《DDLG Academy: Double Life》Chapter 21
The rest of the week was calm. Zane finally realized that he was wrong. I'm not sure what made him realized that he was wrong about the whole Olivia situation, but I'm glad he came to his senses. But he still has to earn back some of my trust. Yes, we might have hooked up, I may have liked it a little...okay maybe more than a little. But, that didn't make me forgot how he trusted his ex more than me.
Anyways the week was boring to me apart from the times I hung out with Liam. Zane joined us in a couple of our hangouts. He sometimes gets jealous I think. Liam made a comment about how I use to stay in his bedroom whenever I went to visit him in the U.K when we were younger and Zane stared at him with a very mad look.
I get up from the couch where I was scrolling on my phone and head to the door. I look through the peephole and see Liam standing out there with a black plastic bag. I open the door to let him in. He walks in and sets the bag on the table.
"I have the plan all ready for tomorrow morning," He says excitedly taking a bag of chips out of the black plastic bag. I give him a look to go on with what his plan is. "Okay seeing as we have to be there earlier than everyone else we have to leave tomorrow, on Friday," He puts a chip in his mouth and continues, "So we say that your parents need you home. And that you have to stay there all weekend until Sunday because you're scheduled to be at stream con on the pannels for Saturday," He eats another chip and plops himself on the sofa.
"Okay...and what if they ask what the emergency is that I have to leave on a Friday and that I can't go to stream con with them. I also forgot to text you that Zane bought me a ticket already..." I say twiddling my thumbs. He hums a bit, he looks like he's trying to make a good excuse.
"We'll just say that...your cousin came home...from...college....yes! She's just come home from college and she'll only be in town for those three days, they can't say no to that." He says smiling. I grab the black plastic bag and look at the snacks in there. I grab a soda and chips and go to sit on the sofa.
"Reasonable, we'll we have our plan for tomorrow morning. What time are we leaving at?" I ask.
"We'll leave in the afternoon around 5:30 PM? And also technically you're not lying to Zane because we are staying at your parent's house," He says standing up from the sofa and throws his chip bag in the trashcan. He comes back and sits down.
For the rest of the time, we just chilled, talking and laughing. We called Rosie for a bit on discord until she had to leave. Around 7:00 PM Liam left to go back to his Air BNB to pack a bag to stay over at my parent's house.
Zane said he'd come and pick me up around 7:10 PM so I have 10 whole minutes to spare. I lay there on the sofa waiting for him to get here. I grab my phone and answer DM's from fans until Zane gets here. Some of the DM's are funny, some are mean, but some also make me smile.
Finally, there is a knock on the door and I go to open it seeing Zane there. "Ready for dinner little one?" He smiles at me holding his hand out. I nod at him and close the door behind me. I make grabby hands at him and he picks me up. I wrap my legs around him and lay my head on his shoulder.
We get to the dining hall and Zane puts me down. I cross my arms giving him a mad look. I don't want to be put down. I make grabby hands at him again. He chuckles a bit at me, "No Carmen, I can't carry you and the tray you have to walk." I cross my arms at him and huff. He shakes his head a bit and grabs our food trays.
He begins walking to the table and I stand there in place. He turns back around and gives me a look. "Carmen stop standing there and hurry up," He says sternly at me. I shake my head no and sit on the floor. He sighs and taps his foot. "Carmen...get off the floor and hurry up, the food is gonna get cold,"
I stay seated on the floor giving him a devilish smile, "I don't wanna walk...you carry me please!" He smiles, "Alright then I guess your food is gonna get cold and I'll eat your sweet dessert," He walks off to the table sitting both trays down. "Wait no!" I run off to catch up to him at the table. He can't eat my dessert it's mine and only mine!
He chuckles at me when I sit down and grab my tray. I begin to eat my food leaving the vegetables for last because I don't like them. I take a bite out of my chicken.
"Psst!" Avery says to me so only I hear. I take another bite of my chicken and nod at her with a confused look. "There's a party all the doms are going to tonight, so we were all wondering if you want to come with us, we're just gonna go and eat probably and just hang out,"
I whisper back to her, "Yeah for sure seems fun, just text me when I should leave my dorm to meet up with you all." She smiles at me thrilled at my answer. "what are you two smiling about...?" Casey says to us and Zane turns to both of us as well. We look at each other and giggle.
"Nothing Mommy," She sweetly says. Casey and Zane turn back to all the doms.
