《One Plus One》🖤Ch.10 :Better Keep Back, This Ain't A Throwback
👸🏿😍👠📸 Guurrrl !!!! You better watch out for the blonde hair !!!!!
Ebony frowned once she received the message from her best friend, which was accompanied with a video. Her frown only deepened as she watched it, seeing Chresanto at some Hollywood party, who was having a conversation with what seemed to be his ex-girlfriend. Was she everywhere he was ? Something was going on between those two ? She instantly asked herself, continuing to watch. Her questions were quickly answered when she saw Chresanto trying to get away from his ex, who seemed persistent to make him stay with her so they could talk about whatever. The look in her eyes let Ebony know that she wanted more from Santo than a simple conversation though.
Where are they now ? She's still with him ?
No, he's with his friends and she's with Jerome 🙄🤢🤢😷
😂 stop being childish bro
Can't help it 🙄 this ninja disgusted me 😷 and she is too for messing with him 😷
😑 I was messing with him too
What you tryna say sis ? 😒
You, my dear, was misguided but you found the light ✨☺️ & you're on to better things
Like Chresanto
& I ain't letting go nowhere, I gotchu 👊🏾
😘Thanks boo
If she approaches him again, throw a drink at her head from me please 🙃
Of course !!!!!!
Did he respond yet to your messages tho ? 🤔
😣 No, but I can't blame him tho
I did ignore him first
I'm gonna visit him at his shop
*when he'll be back so we can talk.
Hopefully, he's not too mad 🤞🏾
🙏🏾 hope so, but if he wants to play too complicated, let him go.
My sister ain't bout to suck nobody's ass
Make your effort, then if he's not happy ADIOS ✌🏾
Yup !
Keep me updated ‼️
I will boo, don't worry 😘😘
Eb put her phone down, then grabbed her laptop. Next thing she knew, she was on Google, researching on Christee. After a few minutes she found her last name, then typed it in the browser as multiple results appeared on her screen. She went on the images where there was a bunch of her, with a lot of other popular people, mainly basketball and football players.
"Hmm, interesting, " she commented, scrolling down a bit. So far, she found out that she dated or was in a serious relationship with four football players, three basketball players, two soccer players and both from the same team, one baseball player and some heir in England, before she got with Jerome.
To Ebony, this didn't make her any type of hoe because everybody has the right to date and be in a relationship with as many people as they please. But the fact that all those boyfriends or whatever had about the same social status rang a bell in her mind. This girl definitely had a type and she seemed determined to get what she wanted.
"Watch out for the blonde hair..." she repeated, replaying Kat's message in her head as well as the little video.
It seemed like that Christee girl was going to be a huge problem if she didn't take care of it as soon as possible. She planned to first talk about this with Chresanto to make sure that she wasn't being played, but also for him to be very careful around this gold digger. Then, and if she was persistent, she will have to talk face to face with that girl, and maybe even teach her a lesson or two.
But she was really hoping that she wouldn't have to get her crazy side out, because she was trying to be a better person and act this way the least possible.
Ivory needed to stay in the closet.
Getting out of her car, Ebony grabbed her mini mirror from her purse so she could check her makeup and hair. Once she made sure she looked presentable, she walked to the shop with nervousness running through her body.
She didn't know how Chresanto would react to her showing up right now. They hadn't talked since she stormed out of the gym after his ex-girlfriend came to them to obviously start some shit.
Ebony didn't think she was being extra when she left since she felt disrespected, but she did think it was childish to have ignored him the way she did and could understand if he was still a bit annoyed with her, but hopefully they'll be able to put that behind them and move on.
Stepping inside the shop, the smell of fresh car, mint and lemon hit her noise as she looked around in search of Chresanto. Luckily, he was at the reception desk, talking with one of his employees as they were going through some paperwork and checking things with the receptionist.
She took a breath, encouraging herself in her head. Once she was behind him, she slightly tapped on his left shoulder, causing him to turn around. His expression was at first confused, then it became neutral not really telling her if he was happy or not to see her there. That alone made her stomach turn on itself.
She smiled weakly, shoving her hands in the pockets of her black velvet Bernado hooded insulated parka. Spring was coming soon, and Ebony couldn't wait for the weather to change because she had already done some shopping and bought all types of cute outfits that she was going to look fabulous in.
"Hey, " she shyly greeted, hoping that he wasn't going to cuss her ass out.
"Hey, how are you doing ? "
"I'm fine, what about you ? "
"I'm good." A little silence set in as they looked at each other for what seemed to be an eternity. "Did you need something ? " he finally broke it, still intensively staring at her.
He wasn't expecting her to show up unannounced, but he was somehow glad she did. After being ignored for a few days, he wasn't too sure about their relationship status. Now that she was here, he knew that they still had a chance to try something, unless she came for a whole other reason.
"Uh, yes. Can we go somewhere, so we can talk ? What about lunch ? I'm inviting you." She didn't know why, but as the seconds went by she was getting even more nervous. At this moment, she was expecting the worst but was also hoping for the best.
