《The New Me》Chapter 25


I don't want to go to school and see Josh every time I'm around him I act like the old me I don't want to be her anymore.

I finally force myself out of the car and walk into school.

"Hey" shay says as I get a book out of my locker

"Hey how was your weekend?" I ask

"Boring" she shrugs "what about you?"

I can just feel my face getting hot "just watch movies" I try to act like no big

"By yourself?" She smirks

"You talk to Kayla" i sigh

"She may have called me and said something about how it looked like you guys were about to do it on the floor" she laughs

"We were not going to do anything. We just watched movies and I fell off the bed and he fell on me that's it" I say

"Okay what ever you say"

As I'm walking to lunch Caleb calls my name.

"What?" I ask as I walk over to him

Will and Josh are leaning against his lockers.

"Do you have any notes from the last class?" he says, I roll my eyes

"I knew I heard you snoring" I shake my head as I dig in my bag

"Hey babe" I hear someone say behind me I don't bother looking up because it's not for me

"I can't find it" I mumble

"Did you hear me babe?" I feel someone arm go around my shoulders which makes me jump "easy there it's just me" I look up to see Jacob

"O hey sorry I was uh looking for notes" I say a little confused why he's calling me babe

I look at the guys.

Will smirking, Caleb's rolling his eyes, and Josh jaw is clenched.

"You want to hangout after school?" Jacob asks me


"Sure" I say, I find the notes and quickly hand them to Caleb

"Thanks" caleb says

"I'll walk you to lunch" Jacob says

"Okay" I say as we walk to the cafeteria

I can feel the guys looking at me.

So are you guys like together?" Vanessa asks me

According to him we are" I shrug

Well do you want to be?" shay says

"He a nice guy and cute why wouldn't I" I say

Maybe if we hangout more I'll start to like him.

I can see Kayla about to say something.

"If you say Josh's name I will eat your sandwich" I tell her she quickly shuts her mouth and grabs her sandwich

After school me and Jacob go to the book store.

"Thank for coming with me" I tell him

"Yeah no problem" he says

"Do you want to get a book?" I ask

"No I'm not much a reader I rather wait for the movie there alway better anyway" he says, I try not to look applaud at what he just says

"I'll be in magazines holla when your done" he says walking off

I go and grab a John green book and the last infernal devices I left my copy at my aunt house.

I cheek out and find Jacob reading a playboy.

"Uh um are you ready" I say not making eye contact

"Yeah let's go" he grabs my hand as we walk out, I really don't want him too but that would be rude to take my hand away

After the book store We grab some frozen yogurt.

Then finally I'm home.

"I'm home" I yell

"Hey right in time dinners ready" mom says

I go sit down Caleb's already seated.

"So uh did you make this mom?" I ask a little scared

"All by my self" she says proudly "let's dig in"

Me and Caleb look at each other then the food.

"Here goes nothing" I take a small bite

"Sooo how is it?" Mom asks us

"Mom I love you very much" I tell her

"Please order a pizza" Caleb says looking sick to his stomach

"Yeah I figured." She shrugs "pizza will be here in 10 mins"

"Thank you" I breath a sigh of relief

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