《Sinful Temptation》21


"You deliberately avoided me for two days Belle. You must be punished."

Emma shuddered in his embrace. His words were enough to scare her whole being. "Let go!" She screamed.

A strong hand came up and cupped her mouth, muffling her screams. Her eyes widened even more and her fight and flight system roared on full alert.

Her struggling became more fierce. His large hand was calloused and covering almost her whole face.

Panic was overtaking her senses and the need to get away from his tingling touch was crazy.

He jerked her back roughly. The back of her head was on his shoulder. He has pulled her up and only the tip of her toes were touching the ground.

One of her hand was on his arm on her waist while her other hand was wrapped around the index finger of his hand that was on her mouth.

Her nails dug into the flesh of his arm but he didn't budge. Her struggles eventually lessened as energy left her body.

A tremor racked her form when his hot breath fanned her ear. "Not a single word from your mouth or else you won't like the consequences." He warned her in a deadly cold voice.

When she didn't move and nor tried to struggle he softly removed his hand from her mouth. The tingles and sparks were gone with it. But he didn't let go of her waist though he looses his arm around her.

Two seconds!

It took her only two seconds to elbow him on the ribs and make a run for the door but how far she could go?

With low growl he grabbed her tiny wrist and yanked her back. Emma stumbled on her footing but got her balance back.

Her throat clogged up when she gazed at him with terror in her eyes. He was standing in between her freedom. She could not escape with him standing just in front of the door nor she could jump out of the window because that would simply kill her.


She stepped back as soon as he took a step towards her. His stance was deadly.

"Where will you hide doll?" His deep raspy voice resonated in an empty dark classroom.

Her heart clenched in pure trepidation at that endearment.


Her heart thudded in her ears. Her feet involuntarily moving back, shoulders shrinking in fear as he took threatening steps towards her like a predator.

"N-no!" She stuttered, chin wobbling and lips trembling. The certainty of her being alone in the presence of this beast like man had her legs going jello.

Emma was scared. So damn scared. "You can't deny me Belle. I'm your mate. You're fucking mine!" He growled lowly.

"No!" She screamed at him. Half part of his statement went from above her head and the part that she understood wasn't pleasant at all.

"I'm not yours! You're my teacher and I'm your student-" Her words abruptly died down on her tongue when he was in front of her in three long strides.

Grabbing her arm he yanked her to him making his chest to collide with his.

She flinched back but his free hand grabbed her arm to keep her in place.

"What did you say? You're not mine?" He mocked her in his pure sinister tone.

Emma punched at his hold on her arm but he only tightened it making sheer pain to travel in her arm and with each passing second the his hold became deadly and she was sure the blood circulation was stopped and at any moment her bone would break.

"I-I'm..." She couldn't even complete her sentence when a cry left her lips.

"S-stop! You're hurting me!" She cried out as tears gathered in her eyes.

"Am I?" He growled and next his large calloused fingers creeped through her hair through the nape of her neck as he wrapped her long, thick, black locks around her fist and then tug at her hair. Roughly yanking her head back.


Her forced her face up making a loud gasp to escape her lips which immediately got muffled when he took her mouth in searing, passionate kiss.

Emma's heart stopped beating and her whole body became paralysed in shock. It took her couple of seconds to understand what was happening.

Her eyes broadened to the size of saucers when he sucked her lower lip in his mouth. His lips weren't rough they were soft but the force with which he was kissing her was harsh.

A hitter ran down her spine when his free arm wrapped around her waist and he pulled her soft small body flushed against his hard one.

Her hands immediately shot up as she punched at his shoulder and chest with her tiny fists to no avail. She even tried to pull her head back but his brutal hold on her hair wasn't letting her head move.

She was caged!

His tongue caressed her sealed lips making a jolt of current with tingles to run down her spine. Her whole body was buzzing with hot tingles.

His teeth nibbled on her lips, urging her to open her mouth but she didn't.

He finally broke the kiss and she took in a large gulp of breath when he growled out almost inhuman. "Fucking kiss me back!"

She didn't even breathed properly that he slammed his lips on her all over again with new fervour.

This time Emma pulled her lips inside her mouth making him groan out in annoyance.

His hand let go of her waist and he grabbed her cheeks forcing her lips to pucker out and he sucked and bite on them like a beast.

A cry escaped her lips as she clawed at his shoulders but to no avail. When nothing came to her hazy mind a loud sob escaped her lips as she forced her hand on his mouth.

Her eyes were closed as she sobbed again.

As if he came back to his senses he let her go and she stumbled back because her legs were jello. She grabbed the desk from behind to control her balance.

Her glowing golden orbs turned green and at that exact moment she opened her red teary eyes and glared at him with accusation facing in those blue pools while wiping her lips in anger.

She pushed at his chest with all her force but the man didn't even budge and stared at her coldly whereas she stumbled back because of her own push.

With tears kissing her cheeks, she picked up her bag and dashed to the door.

"Rot in hell you psycho!" She screamed at him with tears and made a crazy run out of there while sobbing.

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