《Sinful Temptation》9


Fucking pathetic shit!

This was the best his beta could do. To make him a fucking math teacher at this stupid high school.

He was already pissed of at all the things going on among the packs and now he has to teach these bratty kids math!

Xander rubbed his subtle clad jaw when his phone started ringing. "What's up Xander?" Came Ethan's voice making him grit his teeth in anger.

"I'm gonna show you what's up in the hell when I'll come back!" Xander growled lowly making Ethan to chuckle lightly.

"Sorry bro but this is all I could do. No one would ever suspect that an Alpha of Moon pack is teaching math at some high school." Ethan mused making Xander all more angry.

"Come on! It's not that bad there. You'll get to see young girls perhaps you'll like someone and you know..." Ethan was cut in the mid sentence.

"Shut up!" He muttered lowly.

"Let's meet tonight, I need to give you some information." Ethan said seriously.

"Okay." Xander said curtly, he cut the call and threw his phone on his king sized bed.

An image of certain big blue eyed girl with that innocent face paced his mind.

He remembered the first time he saw her. How her face morphed into shock after looking at him. Of course her shock was valid. Teachers are not that intimidating with tattoos all over them.

He knows he didn't give out gentleman vibes but more like gangsta vibes and that what he was exactly.

He remembered how her soft body collided with his hard one. He has looked at her enough to know that she was busty and hiding her magnificent curves under her baggy clothes.

Along with that thought came a slightest of guilt. He shouldn't be thinking about her like this. She was his student.


After that he saw her peaking at him through the window of those abandoned classes from top floor. What she was doing there was out of his understanding but he did know she was shocked when he looked up there. She must be wondering how it was possible for me to feel her gaze but she didn't know what I am and what I'm capable of.

He didn't know why but he checked her file from the school. He was surprised to know she was on scholarship. The girl lived in an apartment with her grandpa and she's 17. So much young for him.

When she was in his office all he could do was stare at her nervous form. It was clear that she was intimidated by him and he liked it. She didn't even looked up for even once.

He didn't know why but when she look at him and their eyes met. His wolf Blade growled with certain ache of possessiveness.

He lost control and touched her cheek on the urgings of Blade, her cheek was soft and then she abruptly moved away.

She looked horrified and he realised his mistake but he won't deny that he liked her nervousness so he ordered her to be present in his office after classes on Monday. He smirked slightly recalling how she dashed out of his office as if he would kill her.

But he won't deny the fact that he liked it. He knows it's forbidden that's why it's attracting him more.

He was never the saint but more like a devil. A sinner with so much evil. Though he appears like a respectful man but he has taken enough souls that if someone sane person knew they would stay miles away from him.

In his world he was the ruthless of his kind. Called as the merciless beast. The vicious and the powerful. The great Alpha Xander Colt of Moon pack.


He wasn't the man of love and softness. Callousness and roughness dripped from his personality. Dominance and intimidation were his companion. This man was a cold hearted beast.

He has done enough wrongs in his life that no pure water of holiness can wash his sins away. A barbarian assassin who only care for his sister and his pack.

Whatever he did, he did for the safety of his pack.

His barbaric stories were told to kids. Mothers would use his name to scare their kids. The legends of his cruelty were known across far lands.

He was the most feared Alpha of their world. The most powerful of them all. Which lead to great list of enemies who wanted to bath in his blood but killing him wasn't so easy.

Those rogues and witches thought they killed him but Alas they didn't know he was fully well and alive waiting to strike them when they're most vulnerable.

He wasn't hiding as a math teacher perhaps far from it! He was preparing for the war. One last war that'll wipe out his enemies from all across the lands. The war that will declare him as the king of them all.

At night Xander left his place to meet Ethan. They had chosen a secluded area for their meeting.

Xander stopped his car with a screech and walked out in all his dominance. Ethan smiled after seeing him and walked up to him.

"Cezar was linking up with vampires." Ethan said in a serious tone.

Xander's eyes hardened in anger. That bastard of a rogue thinks he can wipe out Moon pack with the help of those blood suckers. Bloody fuctard didn't know whom he was dealing with.

"Tell Azure to start the game." Xander said coldly and an evil smirk appeared on Ethan's face and he nodded.

"I will do-" Ethan was speaking but Xander was zoned out when certain intoxicating scent reached his senses.

A low growl erupted from Blade who soon became vicious and restless.

His feet on their own accord started moving and next thing he was chasing that addicting scent.

Ethan watched him confused before he too followed right after him.

Xander halted in his steps when that scent became more and more heavier. His eyes landed on a familiar head of black hair sitting with a guy as he ruffled her hair.

Rage consumed him.

A primal growl erupted from deep within his throat as he growled like an animal.


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