《One Plus One》🖤Ch.12 :Can't Move Forward If...
"You really had to paint that room this early in the morning ? It's like five," Santo asked his father as they started re-painting the walls in one of the three guest rooms.
"Your ass should have said no instead of coming here to complain."
"You would've cursed my ass out. Be thankful to have a very helpful son," he said, making his father smack his teeth at him. Before he could dive the brush in the Pantone's cool gray 10UP paint, he straightened up and stared at his father with squinted eyes.
Feeling heavy eyes on him, Mr. Harris stopped moving and then slowly turned towards his son. "What ? "
"What's going on ? Why do you want to re-decorate this room all of sudden ? Decoration has never been your thing." He raised his right brow in interrogation. "Did you meet someone ? "
"No, I met nobody. A woman won't make me do something that I don't want to do in the first place. I've been saying that we need some renovations in here for some years now."
"And I thought that you would call someone to take care of it, like you did when we first moved in this house. Why do you want to do this yourself now ? "
"Because I feel like it. I'm tired of spending money to hire people to do a job that I can do myself and for less money."
"Okay, whatever." Realizing that he wasn't going to have more details, he gave up on questioning him more. If he did actually meet someone, he would meet this person in due time. He just might have to come by more often to catch his father. Yes, he was nosey like that.
"Dad, what the hell are yo--" Chadwick entered the room, rubbing sleep out of his eyes since he just got woken up. He paused once he noticed his big brother, whom he hadn't spoken to for about two weeks now. Their last conversation didn't go too well since he informed him that Orlea and he were going to abort their baby, a decision that Chresanto still did not agree with.
"Listen, I don't know what you're arguing about, but you're gonna stop that shit right now. You're brothers, family and we stick together no matter what. We are all each other has. Y'all remember ? It's us three against the world. It actually hurts me to see y'all like this, do y'all want to see me hurt ? "
Chresanto rolled his eyes and busied himself with the task at hand. He didn't want to talk to his little brother, not wanting to say something he would regret for the rest of his life. He couldn't even look at him right now, that was how upset he was with the whole situation.
Yes, it was their baby and this decision mainly concerned them, but damn this baby was his family too. On the same day, he learned that he was going to be an uncle and also that this privilege was going to be taken away from him. He didn't want to make it about him, but he couldn't help feeling how he felt.
When things got better with Mr. Harris and Chadwick, things went left with the two brothers. Mr. Harris was tired of the unnecessary tension and wanted him and his sons to be all cool again. Lately, they hadn't been able to keep up with their little traditions and missed some Friday Game days when they would usually watch sports together and have a good-ole father and sons hangout.
Chadwick nodded at his father's words. "Santo, can we talk ? " He tried to get his brother's attention, but was only met with silence. "Please ? " he attempted a second time and was still ignored. He looked at his father with pleading eyes, asking him to step in.
"We'll talk another day. I came here to help you, so that's what I'm doing. I have to leave here at seven to be on time at work." He didn't mean to cut his father off and be rude, but he was getting angry and he knew that if he let them keep insisting, he would lose it.
"You heard him ? " Knowing how his son was, Mr. Harris preferred to let it go. At least for now.
"Yeah...call me when you're ready to talk." He signed sadly, then left the room not wanting to upset Chresanto even more than he already was. He was missing his best friend and wanted them to be good again, but he also understood that he needed time to process the information he gave him a few weeks ago. Seeing his brother's reaction, he didn't know how to come to his father with this.
"I've never seen you that mad at Chad before. Usually, your arguments last not more than three days. What happened ? "
"Don't worry 'bout this, we'll be good again."
"Can you believe this ? My future wife was in the same room and I didn't see her ! "
"Your future wife ? "
"Yes, nigga ! I don't know what it is about her, but...damn ! She's my African Queen, the girl of my dreams."