The rest of dinner was fun all of us just chatting. I could overhear just a bit of the dom's conversations at what time they're all going to meet up for the party. I finish my meal pretty fast leaving me to eat the disgusting vegetables. I pick at them a little.
"Carmen, you have to eat them," Zane tells me. I give him a disgusting look, I really don't want to eat them. "Look if you eat them then I'll let you eat whatever junk food they have at that streaming con thing without any vegetable deal?" He says. Haha jokes on him I'm not even going to be there. No, hold on, I am, I'm just not going to be in the crowd with them.
I smile at him, "Deal". Oh god, why did I take this deal? I muster up the courage and eat all the vegetables hating the taste of them. By the time I'm done eating every little is done too. They all act as if they're tired. How do I know they're acting you may wonder? We'll because of how their movements are but the doms are all eating it up and taking them to their dorms.
I pretend to be tired as well and yawn, "I tired..." I say to Zane. Zane grabs my tray and his leaving it in the dirty tray area. "Come on little one it's time for bed," He says picking me up. He smells nice...
He tells everyone he'll see them in a bit and we head to my dorm. As we leave the dining hall the cold air hits us. I should have worn a sweater it's actually quite cold out here. I shiver a bit, "Don't worry we're almost at your dorm," Zane rubs my back gently.
We make it back to the dorm and enter it, Zane closes the door behind us, "Let's get you a shower before bed," he takes me to my bedroom. He sets me down on my bed. He goes over to my drawer and grabs a pajama. He grabs me once more and takes me to the bathroom.
He turns on the water and waits for it to be warm, "Okay it's warm now, you can get in Carmen." I undress and then hop into the shower. My shower was quick and as soon as I was out Zane handed me a towel. I dried myself up and Zane helped me put on my pajamas. "Alright brush your teeth," Zane said. I grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth as Zane dried my hair so it wouldn't be wet when I get to bed. When I was done brushing my teeth he got finished drying my hair.
We go to my room and Zane places me in my bed. He covers me up with blankets, "Want me to read you a bedtime story?" I smile at him and nod excitedly. He picks out three stories from my shelf and comes over to me. "Okay choose one," I could choose, The tale of peter rabbit, One fish two fish red fish blue fish, or The Rainbow Fish. I choose The Rainbow Fish and Zane begins to read it.
By the time we got to the middle of the story, I pretended to fall asleep. I could hear Zane putting the book down near my table and come over to my side of the bed. He leans down and kisses me on the forehead whispering, "Goodnight princess," and then turning off the lights in my bedroom only leaving my night light on. He exits my room then exits the dorm. I hear the door close shut and lock.
I wait in bed for five minutes just to make sure he has left for sure. Once I'm sure I get out of bed and turn my bedroom light on. I go over to my closet and pick out an outfit for tonight. I picked out high-waisted denim jeans, a black tight shirt, and a pink cardigan seeing as it is a bit cold outside with black converse.
Once I'm done putting on my clothes my phone rings with a message from Avery.
Avery: Hey! We're all ready. We're at the parking lot want me to come to get you?
Carmen: No I'm good I'll be there in a couple of minutes see you in a bit! :D
I go over to my bed quickly and put pillows under my covers to make it look I'm still there sleeping. I put my phone in my pocket and grab my wallet in my other pocket.
I turn my light off and then go over to my entrance door. I open it slightly making sure there was no one patrolling the dorms. Luckily there was no one. My heart was still racing, I don't want to get caught. I exit my dorm and lock the door behind me. I walk/ run to the elevator making sure no one sees me. I make it to the elevator pressing it to go down. The doors open with a ding and with my luck no one was in there. I sigh in relief and get in.
I press the button to go down to the first floor. My hands are a bit shaky and sweaty. It is my first time doing this alone, and I've only ever done it once. The doors open with a ding and before exiting the elevator I make sure no ones out there. I see no one then run for the exit of the dormitory building. As soon as I make it out I jump excitedly that no one caught me. I calm myself down and start heading for the parking lot, but I'm still on high alert making sure no one sees me.
Everyone is standing by the black SUV we went in last time. Avery waves me over and I walk over to them. "Cool, we're all here let's get this show on the roll!" Kelly says opening the door up. Alex gets into the driver's seat and Kelly takes shotgun. I sit behind Alex near the window and Avery sits behind Kelly near the other window while Justin and Joan sit in the very back.
