《Meum Miraculum》Chapter 27
"Are you ready?" Alaricus whispers to me gently his warm breath blowing against the tendrils of my hair as it caresses my skin gently. I nod inhaling deeply trying to avoid looking into his eyes, his honey gaze never seemed to help my scrambled mind, it only served distract me further.
His finger comes under my chin tipping my head up gently, but I stubbornly keep my gaze on his chin and he lets out a soft chuckle pressing his lips softly to my forehead before leaning down to look into my eyes.
"You're going to be fine, I promise love." He says cupping my face in his hands softly. He holds out a hand for me, and I set my hand in his large warm one that closes around it immediately engulfing it in the comforting warmth that Alaricus seemed to carry with him.
He followed me as I walk into the large meeting room where all alphas sit staring at me intently their eyes widening as they realize Alaricus Knight had brought his human mate to the annual alpha meeting. Unfortunately though their confusion quickly turns to anger.
"Sire Knight you brought a human into our meeting, humans aren't allowed." An alpha says her brows furrowing as she looks at me.
"She is my mate, she may go where ever she pleases." Alaricus says, his voice calm but his honey eyes burning, the beast didn't like to be questioned, especially when it was in regards to his mate.
"We all declared that humans wouldn't be allowed in these types of formal occasions." An alpha says, making me frown.
"Why would her being your mate change anything at all?" An alpha speaks from the back of the room.
"Why should any of us treat this human differently, because she is the mate of the infamous beast, is that it?" The alpha asks, catching everyone's attention as they whirl around to look at him their mouths agape at the blatant disrespect.
"Why should we do anything but pity the little human that go stuck with the likes of you, we all know who you really are. I'm sure you've hidden it from her, is that why she stands so close to you?" The alpha taunts.
Alaricus straightens, his grip tightening on my hand before he lets go, stepping towards the alpha. His aura completely dark reminding me of the menacing starless nights, the honey eyed sweet man that I was used to completely gone, the beast was out to play. Unthinkingly I reach out to him, my fingers grazing against the soft material of his coat, he turns towards me and a gasp escapes me as I look into his eyes. There is no sign of the sweet honey, in their stead is a dark abyss, the kind that holds no hope of redemption, no hope of recovery. I pull back my hand and he turns away from me making his way towards the alpha his jaw clenched tightly, the alpha flinches his large form starting to quake as Alaricus nears him, but he attempts to steady himself.
Alaricus stands right before him surveying him slowly, his head tilted softly to the side completely still before suddenly he leans down making many alphas and myself jump as he rests his hand on the mans shoulder.
"You would do well to remember who I once was, what I once did, what I am still capable of, and that, that is why her being my mate changes everything." Alaricus says slowly, his voice calm but lethal and the alpha gulps staring up at him nodding his head near frantically.
"A-alright." He near well squeaks, and Alaricus straightens fixing his collar still glaring coldly at the alpha before he turns to face everyone.
"I wished to discuss matters that are absolutely vital for us to pay attention to, but it is no longer the occasion. If you would I will have my guards arrange rides to take you to a hotel for the night, we will meet again tomorrow." Alaricus says and the alphas nod, bowing their heads at the both of us as guards begin making their way in, finding their designated guests.
Alaricus comes towards me and I bite my lip trying my best not to tremble as I look into his dark eyes. His arm wounds tightly around my waist, but even in his anger he is careful not to hurt me as he steers me towards the very stairs we had descended from. He leads me up the stairs refusing to look at me as we walk, he leads me to my room opening my door for me he waits until I've stepped in before closing it softly behind me. I whirl around confused, didn't a mate's touch comfort a mate, shouldn't he seek my comfort in a time like this. Perhaps he wished to be alone.
I sit on my bed, letting all that had happened today sink in. A dull crash is heard from right beside my room but I ignore it, there were many people in the palace perhaps one had dropped something. It was when I heard another crash that I became suspicious but stayed put, after all it was curiosity that killed the cat, and I was called kitten over my lifespan all too many times for me to count.
My hands slowly trail over the soft silk of the dress, my mothers wedding dress was made of material like this, so soft and smooth I loved touching it, and my mother never stopped me. She never worried I would dirty it she would simply smile promising that my own wedding dress would be even more beautiful then hers. Another crash sounds, much louder then the rest breaking me out of my thoughts. I make my way towards my door opening it slowly, looking out into the absolutely empty corridor, nobody was there.