Chresanto couldn't help but laugh at Kofi. He was in his office, going through some paperwork and in the middle of reading numbers, when his best friend called him, allowing him to have a break. Kofi was looking up his pictures on Google from the premiere event they went to and as he was scrolling down, he realized that Ebony's friend he crushed on at the club was there too.
It took him a few minutes to find her name, Katlego Evelyn Diore, which then led him to her Instagram page. For the past hour, he'd been stalking her page and liking almost every picture. The more he looked at those pictures, the more he thought that he was actually falling in love.
When Chresanto heard those words from his best friend's mouth, he almost choked on his own saliva. He instantly wondered if Kofi was on some drugs or if he was severely lacking sleep.
"You really need to stop talking like this before I take you to the nearest hospital. Two weeks ago, you wanted her number so you could get her in your bed, you weren't talking about her being your African Queen."
"People change their mind all the time, why can't I do the same ? "
"Because--" he began and was quickly cut off when the little Arietta stepped in his office and made herself comfortable on the black velvet sofa with white oak legs that he had in the corner, next to his black Ikea bookcase, which contained books, pictures and some little pieces of decoration.
Today some kids weren't at school because there was a fire accident, which burnt a part of the building. There wasn't too much damage, but for safety purposes classes were canceled for the rest of the week. Since parents couldn't stay at home, the kids were at the shop for the day. The parents trusted Chresanto. They knew they were safe at the shop, mainly since he made sure to turn his shop also into a safe place for the kids to play.
"Because what ? "
"I'm calling you later." He didn't want to continue his conversation with a kid around. The kids at the shop were super nosey and there were some things that they didn't need to know about.
"Alright. Bye, nigga."
"Bye, fool. And stop stalking her page weirdo."
"It's not happening, let me admire my African Queen."
Chresanto shook his head as they hung up. "What I'm gonna do with this child," he mumbled, putting his phone on the charger.
"Hello ! " Arietta reminded him of her presence since she felt kind of ignored right now. With what she planned to do, she needed to have his full attention.
"Wassup, lil' A ? Everything's good ? "
"Uh, yeah, well not so much, " she nervously answered, fiddling with her fingers. She couldn't believe that she was really going to do this.
"What's wrong ? " he asked with concern clear in his tone, as he crossed his hands on the desk, not taking his eyes off her.
She took a deep breath and stood up before making her way to the front of the desk. She cleared her throat, repeating her little speech in her head, getting herself fully prepared. Two more words of encouragement helped her to confess what she'd been feeling for Chresanto since the first day she saw him.
"Well, I love you since the very first day. I know I'm too young now, but if you're willing to wait for me, we can make it work you know."
Chresanto was taken aback by her confession, too shocked to say anything. He knew, well everybody in the shop knew that she had the biggest crush on him, but he didn't know it was this serious. Once the shock passed, he couldn't help but find amusement in this situation. A nine-year-old confessed her love for him and asked that he waits for her so they could make it work.
He found it hilarious and cute and was also a tiny bit flattered.
He beamed. "You don't even know what you're talking about."
She scrunched up her face, crossing her arms over her chest. "Yes, I know. I love you Mr. Santo and I can't act like this isn't happening between us." She gestured to him and herself with her right hand.
Chresanto wasn't trying to hurt her feelings by laughing in her face, but she was making it hard. "Oh, wow ! What's happening between us ? I'm sorry, but I saw nothing."
She shrugged. "You're a man, that's why."
"Oh, okay. Uh, well...uh, I don't know what to say to be honest with you."
"Don't worry about this, as long as we're on the same page, everything is good. But it has to stay a secret...for the next nine years. But you know what, we can do this, " she said excitedly, giving him a warm smile.
He cleared his throat, still refraining from laughing out loud and hurting her feelings. She was too young to have a heartbreak like that, but the more he thought about how to nicely tell her that they weren't possible, the more he realized that he actually had to break her heart one way or another.
