《The Nash Brothers (Completed)》19. Birthdays and Parting Ways.


Beau's POV

"John, Mum, are you going to stop us?" I stood, facing them once again across John's desk in the study. Only this time its first thing in the morning and a special day, Indiana's birthday.

"No, but we have some concerns, sit down, all of you" Mum said and I shared a look with my brothers as we all sat watching them.

The last three weeks had been difficult, to go back to before they had kissed her and scared her away, to act as if she wasn't more than a sister to us. We had come home that day and been faced with the same looks of worry. Indiana had hid out in her studio and Mum and John had grilled us on our reasons and the risks in chasing her.

"You have had three weeks to think about what would happen between you all, if you all chased Anni. We asked you to make sure this was what you wanted. Is it?" John asks watching us.

We had thought of little else during that time when we weren't doing family things with her and our parents, those had been a wonderful kind of torture, seeing her but not being able to touch her. Pretending she was just our sister, though she had finally relaxed a little and was no longer hiding from us. My brothers and I had also had some in depth conversations about Indi and what we all wanted.

I exchange looks with my brothers once more, waiting for their nods, before I speak. "We have thought of nothing else, but we did do as you asked, we thought about what was most important to us and that's Indi. We know we screwed up before, we went at it like a challenge each wanting to beat each other to her side, we were wrong"

"And why the change of heart, is it not still a competition?" Mom asks.

"No" Mav answers "We want her happy and we have talked and will work together to make that happen. Thats our priority"

"And you all agree?" John checks and we all say yes looking directly at them so they could see the sincerity in our response.

"You said you had concerns" Trent prompted them."What are they?"

Mum sighs "This must be her choice, if she's not interested or says no at any point, that's it, end of discussion"


"You must be open and up front with Indiana about what you want and your feelings, especially with each other as brothers" John says, reaching out to take mums hand before he continues "Indiana will not want to come between you and if you fight, well she will take herself away from you all"

Maverick leaned forward and stared at John "Why are you not telling us no?" he asked softly and we all waited for the response.

John closed his eyes and rested his head back in his chair, as we waited in silence for his answer. "I love you boys like you are my own blood, I see the strong men you are becoming and am proud of you for that" he chuckles "Even when you screw up at times... And Anni, well I let her down before, I allowed other people to dictate my interactions with her, without actually checking what she wanted" he paused again and looked at us.

"This time I listened to what she was saying and what her words weren't telling me, she feels safe and likes you all, hell boys if I could squeeze you into one person you would be perfect for her, but I can't do that, so I have to think about her, and this is her choice, she is wise beyond her years in some areas but naive in others, her clever brain scares people but her strength comes from choosing her own path, her mother denied her that... I. we won't" he finishes, sharing a look with Mum.

"She likes us all" Trent says aloud with a grin.

"Really Trent, is that all you got from that" Mum scolds him.

Mav laughs "Oh no, we got that John thinks we are perfect for her" he adds.

"Boys, that's not what he said" Mum scowls at our smiling faces.

"Ignore them Mum, they are pulling your leg, we got it... and thank you John, we will do our best to live up to your belief in us" I said getting up to pull Mum into a hug, groaning as Mav and Trent joined us and I was squished between them all and John laughed at us.

"So what's the plan for today, I know there's the party later but what else?" Mav asked.

"Anni has a video call with her mother at 10, I know Jazz is coming over with Matt to take her out for lunch after that it's relax time until tonight" John told us.


"Her mother, will she be alright?" I question worried, knowing she had no contact with her since the professor issue was dealt with.

"Don't worry, she will be okay, I'm sitting in on the call and we have already served her mother some papers to sever future contact. This will give Anni more power over her own life." John pats my arm in thanks of me worrying about her.

My brothers follow me out and to the gym, we had already grabbed breakfast before seeing John and Mum and were trying to give Indi some space, despite wanting to crowd her to wish her a happy birthday, so a workout was next in our plans, then maybe we might just crash Jazz's plans for lunch.

We were halfway through our routines when Jackson showed up, looking pissed off about something, stripping down to shorts and a t-shirt to join us. Mav and Trent sending me WTF looks but I shook my head.

"You okay?' I asked in between exercises and he nodded, but didn't look any calmer.

"What's up?" I pushed, wanting to help my friend who had been a sounding board for me about my feelings for Indi recently.

"Fuck" he dragged his hands through his hair "I've got to let her go, but every time I see her with another guy, I want to hit him and claim her" he hissed out.

Mav and Trent came and joined us "Is this your mystery girl, who is she?" Trent asked poking Jackson with his foot.

"Shit its nothing guys, forget it" he straightened and I saw the jovial guy mask come back over his face.

"When did you see her, do we know her?" Mav asked watching Jack's face closely and we all saw the slight panic cross it.

"Who is it Jack, come on man, maybe we can help?" I push "the thought of you driving here this stressed worries me" I added and he huffed at me.

"Don't stress, I didn't drive like this" he grunted out and I looked at him confused till Mav blurted out the obvious answer.

"You're in love with Jazz!"

We all looked at Jackson, as he groans and drops his head in his hands saying nothing.

"Fuck man, you're screwed, she hated you" Trent tells him bluntly.

"Why, How, why didn't you day something?" I ask him. "Explain!"

Jackson keeps his gaze on the floor as he explains his history with our cousin right up to them parting ways at high school and hooking up while drunk at college a couple of times before again ignoring each other.

"So all of a sudden you're jealous?" Mav questions confused.

"Yes, No, shit I don't know anymore, its just when I see her with other guys I want to shake her hard and ask her what she thinks she is doing, I push back by letting girls hang over me when she is around, trying to get a reaction from her, but she doesn't care and I hate it, I used to just find another girl and try to make it go away but lately, since Indiana came and I've been in closer contact with her, the feelings have grown stronger, I just don't know how to approach her about it"

'Trent's right, you're screwed" Mav tells him "Unless you get down on your knees and beg her to listen to you" he adds with a grin.

"Fuck" he growls, looking at me "And what's your advice?"

"Don't ask me, i'm in love with my step sister and so are my brothers, I don't know what the hell i'm doing, let alone have a suggestion for you" I tell him.

"Simple, why don't you share her, there that's your problem solved, now help me with mine" he snaps and I growl back at him, thinking its so simple.

"Grab her and tell her how you feel, and don't let her go until she listens and either gives in or gives you a way to change her mind" I retort.

Mav laughs, making both our gazes swing to him and Trent, who are watching us with raised brows "Both ways have merit" he muses, leaning into his twin who nods.

"Definitely, Jazz is so hard headed she will need to be tied down to give you a chance to state your case, and your suggestion of sharing, isn't unheard off" he agrees.

Shaking my head, I watch my brothers wondering if they were serious, share Indiana, we couldn't?

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