The noise was coming from Alaricus' room. I worry my lip as I stand in the empty corridor wondering what I should do, he was livid what if his anger turned on me. His kind smile and honey eyes come to mind and I realize, Alaricus Knight could never hurt me, the man that pouts like a petulant child and makes me the fluffiest pancakes I have ever had could never hurt me. I tip toe towards his room, my hand wrapping around the elegant engraved gold handle of his door and I twist it, slowly stepping into his room and closing the door behind me. A gasp escapes me as I look around the room, the chairs are toppled over. The dresser is raked with claw marks, his table crashed completely, glass cluttered around the floor, his walls littered with holes from being punched. He stands at the other end of the room, completely still but his chest rises and falls as he breathes harshly, his dark gaze set on me and he watches my every move. The material of his dress shirt and blazer stretching tautly over his broad chest as it rises and falls.
My heart stops as I look into his stormy gaze, the darkness of his eyes silent promises of destruction, the slight redness of them making them seem all the more maddened. I inhale deeply trying to regulate my breathing, my eyes falling shut as I pray to make it out of here alive silently, before hesitantly making my way towards him. He stares at me completely still, his eyes following my every move as I slowly make my way around the destruction, my eyes falling on the bed that lays completely in tact. Gaining courage from the memory of his soft adoring smiles and honey eyes I walk even closer.
I stand before him gazing at him from under my lashes, grabbing his hand softly, my thin cold fingers attempt to unclench his fist, and he watches me, eventually I give up, but as always he gives me what I want, unfurling his hand.
I step even closer to him, and his jaw clenches further as he looks down at me as I lean up, cupping his stubble covered jaw softly in my hand.
"It's alright Alaricus, they're gone now." I say softly, as he stares intensely into my eyes, but other then that I get no reaction. My other hand goes up and I cup his face in my hands leaning further up to press a kiss to his cheek, and a loud growl escapes his chest as he stays still causing me to jump slightly but I don't move away. I press a kiss to his other cheek, before pulling his head down to press one to his forehead, gulping as I look into his eyes to see his stare trained on my lips. Suddenly it seems as if my lips are parched and I rake my tongue over my lips, in attempt to moisturize them his eyes following my every movement. I clear my throat softly, and he seems to snap out of his trance slightly as he steps away from me.
"You shouldn't be near me when I'm like this Amara, I could hurt you." He growls out, turning away from me but I refuse to relent. He walks away from me walking towards his bed, loosening his tie he throws it on one of the chairs. I walk up behind him, slipping past him so that I stand before him.
"You wouldn't hurt me." I say stubbornly resting a hand over his heart to feel his rapid heart beat. His hand comes up to close around my little hand completely engulfing it.
"I could lose control, like they said I'm the beast." He says softly finally relenting and looking into my eyes. His eyes are filled with a raw age old pain that has my heart breaking as I look into it. My own eyes begin to get watery as I look into his pain filled eyes, their gaze seeming to sear through my skin, burn straight to my heart. Unthinkingly I wrap my arms around him pressing myself into his large warm broad chest snuggling my face into the soft material of his shirt.
"You're not a beast Alaricus." I mumble against his chest, and he lets out a small sound of disapproval.
"I don't think you're a beast." I say softly and he pulls back from me cupping my face in his large hands looking into my eyes almost frantically.
"You really don't angel, you really don't think I'm a beast?" He asks his voice desperate, his eyes taking over my face.
"N-no I don't." I stutter.
"God I love you my angel, promise me you won't hate me, no matter what you will never hate me, I couldn't bare it if you were to hate me." He asks his eyes filled with a sorrow so deep that the words escape my mouth before I can even think them over.
"I won't ever hate you, I promise." I tell him.
"Promise you won't leave me, promise it angel, I can't live without you, you're like a breath of fresh air, and to a man who's been drowning for centuries, I couldn't possibly live without my air now. Please angel I'm begging you don't ever leave me." He asks sinking to his knees, he looks up at me, his sweet gaze pleading with me. I sink down to my own knees before him cupping his strong face in my hands I speak to him gently, my thumbs rubbing over his smooth high tan cheeks.
"I promise, I won't ever leave you." I say knowing well that now I couldn't, I could never leave the sweet beast who sank to his knees before me begging me to not leave him. I could never leave the man who gazed at me adoringly with honey eyes, the man who did anything and everything simply to see me smile, that man who would be anything to make me happy, to make me stay.
His arms wrap around my waist tightly and he pulls me into him, my cheek rests against the smooth exposed skin of his chest. I don't know how long we stay that way, both unwilling to move.