"Arietta, sweetheart, I'm sorry but it won't be possible. There will never be an us, you know. But it's not you, it's me, " he added this, seeing how her expression had drastically changed. "You're perfect, but I'm not and you deserve so much more than me. I'm not as good of a man as I'm making it seem."
"No, really, listen to me. I care too much about you, to do this to you. I will only hurt you."
"Really ? " she asked, pouting.
He nodded. "Yes, I'm telling you the honest truth. Forget me. Wait a few years and the man of your dreams will come into your life. And this man isn't me, you're too good for me." He grabbed her left hand and placed a kiss on the back. "But I don't want to lose you as a friend."
She yanked her hand from his grip. "Maybe later, but for now I need distance." She sighed heavily, putting her left hand on the left side of her chest, and gasped as if she could literally feel her heart beat against the palm. "I wasn't expecting this."
"I know, me either. But I had to let you know."
"I...I understand. Bye, Mr. Santo." She made her way towards the door and before opening it, she gave him one last glance before leaving with a heavy heart.
"Oh my God..." Chresanto exclaimed after she left, not believing what actually happened. It was the last thing he expected to happen. After replaying the entire scene in his head, he couldn't help but laugh. "Lord ! " he laughed more, until there was a knock at his door.
He thought it was Arietta again, but was disappointed when he saw Christee entering as if it was her own office. She was the last person he wanted to see. After what she did at the mini golf, she disgusted him. She was standing so low now and looked desperate.
"I'm not here for your shenanigans today, so leave."
"Please, hear me out, " she started pleading, but he wasn't having that.
"No, bye."
"Really ? I came all the way here to talk. We need to talk, Santo."
"It's Chresanto, and no I don't think so."
"This bitch brainwashed you or what ? "
He slowly stood from his chair, wiping his face in frustration. He then buttoned up his blazer and put his hands in his pants pockets since they were itching to grab an object to throw at her head. If he had nothing else but love for this girl years ago, now it wasn't the case at all.
"First off, she's not a bitch. She has a name, that your trash ass ain't have the privilege to pronounce. Second off, nobody brainwashed me. And lastly, if you don't get out of here, I'm gonna kick your ass out myself."
"Obviously, you aren't having the best day so I'm gonna let all of this slide and act like it never happened. I'm coming back later."
"No, you are not."
She sighed, feeling defeated for a second, but she was too determined to give up so easily. She had been missing Chresanto and realized the mistake she made by letting him go. As the days went by, she realized this more and more. She wanted him back and since she couldn't stand to not have what she wanted, he had no other choice but to get back with her. For now, she was being nice but he was seriously getting on her nerves, so she'll soon have to use other methods.
"I love you, Chresanto. I've never stopped, I--"
"Stop. Stop wasting your breath cause it won't make me change my mind. I don't feel the same. You showed more of your true colors at the mini golf and if you want me to be honest with you, I was disgusted. Okay ? I don't want to be associated with you. Now, get out."
"I love you, " she insisted, only to get him angrier.
"Get out."
"Okay, but know that we're not done, " she let him know before storming out of his office, making sure to slam the door behind her.
He looked up at the ceiling. "What did I do, God ? Why ? Do I really deserve this ? I just want to be happy, is it too much to ask ? "
Now, he couldn't help but wonder if Ebony was another headache.
It was nine-thirty in the evening and Chresanto was exhausted from his busy day. After Christee's little visit, he got himself together and ran off to the multiple meetings he had for the day.
He first started with his lawyer, then with the accountant before heading to the meeting he had set up with his youngest interns so they could debrief together about the past six months. After that, he finished with a meeting with one of his interns that needed his advice for college. The teenage boy didn't know where to go and what exactly he wanted to do, but had a lot of ideas running through his mind and couldn't clear his thoughts on his own. As the mentor he was, Chresanto was more than happy to help.
"I don't know about you, but I'm starving," Ebony told him as they read the menu. When he called her the night before, he suggested that they check out this new restaurant that just opened downtown, and liking the idea Ebony accepted to come with him, so here they were now.