Alex starts to exit the parking lot but doesn't turn on the lights until we leave the school. As soon as we left the school Alex turns the front lights on and Kelly grabs the USB AUX and turns on some music. We sing along to Ariana Grande, Olivia Rodrigo, Nelly Furtado, and Mother Mother. We laugh at how off-key we are and how bad our singing is but we have fun. The windows are all rolled down. The air flows through our hair and hits our faces.
After 40 minutes we stop at a little diner. We all get off one by one and then head into the diner. We sit in one of the corner booths. Looking around the diner it looked very cute, it was an 80's themed diner. Very bright and colorful I really liked how it looked.
After a few minutes of sitting here, a lady came rolling by. Literally, she was in a very cute outfit with roller skates on. "Hello, there sweets! Here are the menus, can I get you guys anything to drink?" She put the menus in front of us taking out a notepad and pen. We looked at the back of the menus to see the drinks. I got a strawberry lemonade.
"Alright, I'll be back with those drinks in the meantime pick out what you want to eat" She rolls away leaving all of us here. We all begin chatting together telling each other funny stories and also seeing what we want to eat.
After a few minutes, the lady comes back and gives us the drinks and also takes notes on what we want to eat. I order first and get a burger and fries then everyone else orders. They all either get the same or get chicken tenders and fries. After she leaves we get back to talking.
"So when are you and Zane getting together," kelly teases at me. I giggled and blush a little bit, everyone laughs a bit too, "Well I'm not sure," I say back.
"Well, a small birdie tells me that might be very soon..." Justin smirks at me while coloring one of the coloring pages the lady left on the table. Both Avery and Alex say in unison, "I really love how her skin feels on mine...the way she says my name and how adorable she looks when she's mad, everything about her is perfect!" they mock the way Zane probably said that. I blush, did he really say that about me?
They all laugh and giggle at me saying my face is really red. The lady comes back with all of our meals and we begin to eat. The fries were so good and the burger was so good too. "I'm so excited for Saturday!" Joan says with a big grin on her face while eating a chicken tender. We all agree with her and start talking about the streaming con and who's going to be on the panels this year.
After 1 hour of eating and talking we decide to leave. We pay then leave for the black SUV. We all get into the seats we were in before. "We should go to the park we still have like 3 hours left before have to go back," Justin says. We all agree happily. It's been a while since I've been to a park because of school and also because of my job taking over half my day.
Alex drives the park, with all of us excited in the back to get there. Five minutes into the drive we hear a loud screeching noise. We all give each other confused looks and Alex pulls over quickly. He gets out first to look around and from the inside, I could see his eyes widen. I hop out of the car and go to him. I turn to see and see a huge scratch on the side of the SUV. Everyone hops out as well and sees the scratch. Everyone's eyes also widen. Both Joan and kelly's faces turn pale.
This is not a small scratch...this is a HUGE scratch very noticeable. Avery starts to pace back and forth. "What did you hit to make it scratch that big and noticeable Alex!?" I tell him freaking out. We are totally caught when we return. They'll see this and know we left without their permission!
"I don't know, I swear!" Alex says in return and starts to breathe in and out heavily. Kelly tries to rub it off with her shirt but it won't come out. "Guys we're totally caught the doms are one hundred percent going to notice this huge scratch!" Joan says with a shaky tone.
"The punishments guys, THE PUNISHMENTS! They're going to be the worst ones yet!" Avery keeps pacing around which makes me more nervous and freak out more. I grab her from the shoulder to stop her but she doesn't.
"Well maybe we could run away to Canada, or even Mexico," Justin says opening his phone up and typing something, "There's a 24-hour border if we leave now we can get there by 6 AM," He says breathing heavily.
"Yes, yes we can! Uh...Carmen, you're the only one who knows Spanish out of all of us and you know it well, you can teach all of us when we get there," Joan says with glassy eyes.
"We'll go down south in Mexico my parents have a house near the beach and we can sell food or something for money," I say freaking out more and start pacing with Avery.
"Wonderful! We can change our names too, my new name can be Alejandro, And we won't get punished guys," Justin says with his hands in his hair.
"GUYS! PULL IT TOGETHER!" Alex yells making all of us stop planning our getaway plan. "Everyone...take a deep breath in and out, in and out slowly," We all do as Alex says and take deep breaths in and out slowly. We calm down.
"Good now let's figure this out together and stay calm, we still have 2 hours and 50 minutes before we need to go back," He says as he shakes his hands up and down. He looks nervous too.
We all calm down and start sharing out ideas one by one... let's just hope one of our ideas is good enough to help us here...
Word Count: 3215
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