"Uh, okay, " he briefly answered before turning his attention towards his employees, "hey y'all, I'm coming back at two and we'll continue to take care of it. Nat, make sure to take my calls and Jordan, you can order these, pay with the black card."
"Okay, " they said at the same time and went back to work. Jordan went upstairs to put in the orders for some new pieces and Natalie got back to her computer to check emails and answered some of them.
"I'm going to my office real quick, I'm coming back in five minutes, " he let Eb know as he picked up his files, then he took the elevator to his office so he could put them in his drawer, which was usually locked, and grab his coat and scarf.
Soon, both were on the road, going out for lunch. The first minutes in the car were filled with silence since none of them knew what to say. Ebony was scared to say the wrong thing and Chresanto was still shocked at the fact that she showed up; he didn't know exactly what she wanted from him and it was making him wonder about it a lot.
"Uh, do you want to eat at a specific place ? " she finally asked, stopping at a red light.
"No, " he simply answered, still looking out the window.
"Well, I was thinking about Shake Shack. Is that alright with you ? "
"Yes, I don't mind."
She nodded and continued to drive to their destination. She chose a little Shake Shack restaurant that was actually hiding in a street where you could only see it if you were aware of its presence or if you were paying a lot of attention to details around you. It wasn't packed, nor was it empty and they fortunately found a booth table near the back.
They got comfortable, taking the coats and scarfs off and relaxing on their seats. "Before starting, I would like for us to have this talk, so we can enjoy our food for real. What do you think about this ? " she started saying, watching him put the menu down on the table.
"Why not ? I don't mind. What do you want to talk about exactly ? "
She hummed, thinking about her next words. "First, I want to apologize for ignoring you when you tried to get in touch with me. It was childish and uncalled for given the situation. For that, I was being a little extra."
He nodded. "Apology accepted. I want to apologize also for not replying you. Two wrongs don't make it right. I was dragging the issue."
Chresanto didn't really appreciate being ignored, so when he received her message, he decided to do the same but it wasn't supposed to last a whole week. He got caught up with life and forgot to respond. Actually, he was persuaded that she didn't answer yet, and didn't once check their message thread to make sure of it since he was so annoyed with her.
"It's okay, I totally understand why you did it. I would've done worse if I was you to be honest, so you're good."
He chuckled shortly. "Oh, yeah ? "
"Yes." She smiled quickly.
"Okay, and for Christee...nothing is going on between her and I. Absolutely nothing. She's my ex-grilfriend, and I plan to keep her there, in the past. And I'm sorry for checking her out at the gym, it was foolish of me. If the roles were reversed and you were checking out your ex, I know that I wouldn't be too happy about it either."
At first, he didn't really get her reaction, but after giving it some thought, he finally got where she was coming from and totally agreed with her.
"I appreciate the apology and your honesty."
"Yeah...what about you and your ex, Jerome London ? " he asked, raising an eyebrow in a questioning way.
"You follow him on Instagram ? "
"Not anymore."
Jerome started following him two years ago because he really liked the pictures of the customized cars that Chresanto was regularly posting; he even gave him a shouted a few times on Twitter, and to show that he was thankful for the support, Santo followed him back. He was a fan of football, but Jerome wasn't one of the players he paid too much attention to, so he only recognized him months after they followed each other.
"Nothing is going on between him and I. And after that post, I'm definitely never messing with him again. My life has been better without him in it anyways. Do you feel weird that our exes are now dating, fucking or whatever they're doing ? "
He shrugged. "I sincerely don't give a fuck. They can do whatever they want, they're grown."
"Right. Enough about them, let's talk about us. What do you want to do ? "
"What do you want to do ? " he asked back, squinting his eyes at her.
She quickly rolled her eyes, and decided to talk first. Not like she really had that choice anyways. "Well...I don't want to scare you or anything, but I'm looking for something serious...but I'm all for the fun time too. I just don't want to waste my time and want us to be on the same page. So, what are we doing ? Keep dating and knowing each other to build a future together, or...none of that ? "
He thought about it and wasn't 100 percent sure of what he wanted out of this as of right now. He also felt that if they actually decided on one of those two options she was presenting, things would be awkward and feel forced between them, so he preferred to not answer that question.
"What about going with the flow ? We do what we do, and if things seem to get serious, then we'll have another talk. Just know that I'm not trying to play you, but I don't want us to put pressure on our current situation either. Does it make sense to you as much as it does for me ? "
She crossed her hands on the table, taking his words in. Was she okay with it ? For all the time she spent with him, Chresanto didn't seem like the type to play mind games and show something different from what was said. His actions often matched his words, if not always.
"Okay, let's go with the flow." She reached out her hand for a shake, which they did, staring right into each other's eyes the whole time. When they pulled their hands away, they broke the eye contact as well.
For the rest of the lunch, the conversation was light with some laughter here and there, giving them the opportunity to enjoy each other's company while eating good food. Somehow, they even planned a date for the following day, not really hiding the fact that they indeed missed one another during their little break --or whatever it was. They didn't admit it, but it could be felt from the change in their mood. As time went by, they were getting more and more happy, as if a huge weight had been taken off their shoulders.
