《Sinful Temptation》1


Loud blaring of her alarm had her groaning out in annoyance as she groggily turned off her alarm.

The illuminating rays of sun played hide and seek through the slit of the curtains caressing the nakedness of her bare arms.

With a light yawn she flexed her arms before lazily sitting up and removing the alluring fluffy blanket. The idea of leaving this warm cozy bed was heart wrenching but what else she can do.

With a nest of her hair she walked into the restroom and did her business.

After a quick shower she felt fresh and ready to deal with the hectic day ahead.

She's none other than Emma Belle Richardson. A 18 year old girl or perhaps a nerd as per the sayings of her classmates.

Emma lived alone in her old apartment that her grandpa left her. The place wasn't really amazing but it was cozy enough to be called her home. Her room is not big but of average sized double bed placed in the middle, a small study table in the corner, cupboard right beside it on the other wall was a wide large window where a couch was placed, this window was her favourite place in the whole house.

There was an attached bathroom which luckily consisted of a bathtub.

The thing was old but it works well for her. A lounge sits right beside her room with an open kitchen to the left. A couch was placed in the lounge with a small table on the front. An old time tv was placed there in front of the couch. This was the total of her house.

She was 13 years old when her parents died. Her grandfather was the only family she had left. He took care of her but Alas God took him away from her when she was 17.


He died because of a heart attack. Since then she was left all alone in this big scary world. It was tough and still is.

But Emma has coped up to live alone.

Though her apartment wasn't in a very good area in fact the opposite but she's thankful at least she has a roof on her head.

After tying her hair in a ponytail she wore her knee length skirt. Preparing a coffee for herself she did the buttons of her baggy shirt. She hurriedly drank her coffee, picked up her bag pack and within minutes she locked her apartment and was marching out at full speed.

The area where she lived was well known for it's illegal activities and criminal records. And a little girl like her was nothing more than being a lamb in front of wolves.

When she was near the bus stop. She slowed her strides and panted because of that jog. Emma waited for ten minutes before her bus arrived and she hopped on it.

She sat on her usual seat third last in the back. As the vehicle started moving the dread of what's to come in high school today started to rack her mind.

She was a really good student, scratch that. She's on scholarship and one of the top kids in Horace Mann High School. For Emma scholarship was really important as it was the only thing she could achieve because the fee structure of her school almost touched the sky. So she has to work hard in order to maintain her scholarship as it's the only way for her education to keep on going with no one at her back as her guardian.

Though she was good in studies and always kept to herself. Trying to fade away in the crowd of people and never to be noticed but things didn't go as planned.


She got noticed. Her weight got noticed. And then it all started. Her, being bullied on a daily basis by this rich group of students who think so highly of themselves.

She knew she was fat. That's why she wore baggy clothes. To hide herself away from their prying eyes. But no matter how much she tried their eyes would always strip her naked. On one side they call her fat and what not and on the other side those same guys would stare at her with bad glints in their eyes and girls would always throw daggers in her way.

For the past two years, she became so conscious of herself. She even tried dieting but to no avail as it only led her to the hospital followed by sickness.

So she tried the other way around. She started ignoring them, not responding to their harsh and cruel words. Their stupid pranks and ridiculous behaviours. But they never stopped. She's in her junior year now. Only this year in this hell and she'd be free.

With a sigh she got off the bus and walked towards her destination. Her hands clenched into fists after noticing her enemies standing at the main entrance in a group.

For a second she thought of going back but then she's not that coward now was she. The only reason she avoided them and bear their torture was because they're rich and can ruin her life with just one phone call because their parents has many shares in Horace Mann. And no one is at her back to save her or protect her.

The wisest thing she could come up with was to ignore them.

But they always had other plans. Emma tried to walk at a fast pace from beside them. 'Please don't notice me.' While chanting this mantra in her head but luck wasn't on her side.

A tall figure blocked her way abruptly, making her apply her brakes at the fast paced speed and stumble a step back.

Emma closed her eyes before opening them again and staring at the guy named Jack but in her head she called him Jackass.

Without a word Emma tried to walk past him but he only grinned and blocked her way. It's an entertainment for this Jackass but for her it's a wastage of time and pure torture.

"Where do you think you're going fatty?" Jack mocked.

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