《DDLG Academy: Double Life》Chapter 7


I wake up to the sound of someone knocking on my door. Groggily I look around my surroundings. I'm still in my gaming set up in the closet. Oh god, I must have stayed up all night. I rub my eyes and look at my screen I'm still in a voice chat with Liam and Natalie. It's the night for them already.

"Hey, guys uh...I've got to go. I slept in" They laugh at me a little then say goodbye to me and I exit out the voice chat. I quickly shut this room and lock it running to my room and putting on my uniform as fast as I can.

"CARMEN! OPEN THIS DOOR YOU'RE SO LATE TO CLASS" A guy's voice yelled from outside my dorm room. That voice was Zane's. I hurried brushed my teeth and put on my uniform grabbing my bag and heading to the door.

Just as I was about to open it Zane knocks again. I sigh and open the door and see him standing there. "Good you're awake now hurry up, you're so late to class come on," He says as he hands me a granola bar and water.

I eat it on our way to class. "Why didn't you wake up on time I knocked on your door multiple times" He sounded furious with me.

"Well I mean you are my caregiver so you could have just walked in and woke me up" Good thing he didn't because if he did he would have seen everything. He shakes his head holding my hand and walking faster.

"Maybe you're right maybe I should get a key to your room so I could get you up on time" His strides get bigger as we walk. Oh gosh, why did I say that? What if he does get a key? It'll be way harder to hide my secret if he does. The rest of the way to class was quiet.

Once we get to my class Zane opens the door for me and we both walk in. I go to my seat next to Avery and Kelly. Zane walks over to the teacher and talks to her. She nods to him and he leaves the classroom and the teacher resumes class as soon as he shuts the door.


"Why are you like 30 minutes late?" Kelly whispers to me. Avery looks our way.

"I slept in by accident..." I whisper only loud enough for both of them to hear. Both of them nod and return their attention to the teacher and so do I.

All my classes today were boring and I felt tired. I shouldn't have stayed up all night but it was worth it. Those monster energy drinks wore off pretty quickly. As classes go by I try not to fall asleep. Every time I do fall asleep Avery is there to nudge me a little to wake me up.

By the time my last it's my last class before lunch I feel all worn out and tired. I try to keep my eyelids open but they get heavier by the second. I try to listen to the teacher but her voice just tunes out. I get a scare when the bell rings for lunch. I get up slowly walking to the door and everyone passes me up.

"Carmen can you wait here with me until your caregiver gets her," My biology teacher says. I look at her confuse but nod in agreement. We wait there silently for two minutes until Zane got here.

"Please come in Mr. Black" Zane steps in and stands next to me.

"Is something wrong?" Zane questions giving me the side-eye. I stand there awkwardly, fiddling with my thumbs. I slightly bit down on my lower lip.

"On my roster, it shows you're her new caregiver correct?" Zane nods at her statement.

"Okay well for the past of couple weeks I've noticed Carmen tends to be falling asleep and can barely keep herself awake. She also hasn't been turning in any work or homework assignments I give to her. There might be a high possibility this might be happening in other classes. " She tells Zane.

Come on she didn't have to rat me out like that. The only reason I haven't been turning in homework is that I've been busy editing videos and recording and streaming. My plate is full but they can't know that. I sigh in frustration. Sometimes I wish I didn't attend this school.


The teacher hands Zane a stack of papers, "These are all the missing assignments she has in my class. I suggest you go check her other classes to see if she has any missing assignments there or if there's something wrong. And please make sure she gets some sleep because she keeps coming to class half asleep," She tells Zane. He grabs my hand and thanks the teacher for the information he just received. We walk out of the classroom and stand in the middle of the empty hall. Everyone is already at lunch.

Couldn't the teacher just hold off until later? She really had to do it during lunch? Zane lets go of my hands and moves me to face him. I tilt my head a little bit up to face him eye to eye.

He sighs, "Why haven't you been doing your work?" I obviously won't tell him the truth, so I just shrug my shoulders at him. "I put you to sleep at 8:00 PM and you come to school sleepy? Have you not been going to sleep when I tell you?"

"I guess I'm just a sleepy person what can I say?" I once again shrug my shoulders. Clearly, I'm lying about this. It's just I don't get enough sleep. Mainly my fault non of his. He puts the papers inside his bag and holds his hand out for me to hold. I put my hand in his and we silently walk over to the dining hall.

He grabs both of our food trays and once again he doesn't put juice on my plate instead he puts a water bottle like last time. We walk over to the table where everyone was already finished eating at. Reasonable enough seeing as the teacher took all our time to eat leaving us with only ten minutes. I try to sit over where the littles were at but Zane grabs my shoulder and forces me to sit on his lap on the dom side of the table. He places both trays on the table. I pout at him.

He tries to spoon-feed me my lunch but I don't open my mouth for him. I pout at him. Why can't I sit next to my friends? I don't want to sit here with the doms...it's so boring....

I sigh, "Why can't I sit with Avery?" I slightly whisper to him. He looks at me with a 'do I really have to explain that' look.

"Good girls can sit with their friends, bad girls have to sit on my lap and eat with no talking. Now eat before you go to your next class," He says as he tries to put food in my mouth again. I give him an angry look and he sighs at me, "Do you want to do this the hard way or the easy way?"

Depends on what the hard way is? Or the easy way at that. You know what? I'm going to be bratty why does he get to tell me if I can sit with my friends or not? I cross my arms at him and turn my face the other way. The other doms at the table all start looking our way as if they know what's to come.

Zane pushes his food away and brings mine closer. He gets a fork full of salad and forcefully opens my mouth. I try my best to close it but he's too strong for me to even try. The food enters my mouth and he forces me to chew and swallow.

"Open your mouth so I can see you actually swallowed your food" I roll my eyes at him.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, now open your mouth" I open my mouth wide and he gives me another fork full of my mouth. Once again he forces me to chew and swallow. Then again he gives me another forkful and again until I get full.

As soon as I was done eating he finally pushed his tray back to him. As soon as he was gonna take a bit of his food the bell rang to get to class. He sighed frustrated at that and picked the trays up nodding at me to follow him. He put the dirty trays on the rack and then held my hand taking me to my last class of the day...

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