace. Mitch's fingers start gripping onto my waist even tighter, in no hurry to end his controlling hold on me anytime soon. Not that I want any of this to end soon. This kiss, is mind blowing. His fingers, they feel incredible on my body. No, I'm more than happy to stay melted against his mouth and his body. I'm more than happy to just stay here, with the wind swirling all around us, until our mouths can't kiss no more. I like kissing Mitch. I like being held by him. I like how those two things make me feel. Which is why I press myself against him even more, to kiss him even more deeply; making it impossible for that wind to chillingly try to come between us.
"Annnnnnnnd CUT!" Shouts a jesting voice from somewhere in the distance. "You can put your leading lady down now, Mitch. The poor girl won't have any lips left, then she won't be able to drink a single thing at this fun party."
Mitch is smiling while he slowly turns around. "Don't you worry about my leading lady...you concentrate on your own." Still smiling, he then clasps his hand around mine and leads us both towards the guy who is grinning from ear to ear whilst standing at the top of some cascading stone steps that welcome you inside the main entrance to his beautiful home. "Rebecca, I'd like to introduce you to Dane. Dane, this is Rebecca."
Still wearing a huge grin, Dane leans in to warmly welcome me. "I'm so glad to meet you." Kissing both my cheeks in a very continental way, he then turns his attention to Mitch. "Good to see you, pal." Grabbing him for a masculine hug, that's just what they then do.
"You too." Mitch says, looking genuinely relaxed and happy to see Dane again. "Where's Orla?"
"She's around somewhere. I think she just went to check on the waiting staff. Making sure that they bring out the right canapés at the right time." Inviting us inside, Dane gets friendlier by the second. "Mitch, you pretty much know everyone here, so between us both, we can introduce Rebecca to everyone, can't we?"
Squeezing my hand just a little more tighter, Mitch handsomely then smiles in my direction. "We certainly can." He looks proud. Proud to have me here, here by his side. "And happy birthday, big man." That handsome smile is now given to Dane, who graciously accepts it with one of his handsomely own smiles.
"Thanks, pal. Now, let's get you both a drink."
As we meander through the impressive hallway, then into the large and lavish lounge area, music is quietly being played from every corner of the downstairs area. The electropop vocals of Troye Sivan are marrying well with the warm and chilled vibe to this small and welcoming birthday party. Welcoming, because everyone so far, truly has been. Mitch does seem to know everyone, and he wants everyone to know that I am with him. In fact, both he and Dane, are trying their best to put me at early ease, so I can just get on and enjoy the rest of the party. Now that I have a gin and tonic in my hand, that is just what I intend to do. It doesn't phase me to mix with famous people. I have some pretty high profile clients, and some that are stinkingly so darn rich. Fame and money, it doesn't impress me. People, are what impress me. Their minds and their morals, are what will get you noticed by me. Most of the twenty odd people who are here, seem very nice. Some are fellow actors, some singers, then there are those who probably work in some way with those fellow actors and singers. In fact, I'd say the only person who has seemed less than impressed with my presence, is Dane's girlfriend, Orla.
I'm pretty good with people vibes. With my job, I have learned how to confidently read people. But with Orla, yeah, I don't think she's 100% happy that I am here. To my face and in front of Mitch and Dane, she's all toothy white smiles and cute little giggles, but a woman knows when another woman isn't all that keen on her. And Orla, she's not keen on me.
Which is fine. Not everyone in Mitch's life is going to like me. She's a successful singer, maybe she thinks that we don't have one iota of a thing in common; so why bother putting any effort in?
To be honest, I don't care. I have a gin and tonic. Everyone else is nice. Dane is rather sweet. And Mitch is just bloody gorgeous...all is currently great in the life and times of Rebecca Adams.
I'm actually having a really good time. Not dancing on tables kind of a good time, but mingling and drinking kind of a good time. I'm neither drunk or sober. I'm elegantly intoxicated. Eloquently still managing to hold decent conversations. I have had intellectual chats with quite a few people here. One chat was with a female actor, discussing the pros and cons of working on soaps. Another chat was with a female singer, who was telling me all about the horror stories of once having to sing in sticky-carpeted pubs and clubs. We then went on to talk about how social media has opened up so many new doors for singer songwriters. I even had a rather deep conversation with a male comedian, about whether or not such people tend to suffer more with depression and anxiety. So yeah, I'm enjoying myself.
I've also been enjoying watching Mitch, watching me. There has been much eye-to-eye flirting. I've never been the sort of girl to desperately cling to the arm of the man that she's with. I'm a confident woman. An intellectually confident woman. I can work a room. I can mingle with relaxed ease. I can initiate conversations. And for Mitch's benefit, I'm showing him just how well I can do it. Which I know for a fact, he is quietly enjoying. His smile. The quirk of his eyebrows. The high lift of his jawline. They are all telling me just how much he is appreciating my sociable floor show.
That's not to say, I'm not appreciating his. Yes, Mitch is the true master of the floor show. I know that Mitch is incredibly famous, so he will undoubtedly get noticed wherever he goes; but with him, it's not just his fame that pulls people in. Mitch has a magnetic personality. He used to have it at school, but I was too annoyed by him to ever fully understand that magnetism. In a room full of people, he somehow seems taller within that room. Who he is, just seems to stand out from the crowd. Maybe it's the giddiness of being with him or maybe it's just the bloody gin, but I really think Mitch has a captivating aura. That aura, it has the power to draw people in. It has the power to make people smitten.
