《The Nash Brothers (Completed)》16. Held and Safe. (Part Two)


Rolling over in my bed, I sweat from the fear, the nightmare still playing out across my mind. My body ached and the bruising around my neck and across my throat throbbed each time I moved but I couldn't go back to sleep, as tired as my body was, I was afraid of my dreams.

I had come home and come straight up to my room, Jazz following me and her presence had helped me think I could keep the monster at bay. I know the boys had told Thomas and May, and they had all been waiting for me when we had reached the house, watching as Dad had assisted me, their faces showing a mix of anger and worry and I had felt glad they were there... my family.

I knew I should feel safe, Jazz asleep on the pull out bed next to me but the anxious feeling persisted. I carefully slip out of the bed, not wanting to wake her, and grab my dressing gown, head towards the stairs, hoping a nice warm drink, will let me settle enough to try sleeping again.

I jump and gasp at the squeak of floorboard in the opposite hallway, my hand grasping the banister in fear until Beau steps into the light "Can't sleep?" he questions softly and I nod, staying silent as he comes towards me. "Let me help you"

He holds out his hand and with a little hesitation I put mine in his, following silently as he leads me down to the kitchen, only putting on a couple of side lights before pulling out a chair for me. "Sit, I'll make you a warm drink"

I watch as he moves around the kitchen, feeling calmer now as he prepares two drinks , coming back to join me at the breakfast bar and sliding the hot chocolate in front of me.


"Thank you" I rasp out.

"Don't talk if it hurts" he scolds lightly with a grin and I nod, dipping my gaze to my drink as my face flushes. For once I don't find the silence awkward, or feel the need to talk, and I can feel my body relaxing more, letting out a yawn as I place my empty cup back down.

Beau chuckles and gets up, taking my cup away with his as he rinses and puts the cups in the dishwasher, returning to my side, his hand once again held out to me. "Come on, lets get you back upstairs before you fall asleep here"

Every step up the stairs I feel the tension grow and as we reach the top, I feel as anxious as before, the slight shiver in my body giving me away. "Hey, what's wrong" Beau asks, guiding me round to face him, his gaze scanning mine and I wonder what to say, it feels stupid to say i'm scared to sleep, or that he brings me peace. "Do you trust me?" he asks carefully and I look up surprised but nod.

"I promise to keep you safe and stay by your side, i'll keep the nightmares away" he whispers and my eyes widen in shock, how did he know?

He tugs my hand gently and I take a step his way, letting him lead me down the boys hallway and into his room, my mind hanging onto his promise to keep the nightmares away, I let him guide me to his bed and slide off my dressing gown before he tucks me in, my eyes watching him as he rounds the bed and pulls back all but one sheet on the other side of the bed, sliding in next to me

"Beau?" I whisper, but don't know what to say or do.


"Roll over and scoot back" he replies softly and after searching his face I do as he said, jumping slightly as he waits for me to settle before moving close to my back, his body spooning mine, the sheet between us. His arm coming over me and taking my hand in his, holding me safe. "Now try to relax and sleep, I've got you" he rasps out.

It takes a while for my body to finally relax but the feel of Beau at my back and the weight of his arm over the covers, I let sleep take my body as I smile, and I know I am safe, surrounded by the warmth of his body.

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