The clock strikes midnight, letting out a loud ring that has me coming to my senses again and I attempt to pull away from Alaricus who refuses to let me go. A slight whimper is heard from him and my heart breaks all over again as I pull away only enough to look into his eyes, they're almost back to their sweet honey, but even more red, and to my dismay also watery.
"Stay." He pleads with me softly, and I bite into my lower lip, how could I possibly stay he needed to sleep and so did I, but I couldn't say no to those eyes.
"Alright." I relent.
"But at least let me change." I say, but he shakes his head grabbing me again, nuzzling his face into my neck.
"You're not going anywhere you promised." He says childishly and a small smile twists up my lips.
"I'm not I just need pyjamas." I tell him but he shakes his head, his head still nuzzled into me.
"You can wear my clothes." He says pulling away from me enough to look at me, his eyes lit with a childish excitement and hope that I can't say no to.
"Fine." I relent and he smiles, picking me up making me squeal as he walks into his closet holding me close to his chest, only putting me down to grab clothing for me to wear.
He hands me a large white shirt, and grey sweat pants, my eyes widening at how large they are, I was going to look ridiculous. I grab them from him, heading towards his washroom, and I feel him following me closely. I whirl around to face him.
"You can not come in with me." I say and his plump red lips form a pout as he stares at me pleadingly but I shake my head, trying to hide my red cheeks closing the door. I change quickly holding my hair back to wash the makeup off of my face I step out nearly shrieking when warm arms engulf me, immediately yanking me into a muscled warm firm chest. I look up into honey eyes, that look at me through thick black lashes.
I pull up the shirt that had fallen from my shoulder and his eyes follow my every movement. His eyes rake over my small form that near well drowns in his large clothes. A small growl sounds from his chest that has me tensing as I wait for him to say something. His hand slowly comes up trailing over my cold cheek.
"You look beautiful." Alaricus says in his deep velvety voice.
"So goddamn beautiful." He says bending down his arm going under my legs and around my waist, and he carries me to his bed despite my protests. I finally relent letting my hand rest on his chest, and I let out a yelp.
"You're naked." I shriek pulling my hand away from the hard square muscles of his broad chest. I cover my eyes, squirming away from him and he lets out a deep chuckle in his deep warm voice.
"I'm wearing pants love, being shirtless doesn't equate being naked." He tells me softly and my cheeks redden even more.
"B-but still." I say, and he sets me down on the bed, slowly lying down atop me, holding his weight up so that he doesn't crush me, but still his proximity has my eyes widening. This man was absolutely shameless, his smooth tan skin hovers right above me, brushing against my own softly.
"Alaricus get off of me." I say turning my face away from him. His hand comes up cupping my face softly.
"Don't turn away from me love, I've spent far too long without looking at your angelic face, looking into these chocolate brown eyes, don't take that away from me." He says the humour gone from his eyes, and he tucks me into his chest rolling onto his side, holding me close in his embrace.
I snuggle into his large fluffy pillows accidentally mumbling in gratitude for them not being destroyed.
Alaricus smiles down at me.
"What are you mumbling thank you for?" He whispers to me softly and my cheeks turn a deep scarlet.
"F-for the bed, I'm glad it wasn't destroyed its too comfy to be destroyed." I say avoiding his gaze, and he lets out a deep chuckle nuzzling his nose against my cheek.
"My sweet little angel." He mumbles making me blush harder.
"I couldn't destroy the bed, it's the one thing in my room that you've touched, the memory of you laying on my bed kept me from breaking it." He tells me softly and my face flushes at his confession and I bite into my lip, choosing to stare at the sheets instead of him. I play with the sheets starting to become drowsy as he watches me adoringly before interrupting the soft tired silence.
"Forgive me for the way I acted, I didn't mean to scare you Amara." He says gently.
"You didn't scare me." I say into his warm chest, the cold night making me snuggle deeper into his warm chest.
"I love you angel." He says pressing a deep kiss to my forehead as the exhaustion starts to pull me under its spell. My eyes begin to droop close and I have no control over them.
"Sleep my little love, sleep my angel this beast will forever be here to protect you, to keep the demons away from his angel." He says softly, as my eyes fall shut, his deep voice lulling me to sleep. I fall asleep that way, nestled into his warm chest, his large strong arms holding my small form closely to his.
Hello my little lovelies! I really hope you guys liked this chapter, I know it's later then you all expected since its summer break but I experience writer's block all too much to be healthy, so I apologize for that. I really do try to update quick I know I fail miserably but hey at least this ones a long one right. Okay night my lovelies, I hope you all have a great summer.
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