《The Nash Brothers (Completed)》7. We Don't Hate You


"We don't hate you" Beau's words whispered round and round in my mind as I tried to forget about his visit by focussing on the painting in front of me but it was no good, my mind would not quiet and I finally gave in and set the brush down, moving to look out of the open window, the slight breeze stirring my hair. The window overlooked the rear garden and pool, the ripple on the water drawing my eye and I realised someone was in the pool. It seemed like forever before they surfaced, leaning against the poolside before heaving themselves out, I watched the water running down the tanned back to dark trunks, muscles flexing as he moved and swallowed as I realised I was staring at Maverick, he reached for a towel rubbing his hair briskly before slinging the towel over his shoulder and sitting on a lounger, his head falling into his hands, and I could see the tension in his body.

I jumped back, still able to see him just as his head shot up, but his attention was on whoever had left the house and then Beau stepped into view, sitting opposite Maverick. Mavericks face showed distress at whatever Beau was saying and I wondered briefly if it was about me, then I shook off the thought, why would they be talking about me, let alone upset, no they didn't care, I reminded myself. But I still watched until they both headed back inside and released the breath I hadn't realised I was holding.

I glanced at my watch and noticed the afternoon had disappeared and it would soon be time for dinner, I cleaned up my brushes and shut the windows making my way to my room to change, and get ready to face them again.


Dad was waiting for me when I got downstairs, appearing from his study as I touched the last step and I smiled at him, his face worried, "it's okay Dad, I know they are home"

"You sure, after what they did, I won't let them hurt you again" he promises pulling me into a quick hug.

"I'm sure" I tell him, pulling back and hoping he didn't hear the wobble in my words. Feeling relief when he smiled at me, before leading me into the dining room. Beau and Virginia were already there and it looked like she had been reading him the riot act.

I hid my smile until I realised I would have to sit next to one of them, the table laid for the six of us. I hesitate, not hearing the other two come up behind us, until Dad prompted me and I blushed as they stepped past us, Trent moving to pull out a seat, next to Dad, then he looked at me.

"Indiana" he said softly indicating the seat he had pulled out and I feel dads arm hug me slightly before releasing me. I moved warily forward, all the boys watching me now as I stopped, my gaze questioning on Trent till I turned and sat down, whispering "Thank you" and looking down nervously as I hear him pull out the seat next to me, and the room returned to normal sounds as the rest pulled out their seats and sat down.

I glanced at Dad and saw him observing the boys, his gaze watchful as he noted their behaviour. Virginia cleared her throat nervously and we all looked at her and she fidgeted then spoke, addressing the boys "Boys, I want to say this to you in front of Anni, but I am so disappointed in what you did, I love you but... your actions could have had serious consequences for Anni." She held up her hand as Maverick started to speak stopping him, "I know what you thought, but even if it had been true, she is family and you look after family, not attack them, and especially never say one thing and do another, knowing full well she had no back up, no support" she trembles. "Now I expect you all to apologise and if I hear any of you attacking or even causing her any stress... " she tails off, glaring now at them. The room silent and tension thickening, I can see how upset Virginia is and although I don't want to help the boys after what I did, I can't have her blaming everything on them, mother was the route of the lies that caused the problem.


I cleared my throat. "Beau came and apologised earlier for them all, we have a truce, I have forgiven them and agreed we will communicate better moving forward, they won't take anything for granted" I tell her and Dad, mentally slapping myself at the surprise on the boys faces, that they were quick to hide.

"Is that true?" She asks Beau, who catches my gaze before agreeing "Yes, I saw Indiana in the attic earlier, for all of us, we didn't want to overwhelm her" he twisted his words to ring true.

I looked at Dad to find him watching me curiously and I knew he sensed my lie and I wondered if he would say anything. He winked at me. "I will be watching, in two weeks you go back to university, I would hope by then there is no spill over from what happened at the party" he told them and I relaxed a little.

Virginia looked relieved and I knew I had done the right thing, I didn't want her to worry or stress, she had done so much for me and I could do this for her. I glanced again at Dad and he sent me a grateful look, he knew what I had done. Dad then changed the subject, asking the boys about their camping trip , everyone trying their best to be normal and I was glad, at the moment it felt stilted but it would soon ease.

At the end of dinner, the boys excused themselves, Maverick loitering in the doorway for a moment before he asked " Would you like us to show you round the campus?"

I look at him, surprised and Virginia reacted first "Oh Maverick that would be wonderful of you, what do you think Anni?" she asked looking hopeful and I found my self nodding, even as I wanted to say no.

"Great, see you tomorrow" he accepted with a smile and left, leaving me sharing a look with Dad, what had I got myself into now.

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