It was a Spanish restaurant called Mariposa, where they were of course serving Spanish dishes. There were three floors, where the third one was more like a bar, and you could also eat on the rooftop where they were currently sitting at. You had a magnificent view of the city and as usual, it had a better view at night. Since it wasn't that cold tonight, they wanted to enjoy the food and view at the same time, and it seemed like they weren't the only ones thinking this way because it was packed.
"I only ate a little sandwich today, I'm ready to have a full course meal. What are you taking ? "
"I don't know...there are so many options and half of them are unknown to my knowledge. I would like to try something new, but I'm gonna be so pissed off if I don't like it. I hate wasting my money on food that I dislike."
"Well, you won't be wasting your money since I'm paying."
She couldn't help but chuckle. "You were really serious about paying for our next date, huh ? " She then frowned slightly, pushing some hair behind her left shoulder. "Well, I didn't even know it was a date."
"Let's say that everything we do from now on is a date. You can't say that I'm not romantic."
"Trust me, I won't."
"How are you feeling though ? Your head is still hurting ? "
She shook her head. "No. I'm feeling so much better. My bump still hurts when you touch it though, but I'm glad it isn't big to the point where you can see it through my hair."
Chresanto sighed, feeling guilty about the event that occurred at the mini golf. They were supposed to have a good time and his ex-girlfriend ruined everything, and hurt Ebony. Both of their exes were acting like fools, but his just did the absolute most.
"Santo, it's not your fault. You can't control people's actions, " she told him, causing his heart to jump in his chest. How did she know what he was thinking about ?
"How did you..." he started, not able to form the rest of his sentence.
She laughed lightly. "I'm a woman." She blinked at him as they chuckled at her answer. "No but for real, stop feeling guilty for what she did."
"Are you gonna press charges ? " he asked out of curiosity.
"No, I'm gonna let this slide but that was her last time trying me like that. Next time I see her, I don't care where we are, she better not look my way, talk to me, nothing."
"I'm sorry you have to go through all of this because you're dating me though. Why haven't you ran yet ? I know other women would be like fuck it at this point, and walk away before it goes too far."
She narrowed her eyes at him, now completely putting the menu down. "Do you need to tell me something ? "
He rolled his eyes, getting really annoyed with this whole situation. He just wanted them to focus on their relationship instead of being worried about what Christee had up her sleeves; he couldn't let it go further because someone was really going to get hurt, whether it physically or emotionally.
"She stopped by the shop today, talking about some I still love you and I want you back." He decided to be honest with her instead of keeping this information to himself.
She smacked her teeth. "I hate people like her. They see you moving forward and being happy, and can't accept it because they're not satisfied with their own life. If she really loves you like she's saying, she has to be less selfish and let you be happy."
"Misery loves company." He shrugged.
"Yeah, and she realized her loss and now wants nobody to have you if she can't have you. Bitter ex."
He shook his head. "That shit crazy. Anyways ! How was your day ? "
"Had a meeting with a client, then I went to support my sister Paris at her photoshoot and basically played the sister-manager for the day since she decided to fire her old manager."
"Wow, what happened for her to fire her ? "
"Caught stealing money. Her lawyer was in it too, so now she has to change her entire team since she can trust nobody. People are really trifling. How was your day ? "
"Had a few meetings and oh ! Arietta confessed her love for me, it was funny."
"Arietta ? The little girl who didn't seem to like me when I came to the shop ? "
He nodded laughing. "Yes, that's her."
"It makes sense now. How did you respond though ? I hope you didn't laugh in her face. Oh, please ! Tell me you didn't break her little heart." She pouted, clutching her chest for dramatic effect.
"I kinda had to. I told her that I wasn't a good man for her, that she deserved way better than me."
"I can't." She laughed, "I bet that whole scene was so dramatic."
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