《The Nash Brothers (Completed)》21. Living the dream.


After saying yes to the boys, they had all relaxed around me and the next few months had been... interesting. Each of them had taken me out individually and we had also gone out as a group, we had spent time with Jazz and her friends and Jackson had often joined us. We had kissed and held hands but nothing more, I wasn't ready for more, not yet.

Jazz had shut down all talk about Jackson after my birthday and ignored him, even if they were in the same room together, which for some reason amused Jackson more than anything else. He seemed to go out of his way to be in her space, taking every opportunity to touch her arm or brush close to her. Their eyes always following each other if they were anywhere near, but the boys had recommended we let them work it out themselves. I had agreed but still told Jazz if she ever needed help getting rid of the body, I was her girl. She had laughed and hugged me for that and promised if she every needed me that way she would let me know.

I knew Dad and Ma were keeping tabs on us all, but hadn't offered any further advice or comment, just making sure I knew they were there if I needed them. My Mother had signed the papers, as I requested and Dad's lawyer was sorting out my trusts and accounts. I had spoken at length with him and Dad and was happy for him to arrange everything on my behalf. And as Silas had disappeared from my life, I was determined to put him out of my mind, he was gone and I felt strong enough that if he returned I would have my family behind me in dealing with him.

Soon we were approaching graduations - Jazz and her friends and Beau and Jackson would all be graduating, I finished a couple more courses but decided I was staying put with Trent and Maverick for another year. I had panicked when I realised I might loose one of them from my life, With Beau, finishing and getting a job, would he want to move out and get his own place, would he want to find his own girlfriend?... It had been Maverick who had seen I was worried about something and they had cornered me and kept asking till I admitted what was wrong. None of them had laughed at my worries, but had instead apologised for not being clearer with me, they were going no-where, not without me. Ever.

Beau told me her was going to do an internship with Dad 's company for the next year till we all graduated and then, then we would work out together what we would do. That has been a turning point for me, It finally clicked for me this was real, its wasn't a dream, it was my life now, and the boys, they were mine, all mine.

I knew a lot of people on campus had made comments about our relationship, some supportive, some crude and others envious or disgusted but the boys had protected me from the worst of it and our friends had rallied round us and I grew stronger from that until I too stood up for myself and for my men if I heard anything negative.

It was obvious the direction our relationship was going in and I spoke with Jazz and Ma about birth control and sex, it was the most embarrassing, yet enlightening talk and another step in me taking control of myself. I had seen the look of hunger in the boys eyes when I had told them that i was protected and knew it was only a matter of time.


Beau's Graduation night party had been the next turning point in our relationship, I had nervously told Mav and Trent I wanted to spend graduation night with Beau and they supported my decision and helped me relax and even surprise Beau.

And what a night it had been, Beau had started gentle and guiding, his finger light and almost ticklish as he had undressed me, letting my clothes fall to the floor around us and he explored my body, till I felt comfortable enough to start reaching for him, I was naked, I wanted him to be as well. His body I had seen barely clothed in the pool but to have him stood in front of me naked, his cock stiff and proud as I looked at him, was empowering, I couldn't resist reaching for him, my fingers circling his silky hardness and making him groan his appreciation. He watched through hooded eyes letting me work through any fears I might experience but no fear came, I was ready, I trusted him and wanted to embrace everything he could show me, I wanted more, wanted him to want me to the point of losing control, because I knew I would always be safe with him.

He has lifted me up into his arm, letting my body slide down his, his cock naturally slipping between my open legs as I curled them around his waist, I could feel it throbbing against my wet pussy and I felt a moment of embarrassment at how wet I felt, Beau, moving my body so his cock stroked over my clit and through my wet folds, his breathe rushing out as I groaned. "Beau please"

"Soon, baby, soon" he promised taking me to the bed and lying me down his body moving down between my open leg, his lips stopping to nibble and caress my nipples causing me to arch into his body, god, I had never realised how sensitive my breast were, every stroke of his tongue and nip of his teeth, making my pussy flood more.

"Beau!" I cried again as his lips moved lower, I twisted my hands in the sheets and held on, both scared and entranced by my bodies reaction to his touch and when I felt his breathe on my clit, I froze, knowing what he planned to do would blow my mind and I froze waiting for it.

He felt my body freeze and lifted his head, looking up at me, his eyes showing his hunger and need "Relax baby, I promise, you'll love it" he promised with a grin before leaning back in and wrapping his lips around my clit. His tongue circling, then flicking and it felt like only seconds before I felt my body tense and I couldn't stop the climax that tore through me, I could hear the groans and praise from Beau as he licked and sucked, then he slid a finger inside me, keeping the pulses in my body going, as he pushed and pulled, adding a second then a third and he twisted and scissored then open inside me, everything in my body felt alive and in his control.

"One more baby, give me one more" he teased, stroking my juice from to back, his other hand joining in and it felt like he was everywhere, his fingers pushing pin and out, his tongue on my clit, then I screamed as sensation burst through me as he pushed a finger knuckle deep into my dark hole, sending me into a freefall or pulses and twitches.

I could feel him oven up my body and knew his eyes were on my face but I was molten in his hands as he lined himself up and I felt the pressure mix with the pulses as he pushed his cock inside, slowly but surely, his hand coming under my back to wrap my body to his, till he was seated deep inside me. "You feel like heaven, so tight, so warm" he whispered, his lips nipping at my earlobe sending delightful shivers down my spine.