That's who Mitch is.
With an alluring aura.
And an appealing persona.
Qualities that my elegantly intoxicated self is now finding all too hard to resist.
Rory, the comedian, has only just left my company to nip to the loo, when eager hands suddenly come up from behind me and wrap themselves all around my stomach, while a crude whisper is discreetly being mumbled into my ear. "How about I take you outside and snog that lipgloss from off your sexy mouth?"
I am beginning to know how Mitch's hands feel on my body, and I'm already pleasingly familiar with the rush that his masculine scent gives to me, so my head tilts itself against his. "Rory has just gone to the toilet. When he returns, we shall continue our discussion on how he gets inspiration from his mothers nursing home for his stand-up shows...apparently it's an endless pool for comedic material." I joke, enjoying his unexpected embrace.
Holding me tighter, Mitch groans. "As thrilling as that all might be for you both, I think that you and I can do something far more thrilling." He gently then kisses my neck, just the once, and without care who might witness him doing it. "Are you in?" His whisper sounds more hoarse, possibly a little more insistent.
Just when I'm about to reply with 'I am sooooo in', Dane intrudes on our little mission of Operation Snog. "You guys having fun?"
As keen as I am to get my lipgloss all snogged away by Mitch, it's hard not to enjoy Dane's sudden company. I like him. He's fun. Super friendly. Just an all-round nice chap. I think I may have seen him in a film one time, but apparently he has done an incredible amount of British dramas. Away from his real life, he tends to play complicated and gritty characters. Now that I have met him, I can see why he and Mitch have become such good friends. Dane is very grounded, fame hasn't moulded him into being someone that he's not. Orla, on the other hand, let's just say that my first impression of her might just need a second one for her to redeem herself on. She has been keeping a polite distance from me. She has only been talking to me, when she feels like she really has to—in front of the very lovely Dane.
Annnnnd, I'm still not caring about that. There have been plenty of other people here who have all been more than happy to get to know me. The feisty brunette songstress, obviously, just isn't wanting to. All I hope is that a double-date isn't on the cards anytime soon; that could end up being a tad awkward.
"More to the point, Dane, are you having a good time?" When hosting a party, quite often the host finds themselves being too busy wondering whether everyone else is having a good time, that they tend to forget themselves. So I have put that question to Dane, because he seems to be an exception to the rule.
Swinging his arms over both mine and Mitch's shoulders, Dane's mouth is wide with a gregarious smile. "I'm having a great time. I'm in good company, with fine food and drink, and some great music to tap my feet to...so yeah, I'm having a great time thanks, Rebecca." He playfully squeezes, bringing us all in closer with a slightly drunken chuckle. "It's also good to have this dude here, too. Now that he's part of the LA elite, I don't get to see his ugly mug so much, these days." He's laughing, and also winking at me. For Dane knows as well as I do, Mitch certainly does not have an ugly mug. With a deep chortle, he then lowers his head, but when he lifts his head back up and looks straight ahead, the laughter literally falls from out of his throat. "Shit! I can't believe this." Dane now looks cross and agitated. "Mitch, I'm sorry, pal...I honestly had no idea that Orla had invited her."
Mitch and I both look to where Dane is looking. There in the doorway, is Orla and a small but striking platinum blonde, both commanding attention from everyone at the party. "Shit!" Curses Mitch. It's quietly done, but it's a curse nonetheless. Sighing hard, he then mutters under an agitated breath. "That's all I need."
Confused, and now becoming a tad agitated myself because no one is telling me why the sudden change in vibe, I find myself asking both Mitch and Dane. "Who is that?"
At the exact same and disgruntled time, Dane and Mitch both give me my answer. "His/my ex."
It looks like the party is only just beginning.
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Excuse me!? .. What? Marriage? What marriage are you talking about?" I shouted. Shreya, you are being called. You start in exactly 1.5 minutes. Hurry up!" shouted Rahul, my colleague.Without thinking I started running out of my room and like a klutz I am, was about to fall down when a strong pair of arms caught me. He helped me stand properly."Aree you all right?" He asked." Yes" I replied promptly."I'm Kabir." He said extending an arm towards me."And I'm late" I shouted and ran to the PR. I heard some chuckles........Shreya Kashyap- She is a 24 years old Reporter. She loves her job and is dedicated to it wholeheartedly. She works in a reputed news channel. She is very confident and sarcasm drips off her tongue. She is her daddy's little girl and the centre of her brothers existence. She has been single is all the 24 years of her existence. Though she has a vast friend circle, her best friend is Anika, who is a reporter too. They both work in the same organisation and have known each other since they were is diapers.Kabir Rathore- He is 27 year old CEO of his own company. He has a very powerful aura around him and he loves his family and can do anything for them. He is a man of less words. He is his mummy's boy. He has many acquaintances but one best friend Dhruv Singhania who is the CFO of Kabir's company. He avoids the topic of marriage like plaque.
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