Once they were done eating, they paid and left. As Ebony said at the shop, she invited him, so she took care of the bill, after arguing with Chresanto for ten minutes because he didn't feel right letting her do that. He could be old school about things, but it was never in a misogynistic way. His father raised a gentleman.
"Thanks again, I enjoyed myself. I'm paying next time though, " he said for the third time already, making her laugh.
"Okay, I got you. And we're splitting bills tomorrow. Now, go back to work before they start a mess in there."
"Yes, ma. I'm calling you tonight, and you better answer."
"What happens if I don't answer ? " she asked, placing a small smirk on her face.
"Trust me, you don't want those problems. I will pull up and start a whole scandal."
"You ? The chill Chresanto ? I sure want to see that."
"No, you don't. Don't think because I'm so chill, that I can't be a savage too. Don't judge a book by its cover. Ouh, that's my song right here ! " He turned the music up, starting to snap his fingers and moving his head to the beat.
"Oh now, that's a jam ! " She nodded in approval.
"I hear you knocking at my door, let's me know you want some moooore. Come and get it, if you with it. I'll touch youuu. How you like it ? Is it sensitive ? Do you want give ? Give s-more, open my door baby, " he sang with Jodeci on their song S-More.
"You're nasty like that, huh ? I noticed that you listen to a lot of Jodeci. Let me find out, " she joked, but was actually really curious to know and if she could, to find out by herself.
He said nothing to it, and just laughed it off. If only she knew. While his laughter died down, they caught eyes and began staring at each other so intensely that it seemed like the car's temperature got warmer. This tension, which they couldn't really tell what it was, started invading their entire atmosphere, causing them to feel weird sensations throughout their bodies.
When their eyes looked down to their lips, temptation came in full force. They really wanted to go for it, but since they didn't know how the other felt about this, they preferred not to cross the line.
But it was so tempting. As if somebody was offering them some forbidden candy that was just calling their names to come and get it. They knew better than taking it, but it was so hard to look somewhere else and completely walk away from it. Their hands were itching to touch and they were so close to say fuck it and commit all kinds of sin.
"Well, uh..." Chresanto started, clearing his throat that had gone so dry all of sudden. He needed to get water as soon as possible. "I'm going. I'm picking you up tomorrow around eight. Is it good with you ? "
"Yes, " she said in a whisper, shocking herself. Where did her voice go ?
He beamed. "Alright. Bye."
"Bye." She watched him get out, as her phone started vibrating on her lap, getting her attention.
It was Paris, who was asking her if they could go shopping for their mother's gift tomorrow instead of Monday as they had planned to do. She couldn't help but question her about this sudden change of plan. Paris didn't answer, but promised to tell her more the next day.
Playfully shaking her head at her sister's last message, she locked her screen and threw her phone on the passenger seat. Since she was too preoccupied with her phone, she didn't see that someone was at her window.
Well, until they knocked on it, making her jump.
"Oh, Lord ! " She instantly calmed down when she realized it was none other than Chresanto. She frowned a bit, thinking that he was already at the shop and back to work, but here he was. She rolled down her window. "Did you forget something ? "
"Yup, " he simply said before catching her lips with his, happy that he came back to get a taste of her. As he was walking back to his shop, his mind didn't want to leave him alone and was chastising him for not at least getting a peck from her. So, he decided to come back, hoping that she was still there and thankfully she was.
Allowing his tongue inside her mouth, Ebony grabbed his face so she could bring him closer. She wasn't expecting this, but she was glad he did it. She didn't know how much she missed his lips until he did that. Soft, warm and a bit wet, she loved all the physical contact she was having with him right now.
When they needed to catch their breath, they slowly pulled away with their eyes still closed, as if they were coming back from a dream they didn't want to leave. They slowly opened them, making eye contact and smiling at each other. Ebony then proceeded to get her lipgloss off his face before pecking his lips one more time.
She wiped off his face again. "Did you forget something else ? " she asked with amusement in her tone.
"No, that was all. Enjoy the rest of your day." He kissed her cheek, and finally left. Ebony watched him go back to his shop, laughing to herself.
She heard Solange's Junie playing on her radio, and turned it up as she began dancing and singing joyfully.
It was definitely a good day.
"Mini golf ? " Ebony asked with a raised brow.
"Yes. What ? You don't like it ? "
"Yes, I do. I love it. I'm glad that we don't always do the same thing."
"You're surprised because your ex really didn't make effort to organize your dates ? "
"Hm, yes. I'm now realizing how boring this whole relationship was."
He chuckled. "Let's go."
They made their way to the mini golf course, both ready to beat each other. They paid their entries and decided to first play before eating since neither of them was hungry at the moment.
"Have you ever played golf before ? " Santo asked her, watching her position herself for her first stroke.
She was grabbing her club with the most commonly used grip, which was the backhand grip. Her stance was in a passive legs way, so her feet were about thirty centimeters apart and pointing straight ahead. It looked like she knew what she was doing, but did she really know ?
"Yes, back in high school. I often went with my cousin, Deka."
"Why y'all stop going ? " He asked curiously, still observing her.
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