"Beau!" I gasped out breathily as he continued to wait buried deep inside me, I could feel the pulse in his cock and felt my own sync to his, I was his, he was mine, we were one at that moment but I wanted more. "Beau... More!" I cried out, trying to lift my hips against his.

"As you wish, my princess" he promised and started to move, his cock sliding almost out before he thrust deep back inside, the size and feel of him filling me completely and clearing my mind of everything except the sensations he was building inside me. I bit into his shoulder, in silent demand when he slowed and teased me, unable to utter any words, he laughed and resumed his pace, I could feel the tremors staring again and tighten my grip on him, feeling like I would fly away, his speed increased and it felt like he was growing harder and longer inside of me.

"Come for me baby, Now!" he ordered and I did, his words pushing me over the edge and his groans filling my ears as his body seized and thrust jerkily into mine and I could feel his cum coating my insides as my body seized and milked his.

We had lay tied together as our bodies recovered, Beau's larger frame pinning me to the bed underneath him "Am I squashing you" he murmured softly.

But I loved the feel of him, covering me, it made me feel safe, protected. "I like it" I told him honestly

He laughed, rearing up a little to look into my face. "Good because I don't think I can move, not right now, and I wish I could stay like this with you forever, but I think, no, I know my brothers would kill me" he finished stroking my hair back and kissing me gently.

"I love you Indi" he whispered before kissing me again and I could feel his cock starting to grow hard within my sensitive walls, making me gasp "If your sore, I will stop" he promised but I shook my head and lifted my lips to his "Don't you dare" I muttered before kissing him.

Beau's face the morning after had been blindingly happy and he had swept me into his body and shown me just how much he loved me again, before helping me shower and down to brunch. Releasing me, only to sit between Mav and Trent, who had scooted closer and kissed me softly, checking in with me and showing their happiness, that I was happy.

Dad and Ma had also noted the change in our relationship, checking that I was happy, which I was, but not interfering in any way.

A week later Mav took me away for the night to a gallery opening, his passion as hot as Beau's but his touch as individual as him, Mav had read my body and needs and he made my body sing with want, teasing me to the point of begging him, he had pushed my limits, then gave me everything I needed and more

Trent was waiting for me when we came back, his grin infectious as he had teased us, Beau coming home to join in the teasing. That night Trent had taken me to his room, his eyes bright as he had stripped my night-clothes from my body and I had stood still as he had circled me slowly, his eyes devouring every inch before he had dropped to his knees in front of me and pulled me closer "So Beautiful" he had praised and I had felt my body heat from the blush, his words had brought, before the touch of his lips, teeth and tongue, had made reality fall away. I had woken the next morning with a groan, feeling the marks, he had left on my body. I had smiled when I remembered his possessive words and his explanation of how he had to mark me, to know that anyone who saw me would know I had been claimed. I had loved his words and the possessive feel of the mark, and when I had pushed him back and latched my teeth to his neck, determine to claim him as mine as he had claimed me, he let me revel in the feeling of power it gave me.

And it went on, I got closer to all of them over the next year, Dad and Ma, organising a minor restructure within the house, putting a door at the beginning of the boys wing and creating a mini apartment for us all, giving us space to share together.

With graduation coming round again we had begun to talk about our futures, what did we want to do? where did we want to be? John had roles for all three of them within his company and I knew ~Beau had enjoyed the internship he did, working his way around the company, Trent and Mav seemed keen and Dad had jokingly said if he could hand over to them, he could retire and spend time with the grandkids when they came. That had set a fiery glint in their eyes, That I had enjoyed very much.

But I still couldn't decide what I wanted to do, I had spent more time on my art lately and loved it, and I knew with my trusts, I didn't have to work, but was I wasting my self by not using my qualifications.

"Baby, Come her" Mav called from the sofa and I pushed away from the window and came to drop into his lap, his hand coming to stroke my hair back, before tilting my mouth up to his, his kiss, bringing me out of my funk. "What's wrong?" he whispered, nibbling kisses along my collar bone.

"What should I do Mav... Am I being lazy?' I whisper but know he hears me. He knows what's on my mind, this isn't the first conversation we've had on the subject.

"What about a compromise" he suggests and I look at him hopefully. "Freelance, as an independent assessor or work just with us as a private contractor, that way you can do both, work when you want to, take the jobs you want to and still do the things you enjoy most"

I think about his words, nodding, it could work, but how viable was it. "Why don't you talk to John, see what he think" Maverick encouraged and I nodded slowly thinking about it.

I got the chance to talk to Dad a little while later, his views echoing Mavericks. "Freelance for us, don't worry about other companies, not unless you want to" he added.

"You don't think it smacks of nepotism?" I question, watching his face across his desk.

"Are you going to do the work to the best of your ability?" he asks and I nod.

"Are you qualified to do the job?" and I narrow my gaze at him.

"That's the point , what job would I do for you, that isn't already being done in house?" I mutter.

"Environmental Impact Monitoring, but only for us and on a freelance basis. What do you think?" he asked with a grin.

"Don't you have someone already doing that? I would put them out of a job!"

"You're right, we already have a team in house who looks at it all, but they do not have your background or qualifications, its one of the things Beau brought to my attention when he was working with them, there is too much copy and pasting going on for their reports to be acceptable. I propose they pull the work together but you have the final sign off, that way, you will teach them what is important and they will do the leg work and admin for you" Dad explains.

"Can I think about it" I ask liking the sound of the work but scared as well.

Dad gets up and pulls me into a hug. "Take your time, speak to the boys, you could even come in and meet the team, this is your choice"

"Thanks Daddy" I say into his hug.

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